EXTENTION VALIDATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Module Maintainer: Brent Owens, David Zwiers, Jody Garnett IP Review: * Jody Garnett, August 7th, 2006 * Adrian Custer, June 2008 STATUS: DIRTY Code is clean, data dirty http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GEOT-1894 validation.dto shema "probably needs a note" (see below) * org.geotools.validation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Outlines the validaiton framework and infrastructure. * org.geotools.validation.attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Attribute validaiton, aka what SQL is good at checking. * org.geotools.validation.dto ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Beans use dto hold data enroute from xml to memory ... * schema probably needs a note * org.geotools.validation.[network|relate|spatial] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remaining validation test, nothing that exciting. * org.geotools.validation.xml ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * org.geotools.validation.[attributes|relate] (test) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bleah, the horribe memory leak test, the first brute force abuse of geotools datastore api.