OpenGIS ======= Interfaces for GeoSpatial concepts, often defined by the OGC or ISO standards bodies. The interfaces in this module serve as a great reference if you do not have the time to purchase and read the official standards documents. Approach the standards using an environment you are comfortable with - Java! .. sidebar:: Details .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 faq .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 model type feature simple filter coverage geometry cs se progress name text parameter unit GeoTools is all about implementing spatial solutions, and we do our very best to follow a don't invent here policy (rather than get off topic). By referencing standards we are able to use well understood names for common spatial ideas and constructs. .. image:: /images/gt-opengis.png The gt-opengis module provides: * interfaces implemented by :doc:`gt-main <../main/index>` such as Feature, FeatureType, Filter and Function * interfaces implemented by :doc:`gt-coverage <../referencing/index>` such as GridCoverage * interfaces implemented by :doc:`gt-referencing <../referencing/index>` such as CoordinateReferenceSystem * interfaces implemented by :doc:`gt-metadata <../metadata/index>` such as Citation For more information on the standards covered by the library as whole: * :ref:`standards`