Main FAQ -------- Q: What is gt-main responsible for? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The gt-main module is responsible for the default implementations of the formal interfaces provided by gt-api and gt-opengis. This includes the default implementations for the feature model, filter support, and style definition. The gt-main module makes this functionality available through the plug-in system allowing you to make use of CommonFactoryFinder rather than directly depend on the default implementations provided here. Q: How do I make a FeatureType? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can make a feature type quickly using using the DataUtilities class: SimpleFeatureType lineType = DataUtilities.createType("LINE", "centerline:LineString,name:\"\",id:0"); For greater control consider direct use of a FeatureTypeBuilder:: SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder b = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder(); //set the name b.setName( "Flag" ); //add some properties b.add( "name", String.class ); b.add( "classification", Integer.class ); b.add( "height", Double.class ); //add a geometry property b.setCRS( DefaultGeographicCRS.WSG84 ); // set crs first b.add( "location", Point.class ); // then add geometry //build the type final SimpleFeatureType FLAG = b.buildFeatureType(); Q: How do I modify a FeatureType? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You cannot modify a feature type directly as it is considered immutable and not subject to change. You can however use a FeatureTypeBuilder to create a modified copy:: SimpleFeatureType lineType = DataUtilities.createType("LINE", "geom:LineString,name:\"\",id:0"); SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder b = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder(); b.init( lineType ); b.setName("POINT"); b.add(0, "geom", Point.class ); SimpleFeatureType pointType = b.buildFeatureType(); Q: How to get FeatureCollection to work with a 'for each' loop? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Feature collection is a wrapper around a live data stream; as such we need to be sure to *close* the iterator after we are through with it: .. literalinclude:: /../src/main/java/org/geotools/main/ :language: java :start-after: // exampleIterator start :end-before: // exampleIterator end This requirement prevents us implementing Collection (and being compatible with 'for each' syntax. I am afraid this is a fundamental limitation of Java and not something that can or should be addressed in a future release.