/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2002-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.data.postgis; import java.io.IOException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import junit.textui.ResultPrinter; import org.geotools.data.DataUtilities; import org.geotools.data.DefaultQuery; import org.geotools.data.DefaultTransaction; import org.geotools.data.FeatureDiff; import org.geotools.data.FeatureDiffReader; import org.geotools.data.FeatureLocking; import org.geotools.data.FeatureReader; import org.geotools.data.FeatureStore; import org.geotools.data.FeatureWriter; import org.geotools.data.Query; import org.geotools.data.Transaction; import org.geotools.data.VersioningDataStore; import org.geotools.data.VersioningFeatureSource; import org.geotools.data.VersioningFeatureStore; import org.geotools.data.simple.SimpleFeatureCollection; import org.geotools.data.simple.SimpleFeatureIterator; import org.geotools.data.simple.SimpleFeatureStore; import org.geotools.factory.CommonFactoryFinder; import org.geotools.feature.IllegalAttributeException; import org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureBuilder; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope; import org.geotools.referencing.CRS; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import org.opengis.feature.type.AttributeDescriptor; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; import org.opengis.filter.FilterFactory; import org.opengis.filter.Id; import org.opengis.filter.identity.FeatureId; import org.opengis.filter.sort.SortBy; import org.opengis.filter.sort.SortOrder; import org.opengis.referencing.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystem; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; public class VersionedOperationsOnlineTest extends AbstractVersionedPostgisDataTestCase { FilterFactory ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory(null); public VersionedOperationsOnlineTest(String name) { super(name); } public void testTypeNames() throws IOException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); List typeNames = Arrays.asList(ds.getTypeNames()); assertTrue(typeNames.contains("road")); assertFalse(typeNames.contains("road_vfc_view")); assertTrue(typeNames.contains("lake")); assertFalse(typeNames.contains("lake_vfc_view")); assertTrue(typeNames.contains("river")); assertFalse(typeNames.contains("rivel_vfc_view")); assertTrue(typeNames.contains("rail")); assertFalse(typeNames.contains("rail_vfc_view")); assertTrue(typeNames.contains("nopk")); assertFalse(typeNames.contains("nopk_vfc_view")); assertTrue(typeNames.contains(VersionedPostgisDataStore.TBL_CHANGESETS)); assertFalse(typeNames.contains(VersionedPostgisDataStore.TBL_VERSIONEDTABLES)); assertFalse(typeNames.contains(VersionedPostgisDataStore.TBL_TABLESCHANGED)); } /** * Changesets is special, it's an internal table exposed for log access purposes, and it's not * writable */ public void testChangesetFeatureType() throws IOException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); SimpleFeatureType ft = ds.getSchema(VersionedPostgisDataStore.TBL_CHANGESETS); assertNotNull(ft.getDescriptor("revision")); assertFalse(ds.getFeatureSource(VersionedPostgisDataStore.TBL_CHANGESETS) instanceof FeatureStore); } public void testVersionEnableDisableFeatureType() throws IOException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); SimpleFeatureType ft = ds.getSchema("road"); assertFalse(ds.isVersioned("road")); // version ds.setVersioned("road", true, "gimbo", "Initial import of roads"); assertTrue(ds.isVersioned("road")); assertEquals(ft, ds.getSchema("road")); if (ds.getFIDMapper("road").returnFIDColumnsAsAttributes()) assertNotNull(ds.wrapped.getSchema("road").getDescriptor("revision")); assertNotNull(ds.wrapped.getSchema("road").getDescriptor("expired")); // check we don't see the versioned feature collection as a public type assertFalse(Arrays.asList(ds.getTypeNames()).contains("road_vfc_view")); // check the versioned feature collection view is there SimpleFeatureType view = ds.wrapped.getSchema("road_vfc_view"); AttributeDescriptor[] types = view.getAttributeDescriptors().toArray(new AttributeDescriptor[view.getAttributeDescriptors().size()]); assertEquals(ft.getAttributeCount() + 12, view.getAttributeCount()); assertEquals("creationVersion", types[0].getLocalName()); assertEquals("createdBy", types[1].getLocalName()); assertEquals("creationDate", types[2].getLocalName()); assertEquals("creationMessage", types[3].getLocalName()); assertEquals("lastUpdateVersion", types[4].getLocalName()); assertEquals("lastUpdatedBy", types[5].getLocalName()); assertEquals("lastUpdateDate", types[6].getLocalName()); assertEquals("lastUpdateMessage", types[7].getLocalName()); // check the versioned feature collation is not visible outside of the verioning datastore try { ds.getSchema("road_vfc_view"); fail("The versioning feature collection for road should not be visible as a standalone type"); } catch(IOException e) { // ok } // un-version ds.setVersioned("road", false, "gimbo", "Versioning no more needed"); assertFalse(ds.isVersioned("road")); assertEquals(ft, ds.getSchema("road")); assertNull(ds.wrapped.getSchema("road").getDescriptor("revision")); assertNull(ds.wrapped.getSchema("road").getDescriptor("expired")); try { ds.wrapped.getSchema("road_vfc_view"); fail("The versioning view should not be there anymore"); } catch(IOException e) { // ok } } public void testNonExistentTypes() throws IOException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); try { ds.isVersioned("blablabla"); fail("Non existent type blablabla accepted anyways..."); } catch(IOException e) { // ok, does not exist } ds.setVersioned("road", true, "gimbo", "Initial import of roads"); try { ds.isVersioned(ds.getVFCViewName("road")); fail("Versioned feature collection view accepted as a legitimate type..."); } catch(IOException e) { // ok, should not be accepted } } public void testVersionEnableChangeSets() throws IOException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); ds.getSchema(VersionedPostgisDataStore.TBL_CHANGESETS); assertFalse(ds.isVersioned("road")); // try version, should fail try { ds.setVersioned(VersionedPostgisDataStore.TBL_CHANGESETS, true, "gimbo", "Initial import of roads"); fail("It should not be possible to version enable changesets"); } catch (IOException e) { } } public void testVersionEnableEmptyTable() throws IOException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); assertFalse(ds.isVersioned("empty")); // try version enable, should go well despite the table being empty ds.setVersioned("empty", true, "gimbo", "Version enable deep space void"); assertTrue(ds.isVersioned("empty")); } public void testVersionEnablePointTable() throws IOException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); assertFalse(ds.isVersioned("point")); // try version enable, should go well despite the single geom not making up a bbox // for the changeset ds.setVersioned("point", true, "gimbo", "Version enable a tiny damn point"); assertTrue(ds.isVersioned("point")); } public void testGetFeatureReader() throws IOException, NoSuchElementException, Exception { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); SimpleFeatureType originalFt = ds.getSchema("road"); ds.setVersioned("road", true, "gimbo", "version enabling stuff"); DefaultQuery q = new DefaultQuery("road"); FeatureReader fr = ds.wrapped.getFeatureReader(q, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); while (fr.hasNext()) { SimpleFeature f = fr.next(); assertEquals(new Long(1), (Long) f.getAttribute("revision")); assertEquals(new Long(Long.MAX_VALUE), (Long) f.getAttribute("expired")); } fr.close(); // now insert by hand three revisions of first road and check we can // extract the good ones SqlTestUtils.execute(pool, "INSERT INTO CHANGESETS VALUES(2, 'gimbo', default, '', null)"); SqlTestUtils.execute(pool, "INSERT INTO CHANGESETS VALUES(3, 'gimbo', default, '', null)"); SqlTestUtils.execute(pool, "INSERT INTO ROAD SELECT FID, ID, GEOM, 'r1 rev 2', 2, 3, 2 " + "FROM ROAD WHERE ID = 1 AND EXPIRED = " + Long.MAX_VALUE); SqlTestUtils.execute(pool, "INSERT INTO ROAD SELECT FID, ID, GEOM, 'r1 rev 3', 3, " + Long.MAX_VALUE + ", 2 " + "FROM ROAD WHERE ID = 1 AND EXPIRED = " + Long.MAX_VALUE); SqlTestUtils.execute(pool, "UPDATE ROAD SET EXPIRED = 2 WHERE ID = 1 AND REVISION = 1 AND EXPIRED = " + Long.MAX_VALUE); // non versioned data store should return two more features now assertEquals(roadFeatures.length + 2, ds.wrapped.getFeatureSource("road").getCount( Query.ALL)); // no revision info, use last Filter idFilter = ff.equals(ff.property("id"), ff.literal(1l)); q = new DefaultQuery("road", idFilter); fr = ds.getFeatureReader(q, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); // make sure the type is the same as if we were working against a non // versioned datastore assertEquals(originalFt, fr.getFeatureType()); assertTrue(fr.hasNext()); SimpleFeature f = fr.next(); assertEquals("road.rd1", f.getID()); assertEquals("r1 rev 3", f.getAttribute("name")); assertFalse(fr.hasNext()); fr.close(); // now extract revision 1 q = new DefaultQuery("road", idFilter); q.setVersion("1"); fr = ds.getFeatureReader(q, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertTrue(fr.hasNext()); f = fr.next(); assertEquals("road.rd1", f.getID()); assertEquals("r1", f.getAttribute("name")); assertFalse(fr.hasNext()); fr.close(); // and now extract revision 2 q = new DefaultQuery("road", idFilter); q.setVersion("2"); fr = ds.getFeatureReader(q, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertTrue(fr.hasNext()); f = fr.next(); assertEquals("road.rd1", f.getID()); assertEquals("r1 rev 2", f.getAttribute("name")); assertFalse(fr.hasNext()); fr.close(); // now try the same with a fid filter Filter fidFilter = ff.id(Collections.singleton(ff.featureId("road.rd1"))); q = new DefaultQuery("road", fidFilter); // fid and last revision fr = ds.getFeatureReader(q, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertTrue(fr.hasNext()); f = fr.next(); assertEquals("road.rd1", f.getID()); assertEquals("r1 rev 3", f.getAttribute("name")); assertFalse(fr.hasNext()); fr.close(); // fid and specific revision q = new DefaultQuery("road", fidFilter); q.setVersion("2"); fr = ds.getFeatureReader(q, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertTrue(fr.hasNext()); f = fr.next(); assertEquals("road.rd1", f.getID()); assertEquals("r1 rev 2", f.getAttribute("name")); assertFalse(fr.hasNext()); fr.close(); } public void testReaderBigFidFilter() throws Exception { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); SimpleFeatureType originalFt = ds.getSchema("road"); ds.setVersioned("road", true, "gimbo", "version enabling stuff"); Set fids = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { fids.add(ff.featureId("road.rd" + i)); } Filter manyIds = ff.id(fids); DefaultQuery q = new DefaultQuery("road", manyIds); FeatureReader fr = ds.getFeatureReader(q, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); fr.close(); } public void testFidFilter() throws IOException, NoSuchElementException, IllegalAttributeException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); // check querying with fids out of the expected format does not break // the datastore Filter f = ff.id(new HashSet(Arrays.asList(new FeatureId[] { ff.featureId("road.rd1"), ff.featureId("strangeId") }))); Query q = new DefaultQuery("road", f); FeatureReader fr = ds.getFeatureReader(q, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertTrue(fr.hasNext()); fr.next(); assertFalse(fr.hasNext()); fr.close(); // check querying with fids out of the expected format does not break // the datastore // this one should turn the filter into a Filter.EXCLUDE thing f = ff.id(new HashSet(Arrays.asList(new FeatureId[] { ff.featureId("xyz:?strangeId") }))); q = new DefaultQuery("road", f); fr = ds.getFeatureReader(q, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertFalse(fr.hasNext()); fr.close(); // check querying with fids out of the expected format does not break // the datastore // this one was putting the filter splitter in dismay f = ff.id(new HashSet(Arrays.asList(new FeatureId[] { ff.featureId("xyz:?strangeId") }))); f = ff.and(f, ff.bbox("geom", -100, -100, 100, 100, null)); q = new DefaultQuery("road", f); fr = ds.getFeatureReader(q, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertFalse(fr.hasNext()); fr.close(); } public void testGetFeatureWriter() throws IOException, NoSuchElementException, Exception { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); ReferencedEnvelope originalBounds = ds.wrapped.getFeatureSource("road").getBounds(); // version enable road SimpleFeatureType originalFt = ds.getSchema("road"); ds.setVersioned("road", true, "gimbo", "version enabling stuff"); // build a filter to extract just road 1 Filter filter = ff.id(Collections.singleton(ff.featureId("road.rd1"))); // now write one revision Transaction t = createTransaction("gimbo", "first change"); FeatureWriter fw = ds.getFeatureWriter("road", filter, t); assertTrue(fw.hasNext()); SimpleFeature f = fw.next(); f.setAttribute("name", "r1 rev 2"); fw.write(); fw.close(); t.commit(); assertEquals(new Long(2), t.getProperty(VersionedPostgisDataStore.REVISION)); assertEquals("2", t.getProperty(VersionedPostgisDataStore.VERSION)); t.close(); // write another t = createTransaction("gimbo", "second change"); fw = ds.getFeatureWriter("road", filter, t); assertTrue(fw.hasNext()); f = fw.next(); f.setAttribute("name", "r1 rev 3"); fw.write(); fw.close(); t.commit(); t.close(); // check we have the rigth changesets in the database DefaultQuery q = new DefaultQuery(VersionedPostgisDataStore.TBL_CHANGESETS); t = new DefaultTransaction(); FeatureReader fr = ds.getFeatureReader(q, t); // ... ah, would very much like to sort on revision... // ... first revision, import assertTrue(fr.hasNext()); f = fr.next(); assertEquals(new Long(1), f.getAttribute("revision")); // TODO : get revision back among the attributes // assertEquals(new Long(1), f.getAttribute("revision")); assertEquals(originalBounds, ((Geometry) f.getDefaultGeometry()).getEnvelopeInternal()); // ... first change assertTrue(fr.hasNext()); f = fr.next(); assertEquals(new Long(2), f.getAttribute("revision")); assertEquals("first change", f.getAttribute("message")); assertEquals(((Geometry) roadFeatures[0].getDefaultGeometry()).getEnvelope(), ((Geometry) f.getDefaultGeometry()) .getEnvelope()); // ... second change assertTrue(fr.hasNext()); f = fr.next(); assertEquals(new Long(3), f.getAttribute("revision")); assertEquals("second change", f.getAttribute("message")); assertEquals(((Geometry) roadFeatures[0].getDefaultGeometry()).getEnvelope(), ((Geometry) f.getDefaultGeometry()) .getEnvelope()); // finish assertFalse(fr.hasNext()); fr.close(); t.close(); // no revision info, use last Filter idFilter = ff.equals(ff.property("id"), ff.literal(1l)); q = new DefaultQuery("road", idFilter); fr = ds.getFeatureReader(q, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); // make sure the type is the same as if we were working against a non // versioned datastore assertEquals(originalFt, fr.getFeatureType()); assertTrue(fr.hasNext()); f = fr.next(); assertEquals("r1 rev 3", f.getAttribute("name")); assertFalse(fr.hasNext()); fr.close(); // now extract revision 1 q = new DefaultQuery("road", idFilter); q.setVersion("1"); fr = ds.getFeatureReader(q, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertTrue(fr.hasNext()); f = fr.next(); assertEquals("r1", f.getAttribute("name")); assertFalse(fr.hasNext()); fr.close(); // and now extract revision 2 q = new DefaultQuery("road", idFilter); q.setVersion("2"); fr = ds.getFeatureReader(q, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertTrue(fr.hasNext()); f = fr.next(); assertEquals("r1 rev 2", f.getAttribute("name")); assertFalse(fr.hasNext()); fr.close(); } public void testAppendFeatures() throws IOException, IllegalAttributeException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); // version enable road and river ds.setVersioned("road", true, "gimbo", "version enabling roads"); ds.setVersioned("river", true, "gimbo", "version enabling river"); // create a transaction and append some features to both feature types Transaction t = createTransaction("mambo", "Today I feel like adding fetures, yeah"); FeatureWriter fw = ds.getFeatureWriterAppend("road", t); // ... new road SimpleFeature f = fw.next(); f.setAttribute(0, new Integer(4)); f.setAttribute(1, line(new int[] { 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 10 })); f.setAttribute(2, "r4"); fw.write(); String rd4id = f.getID(); fw.close(); // ... new river fw = ds.getFeatureWriterAppend("river", t); f = fw.next(); f.setAttribute(0, new Integer(4)); f.setAttribute(1, lines(new int[][] { { 0, 0, 1, 10 } })); f.setAttribute(2, "rv4"); f.setAttribute(3, new Double(6.5)); fw.write(); String rv4id = f.getID(); fw.close(); // ... end t.commit(); // check features are there // ... roads DefaultQuery q = new DefaultQuery("road", ff.id(Collections.singleton(ff.featureId(rd4id)))); FeatureReader fr = ds.getFeatureReader(q, t); assertTrue(fr.hasNext()); fr.close(); // ... rivers q = new DefaultQuery("river", ff.id(Collections.singleton(ff.featureId(rv4id)))); fr = ds.getFeatureReader(q, t); assertTrue(fr.hasNext()); fr.close(); // ok, now check we registered the modification to both tables in the // same revision assertEquals(3, ds.getLastRevision()); List types = Arrays.asList(ds.getModifiedFeatureTypes("2", "3")); assertEquals(2, types.size()); assertTrue(types.contains("river")); assertTrue(types.contains("road")); // remember to close down the transaction t.close(); } /** * The datastore used to choke on single point changes because the change bbox would be an * invalid polygon. Plus the feature collection seems to ignore the version set in the query * used to gather it * * @throws Exception */ public void testPointChange() throws Exception { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); // version enable tree ds.setVersioned("tree", true, "gimbo", "versioning trees"); // now create one feature FeatureWriter fw = ds.getFeatureWriterAppend("tree", Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertFalse(fw.hasNext()); SimpleFeature f = fw.next(); f.setAttribute(0, gf.createPoint(new Coordinate(50, 50))); f.setAttribute(1, "NewTreeOnTheBlock"); fw.write(); fw.close(); } /** * The datastore used to choke on single point changes because the change bbox would be an * invalid polygon. Plus the feature collection seems to ignore the version set in the query * used to gather it * * @throws Exception */ public void testFeatureSourceBounds() throws Exception { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); // version enable tree ds.setVersioned("tree", true, "gimbo", "versioning trees"); // now create one feature FeatureWriter fw = ds.getFeatureWriter("tree", Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertTrue(fw.hasNext()); SimpleFeature f = fw.next(); ReferencedEnvelope oldBounds = ReferencedEnvelope.reference(f.getBounds()); f.setAttribute(0, gf.createPoint(new Coordinate(50, 50))); fw.write(); fw.close(); // try to gather an old snapshot and check the bounds are really the old // ones DefaultQuery q = new DefaultQuery(); q.setVersion("1"); ReferencedEnvelope e = ds.getFeatureSource("tree").getBounds(q); assertEquals(oldBounds, e); } public void testDeleteFeatures() throws IOException, NoSuchElementException, IllegalAttributeException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); // version enable road ds.setVersioned("road", true, "gimbo", "version enabling stuff"); // build a filter to extract just road 1 Filter filter = ff.id(Collections.singleton(ff.featureId("road.rd1"))); // now delete one feature Transaction t = createTransaction("gimbo", "first change"); FeatureWriter fw = ds.getFeatureWriter("road", filter, t); assertTrue(fw.hasNext()); SimpleFeature f = fw.next(); Envelope env = ((Geometry) f.getDefaultGeometry()).getEnvelopeInternal(); fw.remove(); fw.close(); t.commit(); t.close(); // and now see if it's still there FeatureReader fr = ds.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("road"), Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); while (fr.hasNext()) assertFalse(fr.next().getID().equals("road.rd1")); fr.close(); // also make sure the deleted feature got into the changesets with proper bounds DefaultQuery q = new DefaultQuery("changesets"); q.setSortBy(new SortBy[] {ff.sort("revision", SortOrder.DESCENDING)}); final SimpleFeatureCollection features = ds.getFeatureSource("changesets").getFeatures(q); SimpleFeatureIterator fi = features.features(); SimpleFeature lastChangeset = fi.next(); fi.close(); assertEquals(env, ((Geometry) lastChangeset.getDefaultGeometry()).getEnvelopeInternal()); } /** * * @throws Exception */ public void testDeleteFeaturesEmpty() throws Exception { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); // version enable road ds.setVersioned("road", true, "gimbo", "version enabling stuff"); // build a filter to delete a feature that's not there Filter filter = ff.id(Collections.singleton(ff.featureId("road.abc"))); // delete... nothing. Due to a bug this resulted in an exception Transaction t = createTransaction("gimbo", "first change"); FeatureStore fs = (FeatureStore) ds.getFeatureSource("road"); fs.setTransaction(t); fs.removeFeatures(filter); t.commit(); t.close(); } public void testFeatureStoreDeleteFeatures() throws IOException, NoSuchElementException, IllegalAttributeException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); // version enable road ds.setVersioned("road", true, "gimbo", "version enabling stuff"); // build a filter to extract just road 1 Filter filter = ff.id(Collections.singleton(ff.featureId("road.rd1"))); // get it FeatureReader fr = ds.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("road", filter), Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); Envelope env = ((Geometry) ((SimpleFeature) fr.next()).getDefaultGeometry()).getEnvelopeInternal(); fr.close(); // now delete one feature Transaction t = createTransaction("gimbo", "removing one feature by mass delete with filter"); VersioningFeatureStore fs = (VersioningFeatureStore) ds.getFeatureSource("road"); fs.setTransaction(t); fs.removeFeatures(filter); t.commit(); t.close(); fs.setTransaction(Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); // and now see if it's still there fr = ds.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery( "road"), Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); while (fr.hasNext()) assertFalse(fr.next().getID().equals("road.rd1")); fr.close(); // also make sure the deleted feature got into the changesets with // proper bounds DefaultQuery q = new DefaultQuery("changesets"); q.setSortBy(new SortBy[] { ff.sort("revision", SortOrder.DESCENDING) }); final SimpleFeatureCollection changes = ds.getFeatureSource( "changesets").getFeatures(q); SimpleFeatureIterator fi = changes.features(); SimpleFeature lastChangeset = fi.next(); fi.close(); assertEquals(env, ((Geometry) lastChangeset.getDefaultGeometry()).getEnvelopeInternal()); // finally make sure the deletion shows up in the differences long lastRevision = (Long) lastChangeset.getAttribute("revision"); String vPrev = String.valueOf(lastRevision - 1); String vCurr = String.valueOf(lastRevision); FeatureDiffReader fdr = fs.getDifferences(vPrev, vCurr, null, null); assertTrue(fdr.hasNext()); FeatureDiff fd = fdr.next(); assertEquals(FeatureDiff.DELETED, fd.getState()); assertEquals("road.rd1", fd.getOldFeature().getID()); fdr.close(); // also make sute it made into the modified type names String[] modifiedTypes = ds.getModifiedFeatureTypes(vPrev, vCurr); assertEquals(1, modifiedTypes.length); assertEquals("road", modifiedTypes[0]); } public void testFeatureStoreUpdateFeatures() throws IOException, NoSuchElementException, IllegalAttributeException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); // version enable road ds.setVersioned("road", true, "gimbo", "version enabling stuff"); // build a filter to extract just road 1 Filter filter = ff.id(Collections.singleton(ff.featureId("road.rd1"))); // get it FeatureReader fr = ds.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery( "road", filter), Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); Envelope env = ((Geometry) ((SimpleFeature) fr.next()).getDefaultGeometry()) .getEnvelopeInternal(); fr.close(); // now updated it Transaction t = createTransaction("gimbo", "first change"); FeatureStore fs = (FeatureStore) ds.getFeatureSource("road"); fs.setTransaction(t); fs.modifyFeatures(roadType.getDescriptor("name"), "newRoad1", filter); t.commit(); t.close(); // make sure the updated feature got into the changesets with // proper bounds DefaultQuery q = new DefaultQuery("changesets"); q.setSortBy(new SortBy[] { ff.sort("revision", SortOrder.DESCENDING) }); final SimpleFeatureCollection features = ds.getFeatureSource( "changesets").getFeatures(q); SimpleFeatureIterator fi = features.features(); SimpleFeature lastChangeset = fi.next(); fi.close(); assertEquals(env, ((Geometry) lastChangeset.getDefaultGeometry()).getEnvelopeInternal()); } public void testFeatureStoreUpdateEmpty() throws IOException, NoSuchElementException, IllegalAttributeException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); // version enable road ds.setVersioned("road", true, "gimbo", "version enabling stuff"); // build a filter that won't extract any feature Filter filter = ff.id(Collections.singleton(ff.featureId("road.abc"))); // now try to run an update over it, it should not break Transaction t = createTransaction("gimbo", "first change"); FeatureStore fs = (FeatureStore) ds.getFeatureSource("road"); fs.setTransaction(t); fs.modifyFeatures(roadType.getDescriptor("name"), "newRoad1", filter); t.commit(); t.close(); } /** * Versioned datastore broke if the same feature got updated twice in the same transaction * (since it tried to create a new record at revions x, then expired it, and created another * again at revision x). * * @throws Exception * */ public void testDoubleUpdate() throws Exception { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); // version enable trees ds.setVersioned("tree", true, "udig", "I like to doubly update things in the same transaction :-)"); // build a filter to extract just road 1 Filter filter = ff.id(Collections.singleton(ff.featureId("tree.1"))); // setup a transaction Transaction t = createTransaction("gimbo", "double update"); SimpleFeatureStore store = (SimpleFeatureStore) ds.getFeatureSource("tree"); SimpleFeatureType treeSchema = ds.getSchema("tree"); store.setTransaction(t); assertEquals(1, store.getFeatures(filter).size()); store.modifyFeatures(treeSchema.getDescriptor("name"), "update1", filter); store.modifyFeatures(treeSchema.getDescriptor("name"), "update2", filter); t.commit(); // make sure the second update is the one that went in SimpleFeatureCollection fc = store.getFeatures(filter); SimpleFeatureIterator fi = fc.features(); assertTrue(fi.hasNext()); SimpleFeature f = fi.next(); assertEquals("update2", f.getAttribute("name")); assertFalse(fi.hasNext()); fi.close(); t.close(); } /** * Check insert/delete in the same transaction works * * @throws Exception * */ public void testInsertDelete() throws Exception { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); // version enable trees ds.setVersioned("tree", true, "gimbo", "What do you want, I'm undecided..."); // create a new feature SimpleFeature tree = SimpleFeatureBuilder.build(treeType, new Object[] { gf.createPoint(new Coordinate(7, 7)), "SmallPine" }, "tree.tr2"); // setup a transaction Transaction t = createTransaction("gimbo", "double update"); SimpleFeatureStore store = (SimpleFeatureStore) ds.getFeatureSource("tree"); store.setTransaction(t); List ids = store.addFeatures(DataUtilities.collection(tree)); Filter filter = ff.id(new HashSet(ids)); store.removeFeatures(filter); t.commit(); // check it's not there assertEquals(0, store.getFeatures(filter).size()); t.close(); } /** * Same as double update, but for the insert/update case * * @throws Exception * */ public void testInsertUpdate() throws Exception { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); // version enable trees ds.setVersioned("tree", true, "gimbo", "What do you want, I'm undecided..."); // create a new feature SimpleFeature tree = SimpleFeatureBuilder.build(treeType, new Object[] { gf.createPoint(new Coordinate(7, 7)), "SmallPine" }, "tree.tr2"); // setup a transaction Transaction t = createTransaction("gimbo", "double update"); SimpleFeatureType treeSchema = ds.getSchema("tree"); SimpleFeatureStore store = (SimpleFeatureStore) ds.getFeatureSource("tree"); store.setTransaction(t); List ids = store.addFeatures(DataUtilities.collection(tree)); Filter filter = ff.id( new HashSet(ids)); assertEquals(1, store.getFeatures(filter).size()); store.modifyFeatures(treeSchema.getDescriptor("name"), "update1", filter); t.commit(); t.close(); } /** * This time we first delete, then rollback and update the same feature * @throws Exception */ public void testRollbackUpdate() throws Exception { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); // version enable trees ds.setVersioned("tree", true, "udig", "First I remove, then rollback and update :-)"); // build a filter to extract just tree 1 Filter filter = ff.id(Collections.singleton(ff.featureId("tree.1"))); VersioningFeatureStore store = (VersioningFeatureStore) ds.getFeatureSource("tree"); store.removeFeatures(filter); Transaction t = createTransaction("gimbo", "rollback and update"); store.setTransaction(t); store.rollback("FIRST", filter, null); SimpleFeatureType treeSchema = store.getSchema(); store.modifyFeatures(treeSchema.getDescriptor("name"), "update1", filter); t.commit(); t.close(); store.setTransaction(Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); SimpleFeatureIterator fi = store.getFeatures(filter).features(); assertTrue(fi.hasNext()); SimpleFeature f = fi.next(); assertEquals("update1", f.getAttribute("name")); fi.close(); } public void testSerialIdWriting() throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAttributeException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); ds.setVersioned("rail", true, "mambo", "Version enabling rails"); Transaction t = createTransaction("serial", "Feature modification"); FeatureWriter fw = ds.getFeatureWriter("rail", Filter.INCLUDE, t); assertTrue(fw.hasNext()); SimpleFeature f = fw.next(); f.setDefaultGeometry(line(new int[] { 0, 0, -10, -10 })); fw.write(); fw.close(); t.commit(); fw = ds.getFeatureWriterAppend("rail", t); f = fw.next(); f.setDefaultGeometry(line(new int[] { -10, -10, -20, -10 })); fw.write(); assertEquals("rail.2", f.getID()); fw.close(); t.commit(); fw = ds.getFeatureWriter("rail", ff.id(Collections.singleton(ff.featureId("rail.1"))), t); assertTrue(fw.hasNext()); f = fw.next(); fw.remove(); fw.close(); t.commit(); t.close(); } public void testPlainModifiedIds() throws IOException, IllegalAttributeException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); String newId = buildRiverHistory(); // check modified feature types are the proper ones // full history String[] modifiedTypes = ds.getModifiedFeatureTypes("1", null); assertEquals(1, modifiedTypes.length); assertEquals("river", modifiedTypes[0]); // get features modified in first revisions, without filters Transaction ac = Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT; // ... all history ModifiedFeatureIds mfids = ds.getModifiedFeatureFIDs("river", "1", "5", Filter.INCLUDE, null, ac); assertEquals(1, mfids.getCreated().size()); assertEquals(1, mfids.getDeleted().size()); assertEquals(1, mfids.getModified().size()); assertTrue(mfids.getCreated().contains(newId)); assertTrue(mfids.getDeleted().contains("river.rv2")); assertTrue(mfids.getModified().contains("river.rv1")); // ... just first modification mfids = ds.getModifiedFeatureFIDs("river", "1", "2", Filter.INCLUDE, null, ac); assertEquals(0, mfids.getCreated().size()); assertEquals(0, mfids.getDeleted().size()); assertEquals(2, mfids.getModified().size()); assertTrue(mfids.getModified().contains("river.rv1")); assertTrue(mfids.getModified().contains("river.rv2")); // ... just second one mfids = ds.getModifiedFeatureFIDs("river", "2", "3", Filter.INCLUDE, null, ac); assertEquals(0, mfids.getCreated().size()); assertEquals(0, mfids.getDeleted().size()); assertEquals(1, mfids.getModified().size()); assertTrue(mfids.getModified().contains("river.rv2")); // ... just creation and deletion mfids = ds.getModifiedFeatureFIDs("river", "3", "5", Filter.INCLUDE, null, ac); assertEquals(1, mfids.getCreated().size()); assertEquals(1, mfids.getDeleted().size()); assertEquals(0, mfids.getModified().size()); assertTrue(mfids.getCreated().contains(newId)); assertTrue(mfids.getDeleted().contains("river.rv2")); // ... a non existent one mfids = ds.getModifiedFeatureFIDs("river", "10", "11", Filter.INCLUDE, null, ac); assertEquals(0, mfids.getCreated().size()); assertEquals(0, mfids.getDeleted().size()); assertEquals(0, mfids.getModified().size()); // now check with some filters too // ... a fid one Filter fidFilter = ff.id(Collections.singleton(ff.featureId("river.rv1"))); mfids = ds.getModifiedFeatureFIDs("river", "1", "3", fidFilter, null, ac); assertEquals(0, mfids.getCreated().size()); assertEquals(0, mfids.getDeleted().size()); assertEquals(1, mfids.getModified().size()); assertTrue(mfids.getModified().contains("river.rv1")); // ... a bbox one Filter bboxFilter = ff.bbox("geom", 100, 100, 300, 300, null); mfids = ds.getModifiedFeatureFIDs("river", "1", "3", bboxFilter, null, ac); assertEquals(0, mfids.getCreated().size()); assertEquals(0, mfids.getDeleted().size()); assertEquals(1, mfids.getModified().size()); assertTrue(mfids.getModified().contains("river.rv2")); // ... a non encodable one, matching Filter roundedFlowFilter = ff.equals(ff.function("ceil", ff.property("flow")), ff .literal(10)); mfids = ds.getModifiedFeatureFIDs("river", "1", "3", roundedFlowFilter, null, ac); assertEquals(0, mfids.getCreated().size()); assertEquals(0, mfids.getDeleted().size()); assertEquals(1, mfids.getModified().size()); assertTrue(mfids.getModified().contains("river.rv1")); // ... same filter, but feature not modified in those revisions mfids = ds.getModifiedFeatureFIDs("river", "2", "3", roundedFlowFilter, null, ac); assertEquals(0, mfids.getCreated().size()); assertEquals(0, mfids.getDeleted().size()); assertEquals(0, mfids.getModified().size()); // ... a non encodable one, not matching Filter roundedFlowFilter2 = ff.equals(ff.function("ceil", ff.property("flow")), ff .literal(11)); mfids = ds.getModifiedFeatureFIDs("river", "1", "3", roundedFlowFilter2, null, ac); assertEquals(0, mfids.getCreated().size()); assertEquals(0, mfids.getDeleted().size()); assertEquals(0, mfids.getModified().size()); } public void testUserModifiedIds() throws IOException, IllegalAttributeException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); String newId = buildRiverHistory(); // check modified feature types are the proper ones // full history String[] modifiedTypes = ds.getModifiedFeatureTypes("1", null); assertEquals(1, modifiedTypes.length); assertEquals("river", modifiedTypes[0]); // get features modified in first revisions, without filters Transaction ac = Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT; // ... all history, all users ModifiedFeatureIds mfids = ds.getModifiedFeatureFIDs("river", "1", "5", Filter.INCLUDE, new String[] { "lamb", "trout" }, ac); assertEquals(1, mfids.getCreated().size()); assertEquals(1, mfids.getDeleted().size()); assertEquals(1, mfids.getModified().size()); // ... just first modification, but with the wrong user mfids = ds.getModifiedFeatureFIDs("river", "1", "2", Filter.INCLUDE, new String[] { "trout" }, ac); assertEquals(0, mfids.getCreated().size()); assertEquals(0, mfids.getDeleted().size()); assertEquals(0, mfids.getModified().size()); // ... again the first modification, right user this time mfids = ds.getModifiedFeatureFIDs("river", "1", "2", Filter.INCLUDE, new String[] { "lamb" }, ac); assertEquals(0, mfids.getCreated().size()); assertEquals(0, mfids.getDeleted().size()); assertEquals(2, mfids.getModified().size()); // ... let's see what trout did between 1 and 4 mfids = ds.getModifiedFeatureFIDs("river", "1", "4", Filter.INCLUDE, new String[] { "trout" }, ac); assertEquals(0, mfids.getCreated().size()); assertEquals(0, mfids.getDeleted().size()); assertEquals(1, mfids.getModified().size()); assertTrue(mfids.getModified().contains("river.rv2")); } public void testModifiedIdsUnversioned() throws IOException, IllegalAttributeException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); // check we get no modifications out of an unversioned feature type ModifiedFeatureIds mfids = ds.getModifiedFeatureFIDs("river", "1", "5", Filter.INCLUDE, null, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertTrue(mfids.getCreated().isEmpty()); assertTrue(mfids.getDeleted().isEmpty()); assertTrue(mfids.getModified().isEmpty()); } public void testRollbackDeleted() throws IOException, IllegalAttributeException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); buildRiverHistory(); Filter rv2Filter = ff.id(Collections.singleton(ff.featureId("river.rv2"))); FeatureReader fr = ds.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("river", rv2Filter), Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertFalse(fr.hasNext()); fr.close(); // try to rollback to revision 4, that is, rollback last deletion Transaction t = createTransaction("Mambo", "Gimbo, what did you do? " + "Now I have to rollback your changes!"); VersionedPostgisFeatureStore fs = (VersionedPostgisFeatureStore) ds .getFeatureSource("river"); fs.setTransaction(t); fs.rollback("4", Filter.INCLUDE, null); t.commit(); // now check rv2 is again there fr = ds.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("river", rv2Filter), Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertTrue(fr.hasNext()); fr.close(); assertEquals(3, fs.getFeatures(Filter.INCLUDE).size()); t.close(); } public void testRollbackCreatedDeleted() throws IOException, IllegalAttributeException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); String newId = buildRiverHistory(); // try to rollback to revision 3, that is, rollback last deletion and // creation Transaction t = createTransaction("Mambo", "Gimbo, what did you do? " + "Now I have to rollback your changes!"); VersionedPostgisFeatureStore fs = (VersionedPostgisFeatureStore) ds .getFeatureSource("river"); fs.setTransaction(t); fs.rollback("3", Filter.INCLUDE, null); t.commit(); // now check rv2 is again there Filter rv2Filter = ff.id(Collections.singleton(ff.featureId("river.rv2"))); Filter newFilter = ff.id(Collections.singleton(ff.featureId(newId))); FeatureReader fr = ds.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("river", rv2Filter), Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertTrue(fr.hasNext()); fr.close(); fr = ds.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("river", newFilter), Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertFalse(fr.hasNext()); fr.close(); assertEquals(2, fs.getFeatures(Filter.INCLUDE).size()); t.close(); } public void testRollbackAll() throws IOException, IllegalAttributeException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); buildRiverHistory(); // try to rollback to revision 3, that is, rollback last deletion and // creation Transaction t = createTransaction("Mambo", "Gimbo, what did you do? " + "Now I have to rollback your changes!"); VersionedPostgisFeatureStore fs = (VersionedPostgisFeatureStore) ds .getFeatureSource("river"); fs.setTransaction(t); fs.rollback("1", Filter.INCLUDE, null); t.commit(); // now check river features are just like at the beginning SimpleFeatureCollection fc = fs.getFeatures(); assertEquals(riverFeatures.length, fc.size()); for (int i = 0; i < riverFeatures.length; i++) { assertTrue(fc.contains(riverFeatures[i])); } t.close(); } public void testRollbackUserChanges() throws IOException, IllegalAttributeException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); buildRiverHistory(); // try to rollback to revision 3, that is, rollback last deletion and // creation Transaction t = createTransaction("Lamb", "Trout, what did you do? " + "Now I have to rollback your changes!"); VersionedPostgisFeatureStore fs = (VersionedPostgisFeatureStore) ds .getFeatureSource("river"); fs.setTransaction(t); fs.rollback("1", Filter.INCLUDE, new String[] { "trout" }); t.commit(); // now check that rv2 is again there an equal to the original, rv3 has not rolled back // and rv1 is still modified SimpleFeatureCollection fc = fs.getFeatures(); assertEquals(riverFeatures.length + 1, fc.size()); assertTrue(fc.contains(riverFeatures[1])); SimpleFeatureIterator fi = fc.features(); while (fi.hasNext()) { SimpleFeature f = fi.next(); if (f.getID().equals("river.rv1")) assertFalse(f.equals(riverFeatures[1])); else if (f.getID().equals("river.rv2")) assertEquals(riverFeatures[1], f); else assertEquals(new Integer(3), f.getAttribute("id")); } fi.close(); t.close(); } public void testVolatilePk() throws IOException, IllegalAttributeException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); assertTrue(ds.getFeatureSource("river") instanceof FeatureLocking); assertFalse(ds.getFeatureSource("nopk") instanceof FeatureLocking); } public void testFeatureStoreUnversioned() throws IOException, IllegalAttributeException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); // try to get a feature store for an unversioned type, it should be a // plain feature store // not the versioned one SimpleFeatureStore fs = (SimpleFeatureStore) ds.getFeatureSource("river"); assertFalse(fs instanceof VersionedPostgisFeatureStore); } public void testLog() throws IOException, IllegalAttributeException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); String newId = buildRiverHistory(); VersionedPostgisFeatureStore fs = (VersionedPostgisFeatureStore) ds .getFeatureSource("river"); // get log only for newly created features Filter newIdFilter = ff.id(Collections.singleton(ff.featureId(newId))); SimpleFeatureCollection fc = fs.getLog("1", "5", newIdFilter, null, -1); assertEquals(1, fc.size()); SimpleFeatureIterator it = fc.features(); SimpleFeature f = it.next(); assertEquals("changesets.4", f.getID()); assertEquals("lamb", f.getAttribute("author")); assertEquals("third change", f.getAttribute("message")); it.close(); // get log for rv2 (most modified) Filter rv2IdFilter = ff.id(Collections.singleton(ff.featureId("river.rv2"))); fc = fs.getLog("1", "5", rv2IdFilter, null, -1); assertEquals(3, fc.size()); it = fc.features(); f = it.next(); assertEquals(new Long(5), f.getAttribute("revision")); assertEquals("trout", f.getAttribute("author")); assertEquals("fourth change", f.getAttribute("message")); f = it.next(); assertEquals(new Long(3), f.getAttribute("revision")); assertEquals("trout", f.getAttribute("author")); assertEquals("second change", f.getAttribute("message")); f = it.next(); assertEquals(new Long(2), f.getAttribute("revision")); assertEquals("lamb", f.getAttribute("author")); assertEquals("first change", f.getAttribute("message")); it.close(); // get log for rv1 Filter rv1IdFilter = ff.id(Collections.singleton(ff.featureId("river.rv1"))); fc = fs.getLog("1", "5", rv1IdFilter, null, -1); assertEquals(1, fc.size()); it = fc.features(); f = it.next(); assertEquals("changesets.2", f.getID()); assertEquals("lamb", f.getAttribute("author")); assertEquals("first change", f.getAttribute("message")); it.close(); // make sure the symbolic names for feature versions do work fc = fs.getLog("FIRST", "LAST", Filter.INCLUDE, null, -1); assertEquals(4, fc.size()); // make sure the old way to specify the current version works too fc = fs.getLog("FIRST", "CURRENT", Filter.INCLUDE, null, -1); assertEquals(4, fc.size()); // make sure maxRows works fc = fs.getLog("FIRST", "LAST", Filter.INCLUDE, null, 1); assertEquals(1, fc.size()); // try out with an inverted sequence and see if we get an inverted log order fc = fs.getLog("LAST", "FIRST", Filter.INCLUDE, null, -1); assertEquals(4, fc.size()); it = fc.features(); f = it.next(); long r1 = ((Long) f.getAttribute("revision")).longValue(); f = it.next(); long r2 = ((Long) f.getAttribute("revision")).longValue(); assertTrue(r1 < r2); it.close(); } public void testLogNoHistory() throws Exception { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); ds.setVersioned("river", true, "mambo", "version enabling stuff"); VersionedPostgisFeatureStore fs = (VersionedPostgisFeatureStore) ds .getFeatureSource("river"); // get log only for newly created features SimpleFeatureCollection fc = fs.getLog("FIRST", "LAST", Filter.INCLUDE, null, -1); assertEquals(0, fc.size()); // the above equals succeeds even if the generated query is broken, there is // a try/catch that returns 0 instead of throwing the error back // The following ensure the errors seen in GEOT-1837 surfaces SimpleFeatureIterator fi = fc.features(); assertFalse(fi.hasNext()); fi.close(); } public void testDiff() throws IOException, IllegalAttributeException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); buildRiverHistory(); VersionedPostgisFeatureStore fs = (VersionedPostgisFeatureStore) ds .getFeatureSource("river"); // forward, deletion changeset FeatureDiffReader fdr = fs.getDifferences("4", "5", Filter.INCLUDE, null); assertEquals(fs.getSchema(), fdr.getSchema()); assertTrue(fdr.hasNext()); FeatureDiff diff = fdr.next(); assertEquals("river.rv2", diff.getID()); assertEquals(FeatureDiff.DELETED, diff.getState()); assertFalse(fdr.hasNext()); fdr.close(); // same changeset, but backwards fdr = fs.getDifferences("5", "4", Filter.INCLUDE, null); assertEquals(fs.getSchema(), fdr.getSchema()); assertTrue(fdr.hasNext()); diff = fdr.next(); assertEquals("river.rv2", diff.getID()); assertEquals(FeatureDiff.INSERTED, diff.getState()); assertEquals("rv2 v3", diff.getFeature().getAttribute("river")); assertEquals(new Double(3.0), diff.getFeature().getAttribute("flow")); // ... can't compare directly, they have different geometry factories // (afaik) assertTrue(DataUtilities.attributesEqual(lines(new int[][] { { 200, 200, 120, 120 } }), diff.getFeature().getDefaultGeometry())); assertFalse(fdr.hasNext()); fdr.close(); // forward diff, two modifications on changeset 1-2, and check reader reset while // you're at it fdr = fs.getDifferences("1", "2", Filter.INCLUDE, null); assertEquals(fs.getSchema(), fdr.getSchema()); Set ids = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "river.rv1", "river.rv2" })); assertTrue(fdr.hasNext()); while (fdr.hasNext()) { diff = fdr.next(); assertTrue("Unexpected id: " + diff.getID(), ids.remove(diff.getID())); assertEquals("1", fdr.getFromVersion()); assertEquals("2", fdr.getToVersion()); assertEquals(FeatureDiff.UPDATED, diff.getState()); if (diff.getID().equals("river.rv1")) { assertEquals(2, diff.getChangedAttributes().size()); assertTrue(diff.getChangedAttributes().contains("river")); assertTrue(diff.getChangedAttributes().contains("flow")); assertEquals("rv1 v2", diff.getFeature().getAttribute("river")); assertEquals(new Double(9.6), diff.getFeature().getAttribute("flow")); } else { assertEquals(2, diff.getChangedAttributes().size()); assertEquals("rv2 v2", diff.getFeature().getAttribute("river")); assertTrue(DataUtilities.attributesEqual(lines(new int[][] { { 100, 100, 120, 120 } }), diff.getFeature().getAttribute("geom"))); } } fdr.close(); // forward diff on creation fdr = fs.getDifferences("3", "4", Filter.INCLUDE, null); assertEquals(fs.getSchema(), fdr.getSchema()); assertTrue(fdr.hasNext()); diff = fdr.next(); assertEquals(FeatureDiff.INSERTED, diff.getState()); assertEquals(fs.getSchema(), diff.getFeature().getFeatureType()); assertFalse(fdr.hasNext()); fdr.close(); } public void testVersionEmptyTable() throws Exception { // start with an empty table VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); FeatureStore store = (FeatureStore) ds.getFeatureSource("river"); store.removeFeatures(Filter.INCLUDE); ds.setVersioned("river", true, "mambo", "version enabling stuff"); VersionedPostgisFeatureStore fs = (VersionedPostgisFeatureStore) ds.getFeatureSource("river"); FeatureDiffReader reader = fs.getDifferences("FIRST", "LAST", null, null); assertFalse(reader.hasNext()); reader.close(); // add a new feature Transaction t = createTransaction("lamb", "third change"); FeatureWriter fw = ds.getFeatureWriterAppend("river", t); SimpleFeature f = fw.next(); f.setAttribute("id", new Integer(3)); f.setAttribute("geom", lines(new int[][] { { 300, 300, 301, 301 } })); f.setAttribute("river", "rv2 v3"); f.setAttribute("flow", new Double(12.2)); fw.write(); String newId = f.getID(); fw.close(); t.commit(); t.close(); // now grab again the diff reader = fs.getDifferences("FIRST", "LAST", null, null); assertTrue(reader.hasNext()); FeatureDiff fd = reader.next(); reader.close(); assertEquals(FeatureDiff.INSERTED, fd.getState()); assertEquals(newId, fd.getID()); } /** * Create history, rollback it, diff used to report changes anyways * @throws IOException * @throws IllegalAttributeException */ public void testRollbackDiff() throws IOException, IllegalAttributeException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); buildRiverHistory(); // try to rollback to revision 1, that is, rollback everything Transaction t = createTransaction("Mambo", "Restarting the world"); VersionedPostgisFeatureStore fs = (VersionedPostgisFeatureStore) ds .getFeatureSource("river"); fs.setTransaction(t); fs.rollback("1", Filter.INCLUDE, null); t.commit(); // now extract a diff between current revision and the last one FeatureDiffReader reader = fs.getDifferences("1",null, null, null); assertFalse(reader.hasNext()); reader.close(); t.close(); } /** * Create history, get a diff between the same two revisions (corner case usage) * @throws IOException * @throws IllegalAttributeException */ public void testEmptyDiff() throws IOException, IllegalAttributeException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); buildRiverHistory(); VersionedPostgisFeatureStore fs = (VersionedPostgisFeatureStore) ds.getFeatureSource("river"); // now extract diffs that go from a certain version to itself for(int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { String v = String.valueOf(i); FeatureDiffReader reader = fs.getDifferences(v,v, null, null); assertFalse(reader.hasNext()); reader.close(); } FeatureDiffReader reader = fs.getDifferences(null,null, null, null); assertFalse(reader.hasNext()); reader.close(); } public void testVersionedCollection() throws Exception { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); buildRiverHistory(); VersioningFeatureSource fs = (VersioningFeatureSource) ds.getFeatureSource("river"); // smoke test, can we get it? SimpleFeatureCollection vfc = fs.getVersionedFeatures(); SimpleFeatureCollection fc = fs.getFeatures(); assertEquals(vfc.size(), fc.size()); final int vfcAttributesCount = vfc.getSchema().getAttributeCount(); assertEquals(fc.getSchema().getAttributeCount() + 8, vfcAttributesCount); assertEquals("creationVersion", vfc.getSchema().getDescriptor(0).getLocalName()); assertEquals("createdBy", vfc.getSchema().getDescriptor(1).getLocalName()); assertEquals("creationDate", vfc.getSchema().getDescriptor(2).getLocalName()); assertEquals("creationMessage", vfc.getSchema().getDescriptor(3).getLocalName()); assertEquals("lastUpdateVersion", vfc.getSchema().getDescriptor(4).getLocalName()); assertEquals("lastUpdatedBy", vfc.getSchema().getDescriptor(5).getLocalName()); assertEquals("lastUpdateDate", vfc.getSchema().getDescriptor(6).getLocalName()); assertEquals("lastUpdateMessage", vfc.getSchema().getDescriptor(7).getLocalName()); final SimpleFeatureIterator vfr = vfc.features(); final SimpleFeatureIterator fr = fc.features(); final SimpleFeature vf = vfr.next(); final SimpleFeature f = fr.next(); vfr.close(); fr.close(); assertEquals(fc.getSchema().getTypeName(), vfc.getSchema().getTypeName()); assertEquals(f.getFeatureType().getTypeName(), vf.getFeatureType().getTypeName()); assertEquals(vfcAttributesCount, vfc.getSchema().getAttributeCount()); assertEquals(f.getID(), vf.getID()); for (int i = 0; i < f.getFeatureType().getAttributeCount(); i++) { assertTrue(DataUtilities.attributesEqual(f.getAttribute(i), vf.getAttribute(i + 8))); } } public void testReprojectedVersionedCollection() throws Exception { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); ds.setVersioned("rail", true, "mambo", "version enabling stuff"); VersioningFeatureSource fs = (VersioningFeatureSource) ds.getFeatureSource("rail"); DefaultQuery dq = new DefaultQuery(); final CoordinateReferenceSystem epsg3003 = CRS.decode("EPSG:3003"); dq.setCoordinateSystemReproject(epsg3003); SimpleFeatureCollection fc = fs.getVersionedFeatures(dq); assertEquals(epsg3003, fc.getSchema().getGeometryDescriptor().getCoordinateReferenceSystem()); } public void testMissingVersionedCollection() throws Exception { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); buildRiverHistory(); // drop the versioning collection view to make the db in the // same condition as an old db Connection conn = null; Statement st = null; try { conn = pool.getConnection(); st = conn.createStatement(); st.execute("drop view river_vfc_view"); } catch(Exception e) { } VersioningFeatureSource fs = (VersioningFeatureSource) ds.getFeatureSource("river"); // now, will the datastore create the view on the fly? SimpleFeatureCollection vfc = fs.getVersionedFeatures(); SimpleFeatureCollection fc = fs.getFeatures(); assertEquals(vfc.size(), fc.size()); assertEquals(vfc.getSchema().getGeometryDescriptor(), fc.getSchema().getGeometryDescriptor()); } public void testVersionedCollectionFidFilter() throws Exception { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); buildRiverHistory(); // drop the versioning collection view to make the db in the // same condition as an old db Connection conn = null; Statement st = null; try { conn = pool.getConnection(); st = conn.createStatement(); st.execute("drop view river_vfc_view"); } catch(Exception e) { } VersioningFeatureSource fs = (VersioningFeatureSource) ds.getFeatureSource("river"); final Id fidFilter = ff.id(Collections.singleton(ff.featureId("river.rv1"))); SimpleFeatureCollection vfc = fs.getVersionedFeatures(fidFilter); SimpleFeatureCollection fc = fs.getFeatures(fidFilter); assertEquals(vfc.size(), fc.size()); assertEquals(1, vfc.size()); } public void testGeometryless() throws Exception { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); ds.setVersioned("gless", true, "mambo", "Trying my luck with a geometryless layer"); VersioningFeatureStore fs = (VersioningFeatureStore) ds.getFeatureSource("gless"); SimpleFeatureBuilder fb = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(ds.getSchema("gless")); fs.addFeatures(DataUtilities.collection(fb.buildFeature(null, new Object[] {"third", 150.3}))); fs.removeFeatures(ff.equals(ff.property("name"), ff.literal("first"))); // check we have the expected changesets SimpleFeatureCollection fc = fs.getLog("FIRST", "LAST", Filter.INCLUDE, null, 0); assertEquals(2, fc.size()); Filter firstFilter = ff.equals(ff.property("name"), ff.literal("first")); Filter secondFilter = ff.equals(ff.property("name"), ff.literal("second")); Query origQuery = new DefaultQuery("gless", ff.or(firstFilter, secondFilter)); assertEquals(1, fs.getCount(origQuery)); assertEquals(2, fs.getCount(Query.ALL)); fs.rollback("FIRST", Filter.INCLUDE, null); // check the rollback occurred as expected assertEquals(2, fs.getCount(origQuery)); assertEquals(2, fs.getCount(Query.ALL)); // check we can un-version without issues ds.setVersioned("gless", false, "mambo", "Trying my luck with a geometryless layer"); } /** * UUID keys should not be re-generated in case the feature already has a valid * UUID as a key */ public void testUUID() throws Exception { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); ds.setVersioned("gless", true, "mambo", "Testing UUID fid mapper"); VersioningFeatureStore fs = (VersioningFeatureStore) ds.getFeatureSource("gless"); // add a feature without a valida UUID key SimpleFeatureBuilder fb = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(ds.getSchema("gless")); fs.addFeatures(DataUtilities.collection(fb.buildFeature(null, new Object[] {"third", 150.3}))); // check the pk has been generated as a UUID Query third = new DefaultQuery("gless", ff.equals(ff.property("name"), ff.literal("third"))); SimpleFeatureIterator fi = fs.getFeatures(third).features(); SimpleFeature f = fi.next(); fi.close(); assertTrue(f.getID().startsWith("gless.")); assertEquals(36, f.getID().substring(6).length()); // add a feature with a valid UUID key String fid = "gless.bbaa3bb9-7ba9-4dfc-9ffb-6eb437a257d9"; fs.addFeatures(DataUtilities.collection(fb.buildFeature(fid, new Object[] {"fourth", 150.3}))); Query fourth = new DefaultQuery("gless", ff.equals(ff.property("name"), ff.literal("fourth"))); fi = fs.getFeatures(fourth ).features(); f = fi.next(); fi.close(); assertEquals(fid, f.getID()); // modify the feature, make sure everything goes right (did not during the first impl.) SimpleFeatureType ft = fs.getSchema(); Id fidFilter = ff.id(Collections.singleton(ff.featureId(fid))); fs.modifyFeatures(ft.getDescriptor("name"), "4th", fidFilter); fi = fs.getFeatures(fidFilter).features(); assertTrue(fi.hasNext()); f = fi.next(); fi.close(); assertEquals("4th", f.getAttribute("name")); } /** * Version enables rivers * * @param ds * @return * @throws IOException * @throws IllegalAttributeException */ protected String buildRiverHistory() throws IOException, IllegalAttributeException { VersionedPostgisDataStore ds = getDataStore(); ds.setVersioned("river", true, "mambo", "version enabling stuff"); // revision 2), modify two elements, rv1 and rv2 Transaction t = createTransaction("lamb", "first change"); FeatureWriter fw = ds.getFeatureWriter("river", Filter.INCLUDE, t); while (fw.hasNext()) { SimpleFeature f = fw.next(); if (f.getID().equals("river.rv1")) { f.setAttribute("river", "rv1 v2"); f.setAttribute("flow", new Double(9.6)); } else { f.setAttribute("river", "rv2 v2"); f.setAttribute("geom", lines(new int[][] { { 100, 100, 120, 120 } })); } fw.write(); } fw.close(); t.commit(); t.close(); // revision 3) modify just one, rv2 t = createTransaction("trout", "second change"); fw = ds.getFeatureWriter("river", Filter.INCLUDE, t); while (fw.hasNext()) { SimpleFeature f = fw.next(); if (f.getID().equals("river.rv2")) { f.setAttribute("river", "rv2 v3"); f.setAttribute("geom", lines(new int[][] { { 200, 200, 120, 120 } })); } fw.write(); } fw.close(); t.commit(); t.close(); // revision 4) create a new feature, rv3 t = createTransaction("lamb", "third change"); fw = ds.getFeatureWriterAppend("river", t); SimpleFeature f = fw.next(); f.setAttribute("id", new Integer(3)); f.setAttribute("geom", lines(new int[][] { { 300, 300, 301, 301 } })); f.setAttribute("river", "rv2 v3"); f.setAttribute("flow", new Double(12.2)); fw.write(); String newId = f.getID(); fw.close(); t.commit(); t.close(); // revision 5), delete river rv2 t = createTransaction("trout", "fourth change"); fw = ds.getFeatureWriter("river", Filter.INCLUDE, t); while (fw.hasNext()) { f = fw.next(); if (f.getID().equals("river.rv2")) { fw.remove(); } else { fw.write(); } } fw.close(); t.commit(); t.close(); return newId; } private Transaction createTransaction(String author, String message) throws IOException { Transaction t = new DefaultTransaction(); t.putProperty(VersioningDataStore.AUTHOR, author); t.putProperty(VersioningDataStore.MESSAGE, message); return t; } public static void main(String[] args) { junit.textui.TestRunner runner = new junit.textui.TestRunner(); runner.setPrinter(new ResultPrinter(System.out) { public void startTest(Test test) { getWriter().println("About to run " + test); super.startTest(test); } public void endTest(Test test) { super.endTest(test); System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc(); Runtime.getRuntime().runFinalization(); getWriter().println("Test ended: " + test); getWriter().println(); } }); runner.doRun(new TestSuite(VersionedOperationsOnlineTest.class)); } }