Module Maintainer: Ben Caradoc-Davies Known IP issues: Module Maintainer: Ben Caradoc-Davies IP Review: * Jody Garnett, June 2011 STATUS: Review complete KNOWN ISSUES: * src/test/resources/test-data/Example01.xml src/test/resources/org/example/schemas/wfs20/DescribeFeatureType_Example01_Response.xsd Are taken from the OGC WFS 2.0 specification. [Ben: I added the OGC Software Notice at module root and prominent comments in the files with links and copyright notice.] Contributor Review (taken from pom.xml and source code files): * all code prvided by Ben Caradoc-Davies was done under LGPL, CSIRO code contribution agreement * Niels should be listed in the pom.xml [Ben: noted, but I disagree as he only contributed one file] CODE REVIEW * @author tags should not use "," as apaprenty that lists multiple authors we tend to use: INCORRECT: @author Ben Caradoc-Davies, CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering CORRECT: @author Ben Caradoc-Davies (CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering) [FIXED] * src java ~~~~~~~~ * org.geotools.xml * test java ~~~~~~~~~ * org.geotools.xml - date range is incorrect (ie 2004-2010) I doubt these files were created in 2004? [FIXED] * test resources ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * org.example.schemas.wfs20 - known issue; content from wfs 2.0 specification. Add OGC license to the base of the project folder and we should be good for this one [DONE; comments in files as well] * test-data/cache/org/example/schemas/cache-test attribution missing. * test-data/cache/org/example/schemas/catalog-test attribution missing. * test-data/catalog/catalog-test attribution missing * test-data attribution missing in general (Example01.xml handles attribtue well) * Clarification from Ben Caradoc-Davies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * src/test/resources/test-data/er_MineralOccurrence* are automatically generated output manually sanitised by me. They have no copyright except my own work. * All *.xsd files in src/test/resources/test-data are my original work. * OGC state that schemas and related docs (i.e. example response) can be treated under their software licence: We will apply this to schemas in documents as well. * Note that the OGC content is only used for automated testing and never supplied to users of app-schema-resolver.