#this file specifies ArcSDE connection properties #for ArcSDE DataSource test cases # #Modify it to adapt to your ArcSDE environment #dbtype is a fixed value dbtype=arcsde server= port= instance= user= password= pool.minConnections=1 pool.maxConnections=2 pool.timeOut=1000 #specifies an optional configuration keyword to use when creating/destroying #tables during testing configKeyword=DEFAULTS #specifies an SDE table name that can be used #to test the creation of feature types. #CAUTION: be sure you do not specify a table name which already #exists and that you don't have to loose! temp_table=DELETE_ME ############################ # Raster test parameters ############################ #whether to write images resulting from raster tests to $HOME/arcsde_tests directory raster.test.debugToDisk=false #sample 1bit tiff image sampledata.onebitraster=1bit-raster.tiff #sample three-band RGB image sampledata.rgbraster=RGBphoto-raster.tiff #sample three-band raster that's indexed sampledata.rgbraster-colormapped=RGBphoto-raster-colormapped.png #sample four-band (with alpha) raster sampledata.rgbaraster=RGBAphoto-raster.tiff #sample one-band, one-byte, non-colormapped "greyscale" raster sampledata.onebyteonebandraster=GrayscalePhoto-raster.tiff #sample one-band, 32-bit signed real-valued raster sampledata.floatraster=Float-raster.tiff