===================================================================== Setting eclipse project references using Maven ===================================================================== > cd ../trunk > mvn eclipse:clean -Dall > mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dall see: http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/eclipse-cross-project-dependencies-td6341944.html ===================================================================== HOWTO: Set EFeature logging configuration file ===================================================================== 1. Open a Run/Debug configuration 2. Goto tab "Arguments" 3. Enter VM argument -Djava.util.logging.config.file=logging/logging.properties ===================================================================== EFeature DataStore Implementation Comments ===================================================================== Notice: plugin.xml, plugin.properties, build.properties ------------------------------------------------------- These files are only here because testing the EMF model requires EMF Edit, which is only possible to generate if at least one plug-in class is defined. The plug-in IS NOT part of the Maven artifact. ===================================================================== EFeatureTest GenModel Setup Trick (merge all code into one plug-in) ===================================================================== > EMF Model, Edit and Test code should be generated (merged) into the same plug-in: org.geotools.data.efeature.tests.EFeatureTestsPlugin (reduces the number of maven artifacts needed) HOWTO: ------ 1. Open file src/test/resources/model/efeature-tests.genmodel 2. Select "EFeatureTest" (root) 3. R-Clk -> select "Show Properties View" 4. Expand "Model", enter "Model Directory", "Model Plug-in Class" and "Model Plug-in ID" 5. Expand "Edit", enter same "Model Directory" as in step 3. This forces the Edit code to be generated into the same plug-in as the EFeatureTest model. 6. Repeat step 4 for "Test" 7. Ensure that "Editor" has no "Model Directory" and no "Model Plug-in class". If forgotten, the Editor code is also generated by R-Clk on "EFeatureTest" -> "Generate All". If successful, R-Clk on "EFeatureTest" -> "Generate Editor Code" should be disabled. ===================================================================== EFeatureTest Build Procedure ===================================================================== 1. Open file src/test/resources/model/efeature-tests.genmodel 2. R-Clk on "EFeatureTest" (root) -> select "Generate All" ==================================================================== EFeatureTest Build Troubleshooting ==================================================================== 1. "Generate All" produces many errors -------------------------------------- If a lot of errors was produced by "Generate All", the property "EFeaureTest" -> "Templates & Merge" -> "Update Classpath" is probably "true", which overwrites the class-path built by the command "..efeature-tests> mvn eclipse:eclipse". This problem is easily fixed by executing "..efeature-tests> mvn eclipse:eclipse" one more time and then do a refresh at the "efeature-test" project root. 2. Unit tests fails with error: "java.io.FileNotFoundException: Can not locate test-data for "null" ------------------------------------------------------------------- The reason is that the folder is not built (for some reason). This can be verified by inspection of target/test-classes/.../tests. Is missing, just force a build of this folder. F.ex by renaming it to "test-data1" and then rename it back again to "test-data".