owsDomainType.xsd 2006-10-06 This XML Schema Document encodes the allowed values (or domain) of a quantity, often for an input or output parameter to an OWS. Such a parameter is sometimes called a variable, quantity, literal, or typed literal. Such a parameter can use one of many data types, including double, integer, boolean, string, or URI. The allowed values can also be encoded for a quantity that is not explicit or not transferred, but is constrained by a server implementation. Copyright (c) 2006 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Valid domain (or allowed set of values) of one quantity, with its name or identifier. Name or identifier of this quantity. Valid domain (or allowed set of values) of one quantity, with needed metadata but without a quantity name or identifier. Optional default value for this quantity, which should be included when this quantity has a default value. Meaning metadata should be referenced or included for each quantity. This data type metadata should be referenced or included for each quantity. Unit of measure, which should be included when this set of PossibleValues has units or a more complete reference system. Optional unordered list of other metadata about this quantity. A list of required and optional other metadata elements for this quantity should be specified in the Implementation Specification for this service. Specifies the possible values of this quantity. Specifies that any value is allowed for this parameter. Specifies that no values are allowed for this parameter or quantity. Reference to externally specified list of all the valid values and/or ranges of values for this quantity. (Informative: This element was simplified from the metaDataProperty element in GML 3.0.) Human-readable name of the list of values provided by the referenced document. Can be empty string when this list has no name. Indicates that this quantity has units or a reference system, and identifies the unit or reference system used by the AllowedValues or ValuesReference. Identifier of unit of measure of this set of values. Should be included then this set of values has units (and not a more complete reference system). Identifier of reference system used by this set of values. Should be included then this set of values has a reference system (not just units). List of all the valid values and/or ranges of values for this quantity. For numeric quantities, signed values should be ordered from negative infinity to positive infinity. A single value, encoded as a string. This type can be used for one value, for a spacing between allowed values, or for the default value of a parameter. The default value for a quantity for which multiple values are allowed. A range of values of a numeric parameter. This range can be continuous or discrete, defined by a fixed spacing between adjacent valid values. If the MinimumValue or MaximumValue is not included, there is no value limit in that direction. Inclusion of the specified minimum and maximum values in the range shall be defined by the rangeClosure. Shall be included when the allowed values are NOT continuous in this range. Shall not be included when the allowed values are continuous in this range. Shall be included unless the default value applies. Minimum value of this numeric parameter. Maximum value of this numeric parameter. The regular distance or spacing between the allowed values in a range. Specifies which of the minimum and maximum values are included in the range. Note that plus and minus infinity are considered closed bounds. The specified minimum and maximum values are included in this range. The specified minimum and maximum values are NOT included in this range. The specified minimum value is NOT included in this range, and the specified maximum value IS included in this range. The specified minimum value IS included in this range, and the specified maximum value is NOT included in this range. References metadata about a quantity, and provides a name for this metadata. (Informative: This element was simplified from the metaDataProperty element in GML 3.0.) Human-readable name of the metadata described by associated referenced document. Reference to data or metadata recorded elsewhere, either external to this XML document or within it. Whenever practical, this attribute should be a URL from which this metadata can be electronically retrieved. Alternately, this attribute can reference a URN for well-known metadata. For example, such a URN could be a URN defined in the "ogc" URN namespace. Definition of the meaning or semantics of this set of values. This Meaning can provide more specific, complete, precise, machine accessible, and machine understandable semantics about this quantity, relative to other available semantic information. For example, other semantic information is often provided in "documentation" elements in XML Schemas or "description" elements in GML objects. Definition of the data type of this set of values. In this case, the xlink:href attribute can reference a URN for a well-known data type. For example, such a URN could be a data type identification URN defined in the "ogc" URN namespace. Definition of the reference system used by this set of values, including the unit of measure whenever applicable (as is normal). In this case, the xlink:href attribute can reference a URN for a well-known reference system, such as for a coordinate reference system (CRS). For example, such a URN could be a CRS identification URN defined in the "ogc" URN namespace. Definition of the unit of measure of this set of values. In this case, the xlink:href attribute can reference a URN for a well-known unit of measure (uom). For example, such a URN could be a UOM identification URN defined in the "ogc" URN namespace.