phenomenon.xsd A GML conformant schema for definitions of phenomena used for soft-typing of property elements Copyright (c) 2005 Open Geospatial Consortium - see Use the generic gml:DefinitionType for basic Phenomenon definitions, gml:description may be used for a more extensive description of the semantics, with a link to a definitive version (if available). gml:name should be used for the "short name" or label. A scalar Phenomenon defined by adding constraints to an existing property. Property that forms the basis for generating a set of more refined Phenomena; e.g. Chemical Composition, Radiance Description of a scalar Phenomenon defined by adding constraints to a property previously defined elsewhere. Constraints expressed in fully explicit form. The base Phenomenon is associated with each value or interval in turn A value from a classification that constrains the base Phenomenon; e.g. Chemical Species A numeric value of some property that constrains the base Phenomenon; e.g. Wavelength An interval or range of some property that constrains the base Phenomenon; e.g. Wavelength band Description of a set of Phenomena. A Phenomenon set may defined as either 1. a set of explicitly enumerated components which may or may not be related to one another 2. a base property convolved with a set of constraints The set of constraints may be either * an explicit set of soft-typed measures, intervals and categories * one or more lists of soft-typed measures, intervals and categories * one or more sequences of soft-typed measures and intervals The number of components in the tuple Description of a set of properties or a compound Phenomenon, that are the subject of a measurement, observation or assignment. Phenomenon that forms the basis for generating more specialized composite Phenomenon by adding more components A Composite Phenomenon Definition is composed from arbitrary base Phenomena. Phenomenon that forms the basis for generating a set of more refined Phenomena; e.g. Chemical Composition, Radiance A set of values of some secondary property that constraints the basePhenomenon to generate a Phenomenon set. If more than one set of constraints are possible, then these are applied simultaneously to generate A Series is derived from a common basePhenomenon (e.g. Chemical Concentration) with one or more constraint lists (e.g. Chemical Species). Constraint sets expressed in compact form. The base property is associated with each value or interval in turn A list of values from a classification ; e.g. Chemical Species A list of numeric values of some property; e.g. Wavelength A list of *pairs* of numeric values each defining an interval of some property; e.g. Wavelength band