getCoverage.xsd v1.0.1 2005-07-18 This schema defines the GetCoverage operation request and response XML elements and types, used by an OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS). This schema is believed to be a GML Application Schema. AEW 03/07/22 Changes made: Removed [xmlns:t=""] above Added [version="1.0.0" xml:lang="en"] above Removed [abstract="true"] from CoverageRequest Combined CoverageRequestType with CoverageRequest Changed names of all elements in CoverageRequest to start with lower case letter Defined new OutputType for "output" element in CoverageRequest Removed restriction of DomainSetType from DomainSubsetType, to make schema valid Added documention to DomainSubsetType, CoverageRequest, RangeSubsetType Changed definition of "name" in RangeSubsetType, to produce valid schema. Should this "name" attribute be changed to "label"? Simplified definition of axisSubset in RangeSubsetType AEW 03/07/29 Changes made: Added documentation to DomainSubsetType, GridOp AEW 03/08/01 Changes made: Edited documentation of many types JDE 03/08/27 Changes made: Made both GetCoverage/@service and DescribeCoverage/@version required AEW 04/07/17 Changes made: Changed "import" statement for the "wcs" namespace to an "include" statement. Added "import" statement for "gml" namespace used in gml4wcs.xsd. Request to a WCS to perform the GetCoverage operation. In this XML encoding, no "request" parameter is included, since the element name specifies the specific operation. The coverage offering (identified by its "name") that this request will draw from. Spatial interpolation method to be used in resampling data from its original form to the requested CRS and/or grid size. Method shall be among those listed for the requested coverage in the DescribeCoverage response. Defines the desired subset of the domain set of the coverage. Is a GML property containing either or both spatialSubset and temporalSubset GML objects. Definition of a subset of a coverage spatial domain. Currently, only a grid subset of a coverage domain. Definition of a subset of the named coverage range(s). Currently, only a value enumeration definition of a range subset. Ordered sequence of points and/or intervals along one axis of a compound range set. Name or identifier of one axis in this coverage. This name shall match that of an AxisDescription element in the DescribeCoverage XML response. Asks for the GetCoverage response to be expressed in a particular Coordinate Reference System (crs) and encoded in a particular format. Identifier of the Coordinate Reference System (crs) in which GetCoverage response shall be expressed. Identifier shall be among those listed under supportedCRSs in the DescribeCoverage XML response. Identifier of the format in which GetCoverage response shall be encoded. Identifier shall be among those listed under supportedFormats in the DescribeCoverage XML response.