Swing ===== Provides utility classes and examples showing how to use GeoTools facilities and rendering engine with the Swing User Interface library. The Swing module provides a small selection of helpful user interface classes to get you started on your own project. They include JMapFrame, a simple viewer with optional toolbar and layer list control. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 jmappane dialog wizard Please keep in mind that the classes in the Swing module are here to get you started and to service basic data display and user interface requirements. For instance, we use these classes for visual feedback in the GeoTools tutorial examples. The focus of the GeoTools project is geospatial data - not user interface components. If you are interested in building a fully featured GIS application that's great and GeoTools is here to help you. But we are not able to build the user interface for you. What you will find in this module is a set of classes and techniques that can form the starting point for your own classes. If you are looking for a fully-featured, extendible desktop GIS application based on GeoTools, see uDig, which uses the SWT toolkit rather than Swing. **Participation** Out of all the GeoTools modules the swing module has the longest history of participation from the geotools-user list. The module has seen no fewer then five module maintainers (it's a bit like drummers in Spinal Tap), and has been branched off as a separate project at various points in its lifetime. But if this doesn't put you off and you have a brilliant idea, or better yet a patch, jump on the user list and start talking!