GeoTools 2.5.0

Thank you for downloading GeoTools 2.5.0. This release was created on: September 23, 2008

This release contains only a subset of the current GeoTools codebase. The full GeoTools codebase is made up of over 30 modules; Only the modules which are considered to be stable will be included in this release.

For this release the following modules comprise the geotools library:

api         data        main        render
coverage    jdbc        metadata    sample-data 
cql         legacy      referencing xml

The following modules plug-ins that add functionality to the geotools library:

arcgrid          epsg-postgresql  imagemosaic-jdbc wfs
arcsde           epsg-wkt         imagepyramid     wms
db2              geotiff          postgis         
epsg-access      gtopo30          property
epsg-extension   image            referencing3D
epsg-hsql        imagemosaic      shapefile
These optional jars typically provide support for specific data formats or sources, or provide specific additional functionality.

The following modules are extensions that build interesting functionality ontop of the geotools library:

brewer             validation         xsd-gml2    xsd-sld
graph              widgets-swing      xsd-gml3    xsd-wfs
openoffice         xsd-core           xsd-kml     xsd-wps
shapefile-renderer xsd-filter         xsd-ows

The following modules are unsupported experiments made available for early feedback and testing:


For more information, and documentation on the geotools library please see our Community Wiki or the User Guide.

The following demos are also available as part of our documentation:

You can find out more about each of the major modules by going to:


The details contained in the rest of this file are provided as a quick start reference. For full details on requirements and build process please see the Developers' Guide.


To use the geotools libraries you will need:

The JAI and the JAI I/O Tools are standard extensions to Java created by SUN. They have versions specific to different platforms so we cannot distribute them as part of the release.

You can obtain the latest versions of both of these here. Detailed instructions can be found here.


In order to use the Oracle module, you need the Oracle JDBC driver from Oracle. Unlike most external libraries used in GeoTools, we cannot redistribute this jar.

However, you can obtain them from the Oracle website, free of charge, after registering: - Please see the developers guide for more information.


In order to build GeoTools you will need a copy of Maven 2. Maven is a project management tool from the Apache group.

At the time of writing, the build process was known to work with the Maven 2.0.8 release.

Once you have maven installed, you can perform a full build by moving to the geotools folder and typing:

mvn install

Please read the Developers Guide for more information about maven:


If you are interested in the future development of GeoTools then feel free to join the geotools-devel mailing list and join in the weekly IRC sessions.

We welcome contributions of new modules as well as keen developers who want to work on the project as a whole.

For more general queries, the gt2-users mailing list is available.

You can find out more about the mailing lists and recent news by going to the GeoTools Homepage and by reading the GeoTools Guide.

Good luck and many thanks for your interest in GeoTools,

The GeoTools Project Management Committee, Open Source Geospatial Foundation