.. _postgislab: .. admonition:: This is a new page We're only just adding this page and it's still incomplete PostGIS Lab =========== Up until now we have been working with shape files, in this lab we bring out the big guns - a real spatial database. If you are working in an enterprise that has as spatial database (Oracle, DB2) or geospatial middleware (ArcSDE) can connect to your existing infrastructure. In this example we will use PostGIS - an extension for PostgreSQL supporting "simple featues for sql". Dependencies ------------ We are going to add another couple dependencies here:: org.geotools gt-postgis {gt-version} org.geotools gt-epsg-hsql {gt-version} org.geotools gt-swing {gt-version} org.apache.xmlgraphics batik-transcoder Please add these dependencies to your pom.xml and update your IDE as required. Application ----------- TBA