Upgrade ======= With a library as old as GeoTools you will occasionally run into a project from ten years ago that needs to be upgraded. This page collects the upgrade notes for each release change; highlighting any fundemental changes with code examples showing how to upgrade your code. But first to upgrade - change your dependency to 8-SNAPSHOT (or an appropriate stable version):: UTF-8 8-SNAPSHOT .... org.geotools gt-shapefile ${geotools.version} org.geotools gt-swing ${geotools.version} .... GeoTools 8.0 ------------ .. sidebar:: Wiki * `GeoTools 8.0 `_ You are encourged to review the change proposals for GeoTools 8.0 for background information on the following changes. The changes moving from GeoTools 2.7 to GeoTools 8.0 have a great emphasis on usability and documentation. Because of the focus on ease of use; many of the changes here are marked "Optional" this indicates that your code will not break; but you have a chance to clean it up and make your code more readable. Style ^^^^^ Some of the **gt-opengis** style methods that have been deprecated for a while are now removed. * Mark.getRotation() / Mark.setRotation( Expression ) * Mark.getSize() / Mark.setSize( Expression ) These are handled in a similar manner: * BEFORE:: for( GraphicalSymbol symbol : graphic.graphicalSymbols() ){ if( symbol instanceof Mark ){ Mark mark = (Mark) symbol; mark.setSize( ff.literal( 8 ) ); } } * AFTER:: graphic.setSize( ff.literal( 8 ) ); Filter ^^^^^^ The filter system was upgrade to match Filter 2.0 resulting in a few additions. This mostly effects people writing their own functions (as now we need to know about parameter types). FeatureId '''''''''' * BEFORE:: FilterFactory2 ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2(null); Filter filter; Set selected = new HashSet(); selected.add(ff.featureId("CITY.98734597823459687235")); selected.add(ff.featureId("CITY.98734592345235823474")); filter = ff.id(selected); * AFTER .. literalinclude:: /../src/main/java/org/geotools/opengis/FilterExamples.java :language: java :start-after: // id start :end-before: // id end Function '''''''' We have extended **gt-opengis** Function to make the FunctionName description (especially argument names) more available. * To updateyour code:: class SplitFunction implements Function { public static FunctionName NAME = new FunctionNameImpl( "split", "geometry", "line" ); ... FunctionName getFunctionName(){ return NAME; } ... } If you are extending abstract function expression base class; it provides a default implementation of getFunctionName() allowing your code to compile. FunctionExpression '''''''''''''''''' In a related matter **gt-main** no longer provides access to the deprecated FunctionExpression interface (it has returned an empty set for several releases now): * BEFORE:: Set proposals = new TreeSet(); Set oldFunctions = FunctionFinder. CommonFactoryFinder.getFunctionExpressions(null); for( Function function : oldFunctions ) { proposals.add(function.getName().toLowerCase()); } * AFTER:: Set proposals = new TreeSet(); FunctionFinder functionFinder = new FunctionFinder(null); for( FunctionName function : functionFinder.getAllFunctionDescriptions() ){ proposals.add(function.getName().toLowerCase()); } Direct Position and Envelope ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Deprecated methods in **gt-opengis** and **gt-referencing** have now been removed. ======================================= ================================ =============================== Deprecated method in 2.7 Replacement in 8.0 Notes ======================================= ================================ =============================== DirectPosition.getCoordinates() DirectPosition.getCoordinate() For consistency with ISO 19107 Envelope.getCenter() Envelope.getMedian()}} For consistency with ISO 19107 Envelope.getLength() Envelope.getSpan() For consistency with ISO 19107 Precision.getMaximumSignificantDigits() Precision.getScale()}} Remove duplication PointArray.length() List.size() PointArray instance can be used PointArray.position() this PointArray instance can be used Position.getPosition() Position.getDirectPosition() For consistency with ISO 19107 Point.setPosition() Point.setDirectPosition() For consistency with ISO 19107 ======================================= ================================ =============================== NumberRange ^^^^^^^^^^^ The **gt-metadata** NumberRange class is finally sheading some of its deprecated methods. ** BEFORE:: NumberRange before = new NumberRange( 0.0, 5.0 ); ** AFTER:: NumberRange after1 = new NumberRange( Double.class, 0.0, 5.0 ); NumberRange after2 = NumberRage.create( 0.0, 5.0 ); GeoTools 2.7 ------------ .. sidebar:: Wiki * `GeoTools 2.7.0 `_ You are encourged to review the change proposals for GeoTools 2.7.0 for background information on the following changes. The changes from GeoTools 2.6 to GeoTools 2.7 focus on making your code more readible; you will find a number of optional changes (such as using Query rather than DefaultQuery) which will simply make your code easier to follow. Query ^^^^^ The *gt-api** module has been updated to make **Query** a concrete class rather than an interface. * BEFORE:: Query query = new DefaultQuery( typeName, filter ); * AFTER:: Query query = new Query( typeName, filter ); Tips: * You can perform a search and replace to change DefaultQuery to Query on your code base * If you have your own implementation of Query your code is now broken; after many years we have never seen an implementation of Query in the wild. You should be able to fix by extending rather then implementing Query. * DefaultQuery still exists but all of the implementation code has now been "pulled up" into Query and DefaultQuery marked as deprecated. * In a similar fashion *FeatureLock* can now be directly constructed rather than use a Factory. SimpleFeatureCollection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We have vastly cut down the use of Java generics for causual users of the GeoTools library. The primary example of this is the introduction of **SimpleFeatureCollection** (which saves you typing in **FeatureCollection** each time). * BEFORE:: FeatureSource source = (FeatureSource) dataStore.getFeatureSource( typeName ); Query query = new DefaultQuery( typeName, filter ); FeatureCollection featureCollection = source.getFeatures( query ); * AFTER:: SimpleFeatureSource source = dataStore.getFeatureSource( typeName ); Query query = new Query( typeName, filter ); SimpleFeatureCollection featureCollection = source.getFeatures( query ); Tips: * You can do a search and replace on this one; but you need to be very careful with any implementations you have that accept a FeatureCollection as a method parameter! * Be careful if you have your own FeatureStore implementation; a search and replace will change several of your methods so they no longer "override" the default implementation provided by AbstractFeatureStore.:: @Override // this would fail; you do use Override right? public Set addFeatures( SimpleFeatureCollection features ){ ... your implementation goes here ... To fix this code you will need to "undo" your search and replace for this method parameter:: @Override public Set addFeatures( FeatureCollection features ){ ... your implementation goes here ... Note: If you use the @Override annotation in your code you will get a proper error; since your new method would no longer override anything. SimpleFeatureSource ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The **gt-api** module now defines **SimpleFeatuyreSource** (to save you a bit of typing). In addition the **DataStore** interface now returns a **SimpleFeatureSource**; so if you want you optionally can update your code for readability. * BEFORE:: FeatureSource source = (FeatureSource) dataStore.getFeatureSource( typeName ); * AFTER: SimpleFeatureSource source = dataStore.getFeatureSource( typeName ); Tips: * you can do this with a search and replace * Be a bit careful when you have one of your own methods that is expecting a FeatureSource SimpleFeatureStore ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In a similar fashion returns a SimpleFeatureCollection; it also has a couple of its own tricks: * BEFORE:: FeatureSource source = (FeatureSource) dataStore.getFeatureSource( typeName ); if( source instanceof FeatureStore){ // read write access FeatureStore store = (FeatureStore) source; store.addFeatures( newFeatures ); ... * AFTER:: SimpleFeatureSource source = dataStore.getFeatureSource( typeName ); if( source instanceof SimpleFeatureStore){ // read write access SimpleFeatureStore store = (SimpleFeatureStore) source; store.addFeatures( newFeatures ); ... SimpleFeatureLocking ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can also explicitly use SimpleFeatureLocking if you want read/write/lock access to simple feature content. Much like **Query** it has been made a concrete class. FeatureStore modifyFeatures by Name ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The **FeatureStore** method modifyFeatures now allows you to modify features by name. * BEFORE:: FeatureSource source = (FeatureSource) dataStore.getFeatureSource( typeName ); if( source instanceof FeatureStore){ // read write access FeatureStore store = (FeatureStore) source; SimpleFeatureType schema = store.getSchema(); AttributeDescriptor attribute = schema.getDescriptor( attributeName ); store.modifyFeatures( attribute, attributeValue, filter ); * AFTER:: SimpleFeatureSource source = dataStore.getFeatureSource( typeName ); if( source instanceof SimpleFeatureStore){ // read write access SimpleFeatureStore store = (SimpleFeatureStore) source; store.modifyFeatures( attributeName, attributeValue, filter ); ... Tips: * Generic FeatureSource allows modifyFeatures( Name, Value, filter ) CoverageProcessor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The DefaultProcessor and AbstractProcessor classes have been merged into a single class called **CoverageProcessor**. * BEFORE:: final DefaultProcessor processor= new DefaultProcessor(hints) * AFTER:: final CoverageProcessor processor= new CoverageProcessor(hints) Or better:: final CoverageProcessor processor= CoverageProcessor.getInstace(hints); Tips: * Try to always use the static getDefaultInstance method in order to leverage on SoftReference caching GeneralEnvelope ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We have been removing old deprecated code from the **GeneralEnvelope** class. =============================== =============================================== Old Method New Method =============================== =============================================== double getCenter(dimension) DirectPosition getMedian() double getCenter() double getMedian(dimension) double getLength(dimension) double getSpan(dimension) getLength(dimension, unit) double getSpan(dimension, unit) =============================== =============================================== GeoTools 2.6 ------------ .. sidebar:: Wiki * `GeoTools 2.6.0 `_ You are encourged to review the change proposals for GeoTools 2.6.0 for background information on the following changes. The GeoTools 2.6.0 release is incremental in nature with the main change being the introduction of the "JDBC-NG" datastores the idea of Query capabilities (so you can check what hints are supported). GridRange Removed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ GridRange implementations have been removed as the result of a change we are inheriting from GeoAPI where a swtich from GridRange to GridEnvelope has been made. GridRange comes from Grid Coverages Implementation specification 1.0 (which is basically dead) while GridEnvelope comes from ISO 19123 which looks like the replacement. There is a big difference between interfaces though: * **GridRange** treats its own maximum grid coordinates as EXCLUSIVES (like Java2D classes Rectangle2D, RenderedImage and Raster do); while * **GridEnvelope** uses a different convention where maximum grid coordinates are INCLUSIVES. This is shown in the code example below with the maxx variable. As far as switching over to the new classes, the equivalence are as follows: 1. Replace **GridRange2D** with **GridEnvelope2D** Notice that now GridEnvelope2D is a Java2D rectangle and that it is also mutable! 2. Replace **GeneralGridRange** with **GeneralGridEnvelope** There are a few more caveats, which we are showing here below. BEFORE: 1. Use getSpan where getLength was used 2. Be EXTREMELY careful with the convetions for the inclusion/exclusion of the maximum coordinates. 3. GridRange2D IS a Ractangle and is mutable now! BEFORE:: import org.geotools.coverage.grid.GeneralGridRange; final Rectangle actualDim = new Rectangle(0, 0, hrWidth, hrHeight); final GeneralGridRange originalGridRange = new GeneralGridRange(actualDim); final int w = originalGridRange.getLength(0); final int maxx = originalGridRange.getUpper(0); ... import org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridRange2D; final Rectangle actualDim = new Rectangle(0, 0, hrWidth, hrHeight); final GridRange2D originalGridRange2D = new GridRange2D(actualDim); final int w = originalGridRange2D.getLength(0); final int maxx = originalGridRange2D.getUpper(0); final Rectangle rect = (Rectangle)originalGridRange2D.clone(); {code} AFTER:: import org.geotools.coverage.grid.GeneralGridEnvelope; final Rectangle actualDim = new Rectangle(0, 0, hrWidth, hrHeight); final GeneralGridEnvelope originalGridRange=new GeneralGridEnvelope (actualDim,2); final int w = originalGridRange.getSpan(0); final int maxx = originalGridRange.getHigh(0)+1; import org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridEnvelope2D; final Rectangle actualDim = new Rectangle(0, 0, hrWidth, hrHeight); final GridEnvelope2D originalGridRange2D = new GridEnvelope2D(actualDim); final int w = originalGridRange2D.getSpan(0); final int maxx = originalGridRange2D.getHigh(0)+1; final Rectangle rect = (Rectangle)originalGridRange2D.clone(); OverviewPolicy Enum replace Hint use ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The hints to control overviews were deprecated and have now been removed. The current deprecated values have been remove from the Hints class inside the Metadata module: * VALUE_OVERVIEW_POLICY_QUALITY * IGNORE_COVERAGE_OVERVIEW * VALUE_OVERVIEW_POLICY_IGNORE * VALUE_OVERVIEW_POLICY_NEAREST * VALUE_OVERVIEW_POLICY_SPEED You should use the enum that comes with the OverviewPolicy enum. Here below you will find a few examples: * BEFORE:: Hints hints = new Hints(); hints.put(Hints.OVERVIEW_POLICY, Hints.VALUE_OVERVIEW_POLICY_SPEED); WorldImageReader wiReader = new WorldImageReader(file, hints); * AFTER:: Hints hints = new Hints(); hints.put(Hints.OVERVIEW_POLICY, OverviewPolicy.SPEED); WorldImageReader wiReader = new WorldImageReader(file, hints); Hints: * Please, notice that the OverviewPolicy enum provide a method to get the default policy for overviews. The method is getDefaultPolicy(). CoverageUtilities and FeatureUtilities ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Deprecated methods have been remove from coverage utilities classes  We have removed deprecated methods from classes: * CoverageUtilities.java * FeatureUtilities.java Existing code should change as follows: * BEFORE:: final FeatureCollection fc=FeatureUtilities.wrapGridCoverageReader(reader) * AFTER:: final GeneralParameterValue[] params=... final FeatureCollection fc=FeatureUtilities.wrapGridCoverageReader(reader,params) Hints: * This change allows us to store basic parameters to control how we will perform subsequent reads from this reader. The  AbstractGridFormat READ_GRIDGEOMETRY2D parameter will be always overriden during a subsequent read. Coverage Processing Classes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Deprecated methods have been remove from coverage processing classes: * filteredSubsample(GridCoverage, int, int, float[], Interpolation, BorderExtender) has been removed Here is what that looks like in code: * BEFORE:: public GridCoverage filteredSubsample(final GridCoverage source, final int scaleX, final int scaleY, final float\[\] qsFilter, final Interpolation interpolation, final BorderExtender be) throws CoverageProcessingException { return filteredSubsample(source, scaleX, scaleY, qsFilter, interpolation); } * AFTER:: public GridCoverage filteredSubsample(final GridCoverage source, final int scaleX, final int scaleY, final float\[\] qsFilter, final Interpolation interpolation){ // recolor(GridCoverage, Map\[\]) has been removed ... } * BEFORE:: recolor(final GridCoverage source, final Map[] colorMaps) * AFTER:: recolor(final GridCoverage source, final ColorMap[] colorMaps); // scale(GridCoverage, double, double, double, double, Interpolation, BorderExtender) has been removed * BEFORE:: scale(GridCoverage, double, double, double, double, Interpolation, BorderExtender) * AFTER:: scale(GridCoverage,double,double,double,double,Interpolation) // scale(GridCoverage, double, double, double, double, Interpolation, BorderExtender) has been removedBEFORE: * BEFORE:: scale(GridCoverage, double, double, double, double, Interpolation, BorderExtender) * AFTER:: scale(GridCoverage,double,double,double,double,Interpolation) DefaultParameterDescriptor and Parameter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Removed deprecated constructors from DefaultParameterDescriptor and Parameter classes. * BEFORE:: DefaultParameterDescriptor(Map,defaultValue,minimum, maximum, unit, required) DefaultParameterDescriptor(Map, defaultValue, minimum, maximum, required) DefaultParameterDescriptor(name, defaultValue, minimum, maximum) DefaultParameterDescriptor(name, defaultValue, minimum, maximum, unit) DefaultParameterDescriptor(name, remarks, defaultValue, required) DefaultParameterDescriptor(name, defaultValue) DefaultParameterDescriptor( name, valueClass, defaultValue) Parameter(name, value) Parameter(name, value, unit) Parameter(name, value) * AFTER:: DefaultParameterDescriptor.create(...) Parameter.create(...) GeoTools 2.5 ------------ .. sidebar:: Wiki * `GeoTools 2.5.0 `_ You are encourged to review the change proposals for GeoTools 2.5.0 for background information on the following changes. The GeoTools 2.5.0 release is a major change to the GeoTools library due to the adoption of both Java 5 and a new feature model. FeatureCollction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In transitioning your code to Java 5 please be careful not use use the *for each* loop construct. We still need to call FeatureCollection.close( iterator). Due to this restriction (of not using *for each* loop construct we have had to make FeatureCollection no longer Colection. * Example (GeoTools 2.5 code):: FeatureCollection featureCollection = feaureSource.getFeatures(); Iterator iterator = featureCollection.iterator(); try { while( iterator.hasNext() ){ SimpleFeature feature = iterator.next(); ... } } finally { featureCollection.close( iterator ); } * Example (GeoTools 2.7 code) We have removed the need for the use of generics to minimize typing:: SimpleFeatureCollection featureCollection = feaureSource.getFeatures(); SimpleFeatureIterator iterator = featureCollection.features(); try { while( iterator.hasNext() ){ SimpleFeature feature = iterator.next(); ... } } finally { iterator.close(); } JTSFactory ^^^^^^^^^^ We are cutting down on "anonymous" FactoryFinder use; creating JTSFactory to allow the entire GeoTools library to share a JTS GeometryFactory. * BEFORE (GeoTools 2.4 code):: GeometryFactory factory = new FactoryFinder().getGeometryFactory( null ); * AFTER (GeoTools 2.5 code):: GeometryFactory factory = JTSFactoryFinder.getGeometryFactory( null ); ProgressListener ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Transition to gt-opengis ProgressListener. * Before (GeoTools 2.2 Code):: progress.setDescription( message ); * After (GeoTools 2.4 Code):: progress.setTask( new SimpleInternationalString( message ) ); To upgrade: 1. Search: import org.geotools.util.ProgressListener Replace: import org.opengis.util.ProgressListener 2. Update:: setTask( new SimpleInternationalString( message ) ); // was setDescription( message ); SimpleFeature ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We have (finally) made the move to an improved feature model. Please take the opportunity to change your existing code to use *org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature*. The existing GeoTools Feature interface is still in use; but it has been updated in place to extend SimpleFeature. * Before (GeoTools 2.4 Code):: import org.geotools.feature.FeatureType; ... CoordianteReferenceSystem crs = CRS.decode("EPSG:4326"); final AttributeType GEOM = AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType("Location",Point.class,true, null,null,crs ); final AttributeType NAME = AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType("Name",String.class, true ); final FeatureType FLAG = FeatureTypeFactory.newFeatureType(new AttributeType[] { GEOM, NAME },"Flag"); Feature flag1 = FLAG.create( "flag.1", new Object[]{ point, "Here" } ); AttributeType attributes[] = FLAG.getAttributeTypes(); AttributeType location = FLAG.getAttribute("Location"); String label = location.getName(); Class binding = location.getType(); Geometry geom = flag1.getDefaultGeometry(); * After (GeoTools 2.5 Code):: import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; ... SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder builder = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder(); builder.setName( "Flag" ); builder.setNamespaceURI( "http://localhost/" ); builder.setCRS( "EPSG:4326" ); builder.add( "Location", Point.class ); builder.add( "Name", String.class ); SimpleFeatureType FLAG = builder.buildFeatureType(); SimpleFeature flag1 = SimpleFeatureBuilder.build( FLAG, new Object[]{ point, "Here"}, "flag.1" ); List attributes = FLAG.getAttributes(); AttributeDescriptor location = FLAG.getAttribute("Location"); String label = location.getLocationName(); Class binding = location.getType().getBinding(); Geometry geom = (Geometry) flag1.getDefaultGeometry(); Here are some steps to start you off updating your code: 1. Search Replace * Search: **Feature** replace with **SimpleFeature** * Search: **FeatureType** replace with **SimpleFeatureType** 2. Fix the imports * Control-Shift-O in Eclipse IDE * Add casts as required for getDefaultGeometry() 3. FeatureType.create has been replaced with SimpleFeatureBuilder There is a static method to make the transition easier:: SimpleFeatureFeatureBuilder.build( schema, attributes, fid ); 4. For more code examples please see: * :doc:`/library/main/feature` AttributeDescriptor and AttributeType ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The concept of an AttributeType has been split into two now (allowing you to reuse common types). * BEFORE (GeoTools 2.4 Code):: import org.geotools.feature.AttributeType; ... GeometryAttributeType att = (GeometryAttributeType) AttributeTypeBuilder.newAttributeDescriptor(geomTypeName, targetGeomType, isNillable, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, crs ); * AFTER (GeoTools 2.5 Code):: import org.geotools.feature.AttributeTypeBuilder; import org.opengis.feature.type.AttributeDescriptor ... AttributeTypeBuilder build = new AttributeTypeBuilder(); build.setName( geomTypeName ); build.setBinding( targetGeomType ); build.setNillable(true); build.setCRS(crs); GeometryType type = build.buildGeometryType(); GeometryDescriptor attribute = build.buildDescriptor( geomTypeName, type ); Name ^^^^ In order to better support app-schema work we can no longer assume names are a simple String. The **Name** class has been introduced to make this easier and is availble throughout the library: example FeatureSource.getName(). * BEFORE (GeoTools 2.4 Code):: DataStore ds = ... String []typeNames = ds.getTypeNames(); SimpleFeatureType type = ds.getSchema(typeNames[0]); assert type.getTypeName() == typeNames[0]; FeatureSource source = ds.getFeatureSource(type.getTypeName()); * AFTER (GeoTools 2.5 Code):: import org.opengis.feature.type.Name; ... DataStore ds = ... List featureNames = ds.getNames(); SimpleFeatureType type = ds.getSchema(featureNames.get(0)); // type.getName() may or may not be equal to featureNames.get(0), assume not. If they're its just an implementation detail. FeatureSource source = ds.getFeatureSource(featureNames.get(0)); DataStore ^^^^^^^^^ Transition to use of Java 5 Generics with DataStore API. .. tip We have removed the need to use Generics in GeoTools 2.7 allowing the use of SimpleFeatureSource, SimpleFeatureCollection, SimpleFeatureStore etc. * BEFORE (GeoTools 2.4 Code):: DataStore ds = ... FeatureSource source = ds.getSource(typeName); FeatureStore store = (FeatureStore)source; FeatureLocking locking = (FeatureLocking)source; FeatureCollection collection = source.getFeatures(); FeatureIterator features = collection.features(); while(features.hasNext){ SimpleFeature feature = features.next(); } Transaction transaction = Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT; FeatureReader reader = ds.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery(typeName), transaction); FeatureWriter writer = ds.getFeatureWriter(typeName, transaction); * AFTER (GeoTools 2.5 Code):: DataStore ds = ... FeatureSource source = ds.getSource(typeName); FeatureStore store = (FeatureStore)source; FeatureLocking locking = (FeatureLocking)source; FeatureCollection collection = source.getFeatures(); FeatureIterator features = collection.features(); while(features.hasNext){ SimpleFeature feature = features.next(); } Transaction transaction = Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT; FeatureReader reader = ds.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery(typeName), transaction); FeatureWriter writer = ds.getFeatureWriter(typeName, transaction); * AFTER (GeoTools 2.7 Code):: DataStore ds = ... SimpleFeatureSource source = ds.getSource(typeName); SimpleFeatureStore store = (SimpleFeatureStore) source; SimpleFeatureLocking locking = (SimpleFeatureLocking) source; SimpleFeatureCollection collection = source.getFeatures(); SimpleFeatureIterator features = collection.features(); while(features.hasNext){ SimpleFeature feature = features.next(); } Transaction transaction = Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT; FeatureReader reader = ds.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery(typeName), transaction); FeatureWriter writer = ds.getFeatureWriter(typeName, transaction); DataAccess and DataStore ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * The DataAcess super class has been introduced, leaving DataStore to *only* work with SimpleFeature capable implementations.:: import org.opengis.feature.type.Name; ... java.util.Map paramsMap = ... DataStore ds = DataStoreFinder.getDataStore(paramsMap); Name featureName = new org.geotools.feature.Name(namespace, localName); FeatureSource source = ds.getSource(featureName); FeatureStore store = (FeatureStore)source; FeatureLocking locking = (FeatureLocking)source; FeatureCollection collection = source.getFeatures(); FeatureIterator features = collection.features(); while(features.hasNext){ SimpleFeature feature = features.next(); } Transaction transaction = Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT; FeatureReader reader = ds.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery(typeName), transaction); FeatureWriter writer = ds.getFeatureWriter(typeName, transaction); * DataAccess: works both with SimpleFeature and normal Feature capable implementations:: import org.opengis.feature.FeatureType; import org.opengis.feature.Feature; import org.opengis.feature.type.Name; ... java.util.Map paramsMap = ... DataAccess ds = DataAccessFinder.getDataAccess(paramsMap); Name featureName = new org.geotools.feature.Name(namespace, localName); FeatureSource source = ds.getSource(featureName); FeatureStore store = (FeatureStore)source; FeatureLocking locking = (FeatureLocking)source; FeatureCollection collection = source.getFeatures(); FeatureIterator features = collection.features(); while(features.hasNext){ Feature feature = features.next(); } //No DataAccess.getFeatureReader/Writer GeoTools 2.4 ------------ .. sidebar:: Wiki * `GeoTools 2.4.0 `_ You are encourged to review the change proposals for GeoTools 2.4.0 for background information on the following changes. The GeoTools 2.4.0 release is a major change to the GeoTools library due to the adoption of geoapi Filter model. This new fileter model is immutable making it impossible to modify filters that have already been constructed; in trade it is threadsafe. The following is needed when upgrading to 2.4. ReferencingFactoryFinder ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Rename FactoryFinder to ReferencingFactoryFinder * BEFORE (GeoTools 2.2 Code):: CRSFactory factory = FactoryFinder.getCSFactory( null ); * AFTER (GeoTools 2.4 Code):: CRSFactory factory = ReferencingFactoryFinder.getCSFactory( null ); FeatureStore addFeatures ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The use of FeatureReader has been revmoved from the FeatureStore API. * Before (GeoTools 2.2 Code):: featureStore.addFeatures( DataUtilities.reader( collection )); // add FeatureCollection featureStore.addFeatures( DataUtilities.reader(array)); // add Feature[] featureStore.addFeatures( DataUtilities.reader(feature )); // add Feature featureStore.addFeatures( reader ); * After (GeoTools 2.4 Code):: featureStore.addFeatures( collection ); // add FeatureCollection featureStore.addFeatures( DataUtilities.collection( array ) ); // add Feature[] featureStore.addFeatures( DataUtilities.collection( feature )); // add Feature featureStore.addFeatures( DataUtilities.collection( reader )); // add FeatureReader Note: * DataUtilities.collection( reader ) will currently load the contents into memory, if you have any volunteer time a "lazy" implementation would be helpful. FeatureSource getSupportedHints ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We added a getSupportedHints() method that can be used to check which Query hints are supported by a certain FeatureSource. If your FeatureSource does not intend to leverage query hints, just return an empty set. * After (GeoTools 2.4 Code):: /** * By default, no Hints are supported */ public Set getSupportedHints() { return Collections.EMPTY_SET; } Query getHints ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We have added the method Query.getHints() allow users to pass in hints to control the query process. If you have a Query implementation other than DefaultQuery you'll need to add the getHints() method. The default implementation, if you don't plan to leverage hints, can just return an empty Hints object. * After (GeoTools 2.4 Code):: /** * Returns an empty Hints set */ public Hints getHints() { return new Hints(Collections.EMPTY_MAP); } Filter ^^^^^^ We have completed the transition to GeoAPI Filter. * Before (GeoTools 2.2 Code):: package org.geotools.filter; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.geotools.filter.LogicFilter; import org.geotools.filter.FilterFactory; import org.geotools.filter.Filter; public class FilterFactoryBeforeTest extends TestCase { public void testBefore() throws Exception { FilterFactory ff = FilterFactoryFinder.createFilterFactory(); CompareFilter filter = ff.createCompareFilter(Filter.COMPARE_GREATER_THAN); filter.addLeftValue( ff.createLiteralExpression(2)); filter.addRightValue( ff.createLiteralExpression(1)); assertTrue( filter.contrains( null ) ); assertTrue( filter.getFilterType() == FilterType.COMPARE_GREATER_THAN ); assertTrue( Filter.NONE != filter ); } } * AFTER (Quick GeoTools 2.3 Code):: public void testQuick() throws Exception { FilterFactory ff = FilterFactoryFinder.createFilterFactory(); CompareFilter filter = ff.createCompareFilter(FilterType.COMPARE_GREATER_THAN); filter.addLeftValue( ff.createLiteralExpression(2)); filter.addRightValue( ff.createLiteralExpression(1)); assertTrue( filter.evaluate( null ) ); assertTrue( Filters.getFilterType( filter ) == FilterType.COMPARE_GREATER_THAN); assertTrue( Filter.INCLUDE != filter ); } Here are the steps to follow to update your own code: 1. Substitute. =================================== ================================================= Search Replace =================================== ================================================= import org.geotools.filter.Filter; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; import org.geotools.filter.SortBy; import org.opengis.filter.sort.SortBy; Filter.NONE Filter.INCLUDE Filter.ALL Filter.EXCLUDE AbstractFilter.COMPARE FilterType.COMPARE Filter.COMPARE FilterType.COMPARE Filter.GEOMETRY FilterType.GEOMETRY Filter.LOGIC FilterType.LOGIC =================================== ================================================= 2. FilterType is no longer supported directly. BEFORE: int type = filter.getFilterType(); AFTER: int type = Filters.getFilterType( filter ); 3. You can no longer chain filters together. BEFORE:: filter = filter.and( other ) AFTER:: filter = filterFactory.and( filter, other ); 4. We have provided an adaptor for your old filter visitors. BEFORE:: filter.accept( visitor ) AFTER:: Filters.accept( filter, visitor ); 3. Update your code to use the new factory methods. BEFORE:: filter = filterFactory.createCompareFilter(FilterType.COMPARE_EQUALS) filter.setLeftGeoemtry( expr1 ); filter.setRightGeometry( expr3 ); AFTER:: filter = FilterFactory.equals(expr1,expr); 4. Literals cannot be modified once created. BEFORE:: Literal literal = filterFactory.createLiteral(); literal.setLiteral( obj ); AFTER:: Filter filter = filterFactory.literal( obj ); 5. Property name support. BEFORE:: filter = = filterFac.createAttributeExpression(schema, "name"); AFTER:: Filter filter = filterFactory.property(name); h4. After (GeoTools 2.4 Code):: public void testAfter() throws Exception { FilterFactory ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory(null); Expression left = ff.literal(2); Expression right = ff.literal(2); PropertyIsGreaterThan filter = ff.greater( left, right ); assertTrue( filter.evaluate( null ) ); assertTrue( Fitler.INCLUDE != filter ); } 1. Substitute =============================================== =================================================== Search Replace =============================================== =================================================== import org.geotools.filter.FilterFactory; import org.opengis.filter.FilterFactory; FilterFactoryFinder.createFilterFactory() CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory(null); import org.geotools.filter.FilterFactoryFinder; import org.geotools.factory.CommonFactoryFinder import org.geotools.filter.CompareFilter; import org.geoapi.spatial.BinaryComparisonOperator CompareFilter BinaryComparisonOperator =============================================== =================================================== 2. Update code to use evaulate. BEFORE:: if( filter.contains( feature ){ AFTER:: if( filter.evaluate( feature ){ 3. Update code to use instanceof checks. BEFORE:: if( filter.getFilterType() == FilterType.GEOMETRY_CONTAIN ) { AFTER:: if( filter instanceof Contains ){ Note regarding different Geometries * Geotools was formally limited to only JTS Geometry * GeoTools filter nows can take either JTS Geometry or ISO Geometry * If you need to convert from one to the other:: JTSUtils.jtsToGo1(p, CRS.decode("EPSG:4326")); Feature.getParent removed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The feature.getParent() method have been deprecated as a mistake and has now been removed. * BEFORE (GeoTools 2.0 Code):: public void example( FeatureSource source ){ FeatureCollection features = source.getFeatures(); Iterator i = features.iterator(); try { while( i.hasNext() ){ Feature feature = (Feature) i.next(); System.out.println( precentBoxed( feature )); } } finally { features.close( i ); } } private double precentBoxed( Feature feature ){ Envelope context = feature.getParent().getBounds(); Envelope bbox = feature.getBounds(); double boxedContext = context.width * context.height; double boxed = bbox.width * bbox.height; return (boxed / boxedContext) * 100.0 } * AFTER (GeoTools 2.2 Code):: public void example( FeatureSource source ){ FeatureCollection features = source.getFeatures(); Iterator i = features.iterator(); try { while( i.hasNext() ){ Feature feature = (Feature) i.next(); System.out.println( precentBoxed( feature, features )); } } finally { features.close( i ); } } private double precentBoxed( Feature feature, FeatureCollection parent ){ Envelope context = parent.getBounds(); Envelope bbox = feature.getBounds(); double boxedContext = context.width * context.height; double boxed = bbox.width * bbox.height; return (boxed / boxedContext) * 100.0 } Notes: * you will have to make API changes to pass the intended parent collection in This is a mistake with the previous feature model (for a feature can exist in more then one collection) and we appologize for the inconvience. Split Classification Expressions The biggest user of the feature.getParent() mistake was the implementation of classificaiton functions. You will now need to split up these expressions into two parts. * BEFORE (GeoTools 2.3): 1. equal_interval( SPEED, 12 ) 2. uses getParent() internally to produce classification on feature collection; 3. then checks which category each feature falls into Notes: * please note the above code depends on getParent(), so it is not safe even for GeoTools 2.3 (as some features have a null parent). * AFTER (GeoTools 2.4): Apply the aggregation function to the feature collection: 1. equalInterval( SPEED, 12 ) 2. produce classification on provided feature collection 3. Construct a slot expression using the resulting literal:: classify( SPEED, {0} ) 4. uses literal classification from step one GTRenderer ^^^^^^^^^^ The GTRender interface was produced as a nuetral ground for client code; traditional users of LiteRenderer and LiteRenderer2 are asked to move to the implementation of GTRenderer called StreamingRenderer. * BEFORE (GeoTools 2.1): How to paint to an *outputArea* Rectangle:: LiteRenderer2 draw = new LiteRenderer2(map); Envelope dataArea = map.getLayerBounds(); AffineTransform transform = renderer.worldToScreenTransform(dataArea, outputArea); draw.paint(g2d, outputArea, transform); * QUICK (GeoTools 2.2) How to paint to an *outputArea* Rectangle:: StreamingRenderer draw = new StreamingRenderer(); draw.setContext(map); draw.paint(g2d, outputArea, map.getLayerBounds() ); * BEST PRACTICE (GeoTools 2.2):: GTRenderer draw = new StreamingRenderer(); draw.setContext(map); draw.paint(g2d, outputArea, map.getLayerBounds() ); By letting your code depend only on the GTRenderer interface you can experiment with alternative implementations to find the best fit. JTS ^^^ Swap moved to JTS utility class. * BEFORE (GeoTools 2.1):: import org.geotools.geometry.JTS; import org.geotools.geometry.JTS.ReferencedEnvelope * AFTER (GeoTools 2.2):: import org.geotools.geometry.jts.JTS; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope JTS to Shape converters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Swap to moved Renderer JTS-to-Shape converters. * BEFORE (GeoTools 2.3):: import org.geotools.renderer.lite.LiteShape; import org.geotools.renderer.lite.LiteShape2; import org.geotools.renderer.lite.PackedLineIterator; import org.geotools.renderer.lite.PointIterator; import org.geotools.renderer.lite.PolygonIterator; import org.geotools.renderer.lite.LineIterator; import org.geotools.renderer.lite.LineIterator2; import org.geotools.renderer.lite.Decimator; import org.geotools.renderer.lite.AbstractLiteIterator; import org.geotools.renderer.lite.TransformedShape; import org.geotools.renderer.lite.LiteCoordinateSequence; import org.geotools.renderer.lite.LiteCoordinateSequenceFactory; import org.geotools.renderer.lite.LiteCoordinateSequence; * AFTER (GeoTools 2.4):: import org.geotools.geometry.jts.LiteShape; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.LiteShape2; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.PackedLineIterator; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.PointIterator; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.PolygonIterator; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.LineIterator; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.LineIterator2; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.Decimator; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.AbstractLiteIterator; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.TransformedShape; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.LiteCoordinateSequence; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.LiteCoordinateSequenceFactory; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.LiteCoordinateSequence; Coverage utility classes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Swap to moved Coverage utility classes. * BEFORE (GeoTools 2.3):: import org.geotools.data.coverage.grid.* import org.geotools.image.imageio.* Wrapping a GridCoverage into a feature in 2.3:: org.geotools.data.DataUtilities#wrapGc(GridCoverage gridCoverage) org.geotools.data.DataUtilities#wrapGcReader( AbstractGridCoverage2DReader gridCoverageReader, GeneralParameterValue[] params) GridCoverageExchange Utility classes in 2.3:: org.geotools.data.coverage.grid.file.* org.geotools.data.coverage.grid.stream .* org.geotools.coverage.io classes in 2.3:: org.geotools.coverage.io.AbstractGridCoverageReader.java, org.geotools.coverage.io.AmbiguousMetadataException.java, org.geotools.coverage.io.ExoreferencedGridCoverageReader.java, org.geotools.coverage.io.MetadataBuilder.java, org.geotools.coverage.io.MetadataException.java, org.geotools.coverage.io.MissingMetadataException.java * AFTER (GeoTools 2.4):: import org.geotools.coverage.grid.io.* import org.geotools.coverage.grid.io.imageio.* Wrapping a GridCoverage into a feature in 2.4:: org.geotools.resources.coverage.CoverageUtilities #wrapGc(GridCoverage gridCoverage) org.geotools.resources.coverage.CoverageUtilities #wrapGcReader( AbstractGridCoverage2DReader gridCoverageReader, GeneralParameterValue[] params) GridCoverageExchange Utility classes in 2.4. The classes have been dismissed since apparently nobody was using. If needed we can reintroduce them as deprecated. org.geotools.coverage.io classes in 2.4. These classes have been moved to spike/exoreferenced waiting for Martin to review and merge into org.geotools.coverage.grid.io package spatialschema ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Renamed spatialschema to geometry. * Do you know what **spatialschema** was? We did not find it clear either. Renamed to **geometry**? * BEFORE:: import org.opengis.spatialschema.geometry; import org.opengis.spatialschema.geometry.aggregate; import org.opengis.spatialschema.geometry.complex; import org.opengis.spatialschema.geometry.geometry; import org.opengis.spatialschema.geometry.primitive; * AFTER:: import org.opengis.geometry; import org.opengis.geometry.aggregate; import org.opengis.geometry.complex; import org.opengis.geometry.coordinate; import org.opengis.geometry.primitive; Repackage ArcSDE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Repackage arcsde datastore. * BEFORE:: import org.geotools.data.arcsde.ArcSDEDataStoreFactory; * AFTER:: import org.geotools.arcsde.ArcSDEDataStoreFactory; WorldImage ^^^^^^^^^^ Sets of WorldImage extensions. Changed from a single String to a Set .. because one wld is not enough? * BEFORE:: private File toWorldFile(String fileRoot, String fileExt){ File worldFile = new File( fileRoot + ".wld" ); if( worldFile.exists() ){ return worldFile; } String ext = WorldImageFormat.getWorldExtension( fileExt ); File otherWorldFile = new File( fileRoot + ext ); if( otherWorldFile.exists() ){ return otherWorldFile; } return null; } * AFTER:: private File toWorldFile(String fileRoot, String fileExt){ Set other = WorldImageFormat.getWorldExtension( fileExt ); File worldFile = new File( fileRoot + ".wld" ); if( worldFile.exists() ){ return worldFile; } for( String ext : other ){ File otherWorldFile = new File( fileRoot + ext ); if( otherWorldFile.exists() ){ return otherWorldFile; } } return null; }