Feature ------- This page consists of a series of code examples showing how to do common tasks with the GeoTools feature model. Reference: * :doc:`../opengis/model` gt-opengis data model * :doc:`../opengis/type` gt-opengis feature type interfaces * :doc:`../opengis/feature` gt-opengis feature interfaces * :doc:`../opengis/simple` gt-opengis simple feature interfaces Build a Feature Type ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Since FeatureType is immutable you will often see them used as constants as shown in the following examples: Simple case:: SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder b = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder(); //set the name b.setName( "Flag" ); //add some properties b.add( "name", String.class ); b.add( "classification", Integer.class ); b.add( "height", Double.class ); //add a geometry property b.setCRS( DefaultGeographicCRS.WSG84 ); // set crs first b.add( "location", Point.class ); // then add geometry //build the type final SimpleFeatureType FLAG = b.buildFeatureType(); Alternative chaining:: SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder b = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder(); SimpleFeatureType type; // you can chain builder methods final SimpleFeatureType FLAG = b.name("Flag").add("name", String.class ). add( "classification", Integer.class ).add( "height", Double.class ). crs( DefaultGeographicCRS.WSG84 ).add( "location", Point.class ).buildFeatureType(); Include namespace information:: // you can set a namespace b.setNamespaceURI( "http://geotools.org/example" ); Geometry Type ''''''''''''' Multiple geometries (with implicit default geometry):: b.setCRS( DefaultGeographicCRS.WSG84 ); //add some geometry properties (first added is the default) b.add( "region", Polygon.class ); b.add( "hub", Point.class ); b.add( "network", MultiLineString.class ); Multiple geometries with explicit default geoemtry:: b.setCRS( DefaultGeographicCRS.WSG84 ); b.add( "hub", Point.class ); b.add( "region", Polygon.class ); b.add( "network", MultiLineString.class ); //set the default geometry b.setDefaultGeometry( "region" ): CRS for geometries:: CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = CRS.decode("EPSG:4326"); //set the coordinate reference system b.setCRS( crs ); // when geometry properties are added they will use the crs set above b.add( "position", Point.class ); b.add( "route", LineString.class ); Alternative: Unknown CRS:: b.setCRS( null ); b.add( "position", Point.class ); b.add( "route", LineString.class ); Multiple CRS for Geometries:: CoordinateReferenceSystem crs1 = CRS.decode("EPSG:3005"); CoordinateReferenceSystem crs2 = DefaultGeographicCRS.WSG84; b.setCRS( crs1 ); b.add( "local", Point.class ); b.setCRS( crs2 ); b.add( "world", Point.class ); Alternative: Chaining:: CoordinateReferenceSystem crs1 = CRS.decode("EPSG:3005"); CoordinateReferenceSystem crs2 = DefaultGeographicCRS.WSG84; b.crs( crs1 ).add( "local", Point.class ); b.crs( crs2 ).add( "world", Point.class ); Alternative: Using an SRS:: b.srs( "EPSG:3005" ).add( "local", Point.class ); b.srs( "EPSG:4326" ).add( "world", Point.class ); Attribute Descriptor '''''''''''''''''''' Simple Case:: AttributeTypeBuilder build = new AttributeTypeBuilder(); build.setNillable(true); build.setBinding(String.class); AttributeDescriptor descriptor = build.buildDescriptor( "name" ); Alternative: With Explicit Attribute Type:: AttributeTypeBuilder build = new AttributeTypeBuilder(); build.setNillable(true); build.setBinding(String.class); build.setName("Text"); AttributeType textType = build.buildType(); AttributeDescriptor descriptor = build.buildDescriptor( "name", textType ); Building a Geometry Descriptor:: build.setNillable(true); build.setCRS(crs); build.setBinding(Polygon.class); GeometryType geometryType = build.buildGeometryType(); GeometryDescriptor build.buildDescriptor( "the_geom", geometryType ) ); Building a Geometry Descriptor with Limited Length:: AttributeTypeBuilder build = new AttributeTypeBuilder(); build.setNillable(true); build.setBinding(String.class); build.setLength(15); AttributeDescriptor descriptor = build.buildDescriptor( "username" ); Name '''' Creating a specific name:: Name roadName = new NameImpl("http://localhost/","Road"); Creating a global name:: Name roadName = new NameImpl(null,"Road"); DataUtilities ''''''''''''' DataUtilities has a method that you can use to quickly create a FeatureType for test cases:: final SimpleFeatureType FLAG = DataUtilities.createType("Flag","Location:Point,Name:String"); You can define the Coordinate Reference System using : final SimpleFeatureType FLAG = DataUtilities.createType("Flags","geom:MultiPoint:srid=4326,Name:String"); You can also ask for the String representation of a FeatureType: System.out.println( DataUtilities.spec( FLAG ) ); For more information see :doc:`data`. FeatureFactory '''''''''''''' You can also use FeatureFactory directly; this is advised when building nested features (as we only have a SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder at present). Using a TypeFactory:: TypeFactory typeFactory = CommonFactoryFinder.getTypeFactory( null ); SimpleTypeFactory featureTypeFactory = CommonFactoryFinder.getSimpleTypeFeatureFactory( null ); URI namespace = new URI("http://localhost/Flag/"); CoordianteReferenceSystem crs = CRS.decode("EPSG:4326"); Name locationName = new NameImpl( namespace, "Location" ); InternationalString locationDescription = new SimpleInternationalString("Location of the base of this Flag, in WSG84"); GeometryAttributeType GEOM = typeFactory.createGeometryType( locationName, Point.class, crs, false, false, null, null, locationDescription ); Name idName = new NameImpl( namespace, "Id" ); AttributeType ID = typeFactory.createAttributeType( idName, Integer.class, false, false, null, null, null ); Name locationName = new NameImpl( namespace, "Name" ); AttributeType NAME = typeFactory.createAttributeType( nameName, String.class, false, false, null, null, null ); Name name = new NameImpl( new URI("http://localhost/"), "Flag" ); InternationalString description = new SimpleInternationalString("A Flag used to place a marker on the world"); AttributeDescriptor defaultGeoemtry = typeFactory.createAttributeDescriptor(GEOM, geomName, 1, 1, true, null ); List types = new ArrayList(); types.add( defaultGeometry ); types.add( typeFactory.createAttributeDescriptor(ID, idName, 1, 1, false, new Integer(0) ) ); types.add( typeFactory.createAttributeDescriptor(NAME, nameName, 1, 1, true, null ) ); final FeatureType FLAG = featureTypeFactory.createSimpleFeatureType( name, types, defaultGeometry, crs, Collections.EMPTY_SET, description ); As you can see we usually recommend SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder as it provides assistance with the above work for you. Build a Feature ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Simple Case:: //the type, schema = ( name:String, classification:Integer, height:Double, location:Point) SimpleFeatureType type = ...; //create the builder SimpleFeatureBuilder builder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(type); //add the values builder.add( "Canada" ); builder.add( 1 ); builder.add( 20.5 ); builder.add( new Point( -124, 52 ) ); //build the feature with provided ID SimpleFeature feature = builder.buildFeature( "fid.1" ); Alternative array of values provided in order:: Object[] values = new Object[]{ "Canada", 1, 20.5, new Point( -124, 52 ) }; builder.addAll( values ); Alternative list of values provided in order:: ArrayList values = new ArrayList( 4 ); values.add("Canada"); values.add( 1 ); values.add( 20.5 ); values.add( new Point( -124, 52 ) ); builder.addAll( list ); Alternative setting by Name:: builder.set( "name", "Canada" ); builder.set( "classification", 1 ); builder.set( "height", 20.5 ); builder.set( "location", new Point( -124, 52 ) ); Alternative setting by index:: builder.set( 0, "Canada" ); builder.set( 1, 1 ); builder.set( 2 20.5 ); builder.set( 3, new Point( -124, 52 ) ); DataUtilities ''''''''''''' DataUtilities has some utility methods that will create a "template" feature with sensible default values filled in based on the FeatureType. For more information see :doc:`data`. FeatureFactory '''''''''''''' Once again we will ask you to use FilterFactory directly if you are building up a Feature by hand. Accessing ^^^^^^^^^ Direct access to values:: SimpleFeature feature = ...see above...; for (Object value : feature.getAttributes() ) { System.out.print( value ","); } // prints Canada,1,20.5,POINT( -124, 52 ), Access values using index:: for (int i = 0; i < feature.getAttributeCount(); i++ ) { Object value = feature.getAttribute( i ); System.out.print( value ","); } // prints Canada,1,20.5,POINT( -124, 52 ), Access values using Name:: for (Property property : feature.getProperties()) { String name = property.getName(); Object value = feature.getAttribute( property.getName() ); System.out.print( name+"="+value+"," ); } // prints name=Canada,classification=1,height=20.5,location=POINT( -124, 52 ), Property '''''''' Property access:: Property property = feature.getProperty( "name" ); String name = property.getName(); Object value = property.getValue(); Property access using Index:: Property property = feature.getProperty( 2 ); String name = property.getName(); Object value = property.getValue(); Geometry '''''''' Geometry value access:: Point point = (Point) feature.getDefaultGeometry(); Geometry value access as value:: Point point = (Point) feature.getAttribute( "location" ); Geometry value access as property:: GeometryAttribute geom = feature.getDefaultGeometryProperty(); String name = geom.getName(); Point point = (Point) geom.getValue(); CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = geom.getCRS(); BoundingBox bounds = geom.getBounds(); Geometry value access using name:: GeometryAttribute geom = (GeometryAttribute) feature.getProperty("location"); CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = geom.getCRS(); BoundingBox bounds = geom.getBounds(); Geometry point = (Geometry) theGeom.getValue(); Coordinate Reference System ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' CoordinateReferenceSystem access:: // Access the CRS of getDefaultGeometryProperty() CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = feature.getCRS(); CoordinateReferenceSystem of default geometry property:: CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = feature.getDefaultGeometryProperty() == null ? null : feature.getDefaultGeometryProperty().getCRS(); CoordinateReferenceSystem of named Property:: GeometryAttribute location = (GeometryAttribute) feature.getProperty( "location" ); CoordinateReferenceSystem bounds = location.getCRS(); BoundingBox ''''''''''' BoundingBox access:: // Access the BoundingBox of getDefaultGeometryProperty() BoundingBox bounds = feature.getBounds(); BoundingBox of getDefaultGeometryProperty():: BoundingBox bounds = feature.getDefaultGeometryProperty() == null ? null : feature.getDefaultGeometryProperty().getBounds(); BoundingBox of named Property:: GeometryAttribute location = (GeometryAttribute) feature.getProperty( "location" ); BoundingBox bounds = location.getBounds(); Name '''' Name access:: // can access both parts of a name - similar to XML QName String localName = name.getLocalPart(); String namespace = name.getNamespaceURI(); // Note a String Check if name is global:: name.isGlobal(); // true! name.getNamespaceURI() == null Name comparison:: Name name1 = new Name( "gopher://localhost/example", "name" ); Name name2 = new Name( "gopher://localhost", "example/name" ); name1.equals( name2 ); // true they both represent gopher://localhost/example/name Validation ^^^^^^^^^^ Validating a feature:: for (PropertyDescriptor property : feature.getType().getAttributes() )) { Object value = feature.getAttribute( property.getName() ); Types.validate( property, value ); } Checking Super Types by Hand:: SimpleFeature feature = ...; for (PropertyDescriptor property : feature.getType().getAttributes() )) { PropertyType propertyType = property.getType(); Object value = feature.getAttribute( property.getName() ); if( value == null ){ //check nillability if ( property.isNillable() ){ continue; } else { throw new Exception( "value can not be null" ); } } //check the type if ( type.getBinding().isAssignableFrom( value.getClass() ) ) { throw new Exception( "value not same type as binding" ); } // check restrictions for this propertyType and all super types for(PropertyType type=propertyType; type !=null; type=propertyType.getSuper() ){ for( Filter valid : type.getRestrictions() ){ if( !valid.evaulate( value ) ){ throw new Exception( "Not a valid "+type.getName()+" values must be:"+valid ); } } } }