Module Directory Structure ========================== Geotools 2.4 and above complies to the Maven standard layout regarding nested modules; and the layout of source code directories. This section provides a summary of module structure and a examples how we have groupled modules into library, plugin, extension, docs or unsupported. Module Structure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Module is structured: * modules/category/module/pom.xml Provides metadata about the module for maven * modules/category/module/src/site Files for Maven to automatically generate the site * modules/category/module/src/site/site.xml Layout file for the site, required to add a menu entry for the review information * modules/category/module/src/site/apt/review.apt Almost Plain Text file for copyright and licensing info * modules/category/module/src/main/java Module Java source files, andy an "doc-files" used for javadoc attachments such as images. * modules/category/module/src/main/resources Resources to be included in the JAR file * modules/category/module/src/test/java JUnit tests source files * modules/category/module/src/test/resources Resources required for tests only, often these are placed in a "test-data" folder to prevent confusion with normal java packages. * modules/category/module/target Automatically created for Maven output (details below) Module Targets: * modules/category/module/target/classes Generated class files, results of last 'maven compile' * modules/category/module/target/site Files for the automatic website, from 'maven site:site' * modules/category/module/target/site/apidocs Generated javadocs, from last 'maven javadoc:javadoc' * modules/category/module/target/surefire-reports Logs from junit, from last 'maven test' * modules/category/module/target/test-classes Generated junit classfiles, from last 'maven test' * modules/category/module/target/module-2.4-SNAPSHOT.jar Generated jar file, from last 'maven install' Module Categories ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The modules are are organised according to their role (some examples are shown below): * modules/library/ - this is the core library * opengis - interfaces for standard GIS concepts * api - stable interfaces * referencing - default implementations of opengis interfaces * coverage - enables raster support * main default implementations * jdbc - enables database support * render - implementation of SLD based rendering system * cql - implementation of plain text filter * xml - support for xml * ogc/ - used to store OGC schemas and associated xml (and target data structures if needed) * modules/plugin/ - modules that dynamically integrate to the GeoTools library at runtime * jdbc-postgis - plugin allowing jdbc to work with postgis database * epsg-hsql - plugin allowing referencing to work with epsg codes * shapefile - plugin providing shapefile support * modules/extension/ - extensions and extras built using the library * app-schmea - support the mapping of content to an applicaiton schema * brewer - generate styles from for a feature collection * xsd - bindings for xml parsing / encoding * modules/unsupported/ - modules that are not ready yet, or are orphaned and no longer have a contact person * process - framework for spatial processes * swing * swt * wps - client for web processing service * doc/ - example code used as part of documentation and tutoirals