H2 Plugin --------- Supports direct access to a H2 database. H2 is the second generation of HSQL, a popular embedded Java database. The current database is not a true spatial database as it does not have any form of spatial indexing. Connection Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +-------------+----------------------------------------------+ | Parameter | Description | +=============+==============================================+ | "dbtype" | Must be the string "h2" | +-------------+----------------------------------------------+ | "database" | The database to connect to | +-------------+----------------------------------------------+ | "user" | User name | +-------------+----------------------------------------------+ Creating ^^^^^^^^ Here is a quick example: .. literalinclude:: /../src/main/java/org/geotools/data/SimpleFeatureStoreExamples.java :language: java :start-after: // h2Example start :end-before: // h2Example end