Module Maintainer: Ben Caradoc-Davies Known IP issues: Module Maintainer: Ben Caradoc-Davies IP Review: * Jody Garnett, June 2011 STATUS: review complete KNOWN ISSUES: * Incorrect date range provided in headers; please update from svn history [FIXED] Contributor Review (taken from pom.xml and source code files): * all code prvided by Ben Caradoc-Davies was done under LGPL, CSIRO code contribution agreement CODE REVIEW * @author tags should not use "," as apaprenty that lists multiple authors we tend to use: INCORRECT: @author Ben Caradoc-Davies, CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering CORRECT: @author Ben Caradoc-Davies (CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering) [FIXED] * src java ~~~~~~~~ * - date range incorrectly indicates 2004-2010 [FIXED] * test java ~~~~~~~~~ * - date range incorrectly indicates 2004-2010 [FIXED]