wcsCapabilities.xsd v1.0.1 2005-07-18 This schema defines the Capabilities operation request and reply XML elements and types used by an OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS). This schema with the schemas it uses are believed to be GML Application Schemas. AEW 03/07/22 Changes made: Changed element name "Section" to "section" in GetCapabilities Added documentation elements in GetCapabilities, CapabilitiesSectionType, ContentMetadata, AbstractDescriptionBaseType, AbstractDescriptionType Expanded documentation of WCS_CapabilitiesType Moved documentation from Service to ServiceType Edited documentation of OnlineResourceType, electronicMailAddress in AddressType Expanded separator comment before ContentMetadata elements and types Added separator comment before CoverageOfferingBrief Moved metadataLink from AbstractDescriptionType to AbstractDescriptionBaseType in CoverageOfferingBrief, replaced boundedBy with a new lonLatBoundingBox (added to owsBase.xsd); and made temporal domain of type TimeSequenceType. AEW 03/07/29 Changes made: Changed optionality and documentation os "fees" and accessConstraints" elements in ServiceType Changed reference to gml:description to reference to (wcs:)description in AbstractDescriptionBaseType AEW 03/07/30 Changes made: Added "version" and "updateSequence" attributes to ServiceType, WCSCapabilityType, and ContentMetadata JDE 03/07/30 - Added "version" and "updateSequence" attributes to WCS_Capabilities type 03/08/27 - Made "version" attribute required AEW 04/07/13 Changes made: Added declaration of the "xlink" namespace. In wcs:AbstractDescriptionType, added the elements wcs:description and wcs:name, and the attribute "gml:id" with use="prohibited". AEW 05/07/18 Changes made: Changed documentation of updateSequence attribute in GetCapabilities element, WCS_CapabilitiesType, ServiceType, WCSCapabilityType, and ContentMetadata element. Added documentation of all enumeration values in CapabilitiesSectionType. Added documentation of WCSCapabilityType, DCPTypeType, CoverageOfferingBriefType, and AbstractDescriptionType. JDE 2005/08/31 Changes made: AbstractDescriptionBaseType: made metadataLink repeatable Request to a WCS to perform the GetCapabilities operation. In this XML encoding, no "request" parameter is included, since the element name specifies the specific operation. Service metadata (Capabilities) document version, having values that are "increased" whenever any change is made in service metadata document. Values are selected by each server, and are always opaque to clients. When omitted or not supported by server, server shall return latest complete service metadata document. Identification of desired part of full Capabilities XML document to be returned. TBD. TBD. TBD. TBD. Metadata for a WCS server, also known as Capabilities document. Reply from a WCS that performed the GetCapabilities operation. Service metadata (Capabilities) document version, having values that are "increased" whenever any change is made in service metadata document. Values are selected by each server, and are always opaque to clients. When supported by server, server shall return this attribute. A minimal, human readable rescription of the service. A text string identifying any fees imposed by the service provider. The keyword NONE shall be used to mean no fees. A text string identifying any access constraints imposed by the service provider. The keyword NONE shall be used to mean no access constraints are imposed. Service metadata (Capabilities) document version, having values that are "increased" whenever any change is made in service metadata document. Values are selected by each server, and are always opaque to clients. When supported by server, server shall return this attribute. Identification of, and means of communication with, person(s) and organizations associated with the server. Name of the responsible person-surname, given name, title separated by a delimiter. Name of the responsible organizationt. Role or position of the responsible person. Address of the responsible party. Information required to enable contact with the responsible person and/or organization. Telephone numbers at which the organization or individual may becontacted. Physical and email address at which the organization or individualmay be contacted. On-line information that can be used to contact the individual ororganization. Reference to on-line resource from which data can be obtained. Telephone numbers for contacting the responsible individual or organization. Telephone number by which individuals can speak to the responsible organization or individual. Telephone number of a facsimile machine for the responsibleorganization or individual. Location of the responsible individual or organization. Address line for the location (as described in ISO 11180, Annex A). City of the location. State ot province of the location. ZIP or other postal code. Country of the physical address. Address of the electronic mailbox of the responsible organization or individual. XML encoded WCS GetCapabilities operation response. The Capabilities document provides clients with service metadata about a specific service instance, including metadata about the coverages served. Service metadata document version, having values that are "increased" whenever any change is made in service metadata document. Values are selected by each server, and are always opaque to clients. When not supported by server, server shall not return this attribute. Connect point URLs for the HTTP Distributed Computing Platform (DCP). Normally, only one Get and/or one Post is included in this element. More than one Get and/or Post is allowed to support including alternative URLs for uses such as load balancing or backup. Unordered list of brief descriptions of all coverages avaialble from this WCS, or a reference to another service from which this information is available. Service metadata document version, having values that are "increased" whenever any change is made in service metadata document. Values are selected by each server, and are always opaque to clients. When not supported by server, server shall not return this attribute. Brief description of one coverage avaialble from a WCS. Description of a WCS object. Human-readable descriptive information for the object it is included within. Short human-readable label for this object, for human interface display.