Using Subversion ================ The following helpful subversion tips, as so many others, are attributed to IanS and have been stolen from his email. Subversion Repository ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The GeoTools svn repository holds the source code for GeoTools: * This repository is setup with the following versions of GeoTools: ======================================= ==================================================================== Directory version ======================================= ==================================================================== this is what we are currently working on contains our official releases stable development branches; and wild experiments are located here ======================================= ==================================================================== Since SVN also provides web access, all these addresses can be navigated with a web browser. Typical Development Environment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Typically, a developer will create a local 'geotools' directory, move into that directory, and do a checkout of GeoTools trunk by ending up with:: geotools/ geotools/trunk/ The latter “geotools/trunk” directory has all the files used to build GeoTools. All directories, 'trunk' and below will each have a hidden '.svn' directory which holds the repository information. Developers working on branches will create often create a directory for the branch they wish to work on and change into that directory before checking out the branch of their interest with a command like ending up with:: geotools/ geotools/trunk geotools/stable This is often used when working on trunk to verify a bug fix; and then backporting the fix to the stable branch. Ignoring Files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Subversion uses a config file for your local ignores. It's very handy to set this up. Here are the vital lines from the GeoTools config file used during setup:: [GEOTOOLS:miscellany] ### Set global-ignores to a set of whitespace-delimited globs ### which Subversion will ignore in its 'status' output. global-ignores = *.so *.o *.lo *.la #*# .*.rej *.rej .*~ *~ .#* .DS_Store *.class CVS .nbattrs .nbintdb As you can see these settings ignore a bunch of temporary files, mac specific files and others. Ignoring Specific files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can set the "svn:ignore" property on a directory; listing a specific file to ignore:: svn propset svn:ignore target . The above line is used to ignore the target directory for the current folder (ie "." ); this is used so you don't accidentally commit all the generated source code and classes. This makes those status and commit routines so much cleaner. This works on a folder by folder basis - that is, sub folders do not inherit their parents' props. 1. You could also ignore several things at once (one per line):: set EDITOR=notepad svn propedit svn:ignore . 2. Notepad will be opened allowing you to type:: target *.patch Thumbs.db Status / Update Differences ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Subversion allows you to work locally (off-line) in some cases. If you make changes, svn status applies to only the local state. svn update will sync with the repository. One of my favourite cvs commands was cvs -n -q update -d which says be quiet, make no changes, but tell me what you would do. Here is how to check what woudl be updated with subversion:: svn -u status Another nice feature is that you can revert any local changes offline:: svn revert This is especially handy if you are doing lots of automated changes (like replacing a mucked-up author's name in a project.xml file) and you make a mistake. Instead of a lengthy remote refresh, "clean" local copies are used. Info ^^^^ Tells you about your checkout:: svn info Invaluable for finding those pesky urls and in terms of branches and tags, tells you where you are. Log ^^^ Tells you info about commits/revisions:: svn log Blame ^^^^^ My favourite. Annotates a document with who changed what and when:: svn blame