MODULE SAMPLE DATA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Module Maintainer: none! IP Review: * Jody Garnett, August 6th, 2006 * Adrian Custer, June 6th 2008 STATUS: DIRTY Code is Clean Data NEEDS REVIEW James Macgill is listed as a java developer on this one, but there is no official module maintainer. This module has become more important as maven 2 forces us into some kind of classloader induced data access madness. The module needs to be redone with pride, so we can stand head to head with GRASS. For the future, a source of free shapefile data is the US Census at: For now, we need cleanup from a few hands, then to file bugs for the issues which remain (or better yet, fix them). * org.geotools ~~~~~~~~~~~~ All three java files are clean. The double use of is due to an intended cleanup which has not yet happened. * org.geotools.coverage.grid.test-data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * BATHY.gif 336x336px 207 indexed color plus alpha Origin unknown. * CHL01195.png is an overview of a measure of chlorophyll concentration in the western Mediterranean. The image was created by the University of the Canaries, Las Palmas. Committed on GeoTools SVN by Martin Desruisseaux with the permission of Michel Petit, who is the chief scientist in charge of the SEASNET image gathering network. For our purposes, it can be considered distributed under the same license agreement as the Geotools code. * QL95209.png is an overview of a Sea Surface Temperature raster received at the station managed by IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement - France) on the Réunion island. The associated text file is for human consumption. Committed on GeoTools SVN by Martin Desruisseaux with the permission of Michel Petit, who is the chief scientist in charge of the SEASNET image gathering network. For our purposes, these can be considered distributed under the same license agreement as the Geotools code. * world.png 227x103px RGBA Origin unknown. * world_dem.gif 160x160px indexed Color Origin unknown. * org.geotools.test-data.arcgrid ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * A zipbomb full of junk that needs to be sorted out ** arcGrid.asc ** precip30min.asc in WGS84 ** spearfish.asc.gz The compressed version of the file below. ** spearfish_dem.arx The uncompressed version of the file above. Both are presumably the DEM data taken from GRASS's spearfish example data set, therefore under LGPL. ** SWAN_NURC_LigurianSeaL07_HSIGN.asc in WGS84 * org.geotools.test-data.shapes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * archsites, 25 points in NAD_1927_UTM_Zone_13N, name for each Appears to be from the GRASS spearfish demo, therefore LGPL. * bugsites, 90 points in NAD_1927_UTM_Zone_13N, no ancillary data. Appears to be from the GRASS spearfish demo, therefore LGPL. * chinese_poly, 1 polygon in GCS_WGS_1984, no ancillary data. A grossly simplified polygon for the northeastern part of the territory claimed by mainland China, with no ancillary data. Origin unknown but trivial therefore probably acceptable. * danish_point, 4 points, trivial ancillary data, _MI_0 CRS Four points in Kobenhavn, with a first name associated with each point. Origin unknown but trivial therefore probably acceptable. * extraAtEnd.shp Unknown, format not accesible. * holeTouchEdge.shp, 1 polygon, no ancillary data. Missing CRS Origin unknown but trivial therefore probably acceptable. * MultiPointTest.shp, 6 points, no ancillary data. Missing CRS Origin unknown but trivial therefore probably acceptable. * pointtest.shp, 10 points, no ancillary data. Missing CRS Origin unknown but trivial therefore probably acceptable. * polygontest.shp, 2 polygons, no ancillary data. Missing CRS. Origin unknown but trivial therefore probably acceptable. * roads.shp, 825 lines in NAD_1927_UTM_Zone_13N, no ancillary data. Appears to be from the GRASS spearfish demo, therefore LGPL. * rstrct.shp, 4 polygons in NAD_1927_UTM_Zone_13N, no ancillary data. Appears to be from the GRASS spearfish demo, therefore LGPL. * spearfish_dem.asc.gz --- presume out of place ?DELETE? * statepop.shp, polygon map of US in GCS_North_American_1983, plus census information for the population. Population of the lower 48 states plus the District of Columbia. A base polygon map plus ancillary data. Origin unknown. * stream.shp, 280 lines with topology, no ancillary. Missing CRS. A single river network, somewhere. Origin unknown but quasi-trivial so may still be acceptable. * streams.shp, 116 lines in NAD_1927_UTM_Zone_13N, each with two ancillary category descriptors. Appears to be from the GRASS spearfish demo, therefore LGPL. * org.geotools.test-data.wkt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * cntbnd01.prj The definition for NAD_1983_StatePlane_Florida_North_FIPS_0903_Feet * {all}.wkt A series of trivial, and nonsensical, WKT files for testing. Originally, committed by Ian Schneider, now need rewriting. If anyone is proud of these, let us, by all means get rid of them. The contents are: ** holyPoly.wkt MULTIPOLYGON ( ((0 0 , 20 20, 10 10, 0 0) , (1 1, 8 8, 12 12, 1 1)) ) ** line.wkt LINESTRING ( 0 0, 1 1, 2 2 ) ** multiline.wkt MULTILINESTRING ( ( 0 0, 1 1), ( 0 0, 1 1) ) ** multipoint.wkt MULTIPOINT ( 0 0, 1 1, 2 2) ** multipolygon.wkt MULTIPOLYGON ( ((0 0 , 2 2, 1 1, 0 0)) , ((0 0 , 2 2, 1 1, 0 0)) ) ** point.wkt POINT (1 1) ** polygon.wkt POLYGON ( (0 0 , 2 2, 1 1, 0 0) ) * org.geotools.test-data.xml ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * A mega dump of twisty xml files, all alike. (punting)