/** * * * * $Id$ */ package net.opengis.ows11; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EFactory; /** * * The Factory for the model. * It provides a create method for each non-abstract class of the model. * * @see net.opengis.ows11.Ows11Package * @generated */ public interface Ows11Factory extends EFactory { /** * The singleton instance of the factory. * * * @generated */ Ows11Factory eINSTANCE = net.opengis.ows11.impl.Ows11FactoryImpl.init(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Abstract Reference Base Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Abstract Reference Base Type'. * @generated */ AbstractReferenceBaseType createAbstractReferenceBaseType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Accept Formats Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Accept Formats Type'. * @generated */ AcceptFormatsType createAcceptFormatsType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Accept Versions Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Accept Versions Type'. * @generated */ AcceptVersionsType createAcceptVersionsType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Address Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Address Type'. * @generated */ AddressType createAddressType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Allowed Values Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Allowed Values Type'. * @generated */ AllowedValuesType createAllowedValuesType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Any Value Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Any Value Type'. * @generated */ AnyValueType createAnyValueType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Basic Identification Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Basic Identification Type'. * @generated */ BasicIdentificationType createBasicIdentificationType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Bounding Box Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Bounding Box Type'. * @generated */ BoundingBoxType createBoundingBoxType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Capabilities Base Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Capabilities Base Type'. * @generated */ CapabilitiesBaseType createCapabilitiesBaseType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Code Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Code Type'. * @generated */ CodeType createCodeType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Contact Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Contact Type'. * @generated */ ContactType createContactType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Contents Base Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Contents Base Type'. * @generated */ ContentsBaseType createContentsBaseType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Dataset Description Summary Base Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Dataset Description Summary Base Type'. * @generated */ DatasetDescriptionSummaryBaseType createDatasetDescriptionSummaryBaseType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'DCP Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'DCP Type'. * @generated */ DCPType createDCPType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Description Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Description Type'. * @generated */ DescriptionType createDescriptionType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Document Root'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Document Root'. * @generated */ DocumentRoot createDocumentRoot(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Domain Metadata Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Domain Metadata Type'. * @generated */ DomainMetadataType createDomainMetadataType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Domain Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Domain Type'. * @generated */ DomainType createDomainType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Exception Report Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Exception Report Type'. * @generated */ ExceptionReportType createExceptionReportType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Exception Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Exception Type'. * @generated */ ExceptionType createExceptionType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Get Capabilities Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Get Capabilities Type'. * @generated */ GetCapabilitiesType createGetCapabilitiesType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Get Resource By Id Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Get Resource By Id Type'. * @generated */ GetResourceByIdType createGetResourceByIdType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'HTTP Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'HTTP Type'. * @generated */ HTTPType createHTTPType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Identification Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Identification Type'. * @generated */ IdentificationType createIdentificationType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Keywords Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Keywords Type'. * @generated */ KeywordsType createKeywordsType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Language String Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Language String Type'. * @generated */ LanguageStringType createLanguageStringType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Manifest Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Manifest Type'. * @generated */ ManifestType createManifestType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Metadata Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Metadata Type'. * @generated */ MetadataType createMetadataType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'No Values Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'No Values Type'. * @generated */ NoValuesType createNoValuesType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Online Resource Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Online Resource Type'. * @generated */ OnlineResourceType createOnlineResourceType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Operations Metadata Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Operations Metadata Type'. * @generated */ OperationsMetadataType createOperationsMetadataType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Operation Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Operation Type'. * @generated */ OperationType createOperationType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Range Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Range Type'. * @generated */ RangeType createRangeType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Reference Group Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Reference Group Type'. * @generated */ ReferenceGroupType createReferenceGroupType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Reference Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Reference Type'. * @generated */ ReferenceType createReferenceType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Request Method Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Request Method Type'. * @generated */ RequestMethodType createRequestMethodType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Responsible Party Subset Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Responsible Party Subset Type'. * @generated */ ResponsiblePartySubsetType createResponsiblePartySubsetType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Responsible Party Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Responsible Party Type'. * @generated */ ResponsiblePartyType createResponsiblePartyType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Sections Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Sections Type'. * @generated */ SectionsType createSectionsType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Service Identification Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Service Identification Type'. * @generated */ ServiceIdentificationType createServiceIdentificationType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Service Provider Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Service Provider Type'. * @generated */ ServiceProviderType createServiceProviderType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Service Reference Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Service Reference Type'. * @generated */ ServiceReferenceType createServiceReferenceType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Telephone Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Telephone Type'. * @generated */ TelephoneType createTelephoneType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Un Named Domain Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Un Named Domain Type'. * @generated */ UnNamedDomainType createUnNamedDomainType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Values Reference Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Values Reference Type'. * @generated */ ValuesReferenceType createValuesReferenceType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Value Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Value Type'. * @generated */ ValueType createValueType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'WGS84 Bounding Box Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'WGS84 Bounding Box Type'. * @generated */ WGS84BoundingBoxType createWGS84BoundingBoxType(); /** * Returns the package supported by this factory. * * * @return the package supported by this factory. * @generated */ Ows11Package getOws11Package(); } //Ows11Factory