/** * * * * $Id$ */ package net.opengis.ows10.impl; import java.util.List; import net.opengis.ows10.*; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EDataType; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.plugin.EcorePlugin; /** * * An implementation of the model Factory. * * @generated */ public class Ows10FactoryImpl extends EFactoryImpl implements Ows10Factory { /** * Creates the default factory implementation. * * * @generated */ public static Ows10Factory init() { try { Ows10Factory theOws10Factory = (Ows10Factory)EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.getEFactory("http://www.opengis.net/ows"); if (theOws10Factory != null) { return theOws10Factory; } } catch (Exception exception) { EcorePlugin.INSTANCE.log(exception); } return new Ows10FactoryImpl(); } /** * Creates an instance of the factory. * * * @generated */ public Ows10FactoryImpl() { super(); } /** * * * @generated */ public EObject create(EClass eClass) { switch (eClass.getClassifierID()) { case Ows10Package.ACCEPT_FORMATS_TYPE: return createAcceptFormatsType(); case Ows10Package.ACCEPT_VERSIONS_TYPE: return createAcceptVersionsType(); case Ows10Package.ADDRESS_TYPE: return createAddressType(); case Ows10Package.BOUNDING_BOX_TYPE: return createBoundingBoxType(); case Ows10Package.CAPABILITIES_BASE_TYPE: return createCapabilitiesBaseType(); case Ows10Package.CODE_TYPE: return createCodeType(); case Ows10Package.CONTACT_TYPE: return createContactType(); case Ows10Package.DCP_TYPE: return createDCPType(); case Ows10Package.DESCRIPTION_TYPE: return createDescriptionType(); case Ows10Package.DOCUMENT_ROOT: return createDocumentRoot(); case Ows10Package.DOMAIN_TYPE: return createDomainType(); case Ows10Package.EXCEPTION_REPORT_TYPE: return createExceptionReportType(); case Ows10Package.EXCEPTION_TYPE: return createExceptionType(); case Ows10Package.GET_CAPABILITIES_TYPE: return createGetCapabilitiesType(); case Ows10Package.HTTP_TYPE: return createHTTPType(); case Ows10Package.IDENTIFICATION_TYPE: return createIdentificationType(); case Ows10Package.KEYWORDS_TYPE: return createKeywordsType(); case Ows10Package.METADATA_TYPE: return createMetadataType(); case Ows10Package.ONLINE_RESOURCE_TYPE: return createOnlineResourceType(); case Ows10Package.OPERATION_TYPE: return createOperationType(); case Ows10Package.OPERATIONS_METADATA_TYPE: return createOperationsMetadataType(); case Ows10Package.REQUEST_METHOD_TYPE: return createRequestMethodType(); case Ows10Package.RESPONSIBLE_PARTY_SUBSET_TYPE: return createResponsiblePartySubsetType(); case Ows10Package.RESPONSIBLE_PARTY_TYPE: return createResponsiblePartyType(); case Ows10Package.SECTIONS_TYPE: return createSectionsType(); case Ows10Package.SERVICE_IDENTIFICATION_TYPE: return createServiceIdentificationType(); case Ows10Package.SERVICE_PROVIDER_TYPE: return createServiceProviderType(); case Ows10Package.TELEPHONE_TYPE: return createTelephoneType(); case Ows10Package.WGS84_BOUNDING_BOX_TYPE: return createWGS84BoundingBoxType(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("The class '" + eClass.getName() + "' is not a valid classifier"); } } /** * * * @generated */ public Object createFromString(EDataType eDataType, String initialValue) { switch (eDataType.getClassifierID()) { case Ows10Package.MIME_TYPE: return createMimeTypeFromString(eDataType, initialValue); case Ows10Package.VERSION_TYPE: return createVersionTypeFromString(eDataType, initialValue); case Ows10Package.POSITION_TYPE: return createPositionTypeFromString(eDataType, initialValue); case Ows10Package.UPDATE_SEQUENCE_TYPE: return createUpdateSequenceTypeFromString(eDataType, initialValue); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("The datatype '" + eDataType.getName() + "' is not a valid classifier"); } } /** * * * @generated */ public String convertToString(EDataType eDataType, Object instanceValue) { switch (eDataType.getClassifierID()) { case Ows10Package.MIME_TYPE: return convertMimeTypeToString(eDataType, instanceValue); case Ows10Package.VERSION_TYPE: return convertVersionTypeToString(eDataType, instanceValue); case Ows10Package.POSITION_TYPE: return convertPositionTypeToString(eDataType, instanceValue); case Ows10Package.UPDATE_SEQUENCE_TYPE: return convertUpdateSequenceTypeToString(eDataType, instanceValue); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("The datatype '" + eDataType.getName() + "' is not a valid classifier"); } } /** * * * @generated */ public AcceptFormatsType createAcceptFormatsType() { AcceptFormatsTypeImpl acceptFormatsType = new AcceptFormatsTypeImpl(); return acceptFormatsType; } /** * * * @generated */ public AcceptVersionsType createAcceptVersionsType() { AcceptVersionsTypeImpl acceptVersionsType = new AcceptVersionsTypeImpl(); return acceptVersionsType; } /** * * * @generated */ public AddressType createAddressType() { AddressTypeImpl addressType = new AddressTypeImpl(); return addressType; } /** * * * @generated */ public BoundingBoxType createBoundingBoxType() { BoundingBoxTypeImpl boundingBoxType = new BoundingBoxTypeImpl(); return boundingBoxType; } /** * * * @generated */ public CapabilitiesBaseType createCapabilitiesBaseType() { CapabilitiesBaseTypeImpl capabilitiesBaseType = new CapabilitiesBaseTypeImpl(); return capabilitiesBaseType; } /** * * * @generated */ public CodeType createCodeType() { CodeTypeImpl codeType = new CodeTypeImpl(); return codeType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ContactType createContactType() { ContactTypeImpl contactType = new ContactTypeImpl(); return contactType; } /** * * * @generated */ public DCPType createDCPType() { DCPTypeImpl dcpType = new DCPTypeImpl(); return dcpType; } /** * * * @generated */ public DescriptionType createDescriptionType() { DescriptionTypeImpl descriptionType = new DescriptionTypeImpl(); return descriptionType; } /** * * * @generated */ public DocumentRoot createDocumentRoot() { DocumentRootImpl documentRoot = new DocumentRootImpl(); return documentRoot; } /** * * * @generated */ public DomainType createDomainType() { DomainTypeImpl domainType = new DomainTypeImpl(); return domainType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ExceptionReportType createExceptionReportType() { ExceptionReportTypeImpl exceptionReportType = new ExceptionReportTypeImpl(); return exceptionReportType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ExceptionType createExceptionType() { ExceptionTypeImpl exceptionType = new ExceptionTypeImpl(); return exceptionType; } /** * * * @generated */ public GetCapabilitiesType createGetCapabilitiesType() { GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl getCapabilitiesType = new GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl(); return getCapabilitiesType; } /** * * * @generated */ public HTTPType createHTTPType() { HTTPTypeImpl httpType = new HTTPTypeImpl(); return httpType; } /** * * * @generated */ public IdentificationType createIdentificationType() { IdentificationTypeImpl identificationType = new IdentificationTypeImpl(); return identificationType; } /** * * * @generated */ public KeywordsType createKeywordsType() { KeywordsTypeImpl keywordsType = new KeywordsTypeImpl(); return keywordsType; } /** * * * @generated */ public MetadataType createMetadataType() { MetadataTypeImpl metadataType = new MetadataTypeImpl(); return metadataType; } /** * * * @generated */ public OnlineResourceType createOnlineResourceType() { OnlineResourceTypeImpl onlineResourceType = new OnlineResourceTypeImpl(); return onlineResourceType; } /** * * * @generated */ public OperationType createOperationType() { OperationTypeImpl operationType = new OperationTypeImpl(); return operationType; } /** * * * @generated */ public OperationsMetadataType createOperationsMetadataType() { OperationsMetadataTypeImpl operationsMetadataType = new OperationsMetadataTypeImpl(); return operationsMetadataType; } /** * * * @generated */ public RequestMethodType createRequestMethodType() { RequestMethodTypeImpl requestMethodType = new RequestMethodTypeImpl(); return requestMethodType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ResponsiblePartySubsetType createResponsiblePartySubsetType() { ResponsiblePartySubsetTypeImpl responsiblePartySubsetType = new ResponsiblePartySubsetTypeImpl(); return responsiblePartySubsetType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ResponsiblePartyType createResponsiblePartyType() { ResponsiblePartyTypeImpl responsiblePartyType = new ResponsiblePartyTypeImpl(); return responsiblePartyType; } /** * * * @generated */ public SectionsType createSectionsType() { SectionsTypeImpl sectionsType = new SectionsTypeImpl(); return sectionsType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ServiceIdentificationType createServiceIdentificationType() { ServiceIdentificationTypeImpl serviceIdentificationType = new ServiceIdentificationTypeImpl(); return serviceIdentificationType; } /** * * * @generated */ public ServiceProviderType createServiceProviderType() { ServiceProviderTypeImpl serviceProviderType = new ServiceProviderTypeImpl(); return serviceProviderType; } /** * * * @generated */ public TelephoneType createTelephoneType() { TelephoneTypeImpl telephoneType = new TelephoneTypeImpl(); return telephoneType; } /** * * * @generated */ public WGS84BoundingBoxType createWGS84BoundingBoxType() { WGS84BoundingBoxTypeImpl wgs84BoundingBoxType = new WGS84BoundingBoxTypeImpl(); return wgs84BoundingBoxType; } /** * * * @generated */ public String createMimeTypeFromString(EDataType eDataType, String initialValue) { return (String)super.createFromString(eDataType, initialValue); } /** * * * @generated */ public String convertMimeTypeToString(EDataType eDataType, Object instanceValue) { return super.convertToString(eDataType, instanceValue); } /** * * * @generated */ public String createVersionTypeFromString(EDataType eDataType, String initialValue) { return (String)super.createFromString(eDataType, initialValue); } /** * * * @generated */ public String convertVersionTypeToString(EDataType eDataType, Object instanceValue) { return super.convertToString(eDataType, instanceValue); } /** * * * @generated */ public List createPositionTypeFromString(EDataType eDataType, String initialValue) { return (List)super.createFromString(eDataType, initialValue); } /** * * * @generated */ public String convertPositionTypeToString(EDataType eDataType, Object instanceValue) { return super.convertToString(eDataType, instanceValue); } /** * * * @generated */ public String createUpdateSequenceTypeFromString(EDataType eDataType, String initialValue) { return (String)super.createFromString(eDataType, initialValue); } /** * * * @generated */ public String convertUpdateSequenceTypeToString(EDataType eDataType, Object instanceValue) { return super.convertToString(eDataType, instanceValue); } /** * * * @generated */ public Ows10Package getOws10Package() { return (Ows10Package)getEPackage(); } /** * * * @deprecated * @generated */ public static Ows10Package getPackage() { return Ows10Package.eINSTANCE; } } //Ows10FactoryImpl