/** * * * * $Id$ */ package net.opengis.wfs20; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EFactory; /** * * The Factory for the model. * It provides a create method for each non-abstract class of the model. * * @see net.opengis.wfs20.Wfs20Package * @generated */ public interface Wfs20Factory extends EFactory { /** * The singleton instance of the factory. * * * @generated */ Wfs20Factory eINSTANCE = net.opengis.wfs20.impl.Wfs20FactoryImpl.init(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Abstract Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Abstract Type'. * @generated */ AbstractType createAbstractType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Action Results Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Action Results Type'. * @generated */ ActionResultsType createActionResultsType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Additional Objects Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Additional Objects Type'. * @generated */ AdditionalObjectsType createAdditionalObjectsType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Additional Values Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Additional Values Type'. * @generated */ AdditionalValuesType createAdditionalValuesType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Created Or Modified Feature Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Created Or Modified Feature Type'. * @generated */ CreatedOrModifiedFeatureType createCreatedOrModifiedFeatureType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Create Stored Query Response Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Create Stored Query Response Type'. * @generated */ CreateStoredQueryResponseType createCreateStoredQueryResponseType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Create Stored Query Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Create Stored Query Type'. * @generated */ CreateStoredQueryType createCreateStoredQueryType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Delete Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Delete Type'. * @generated */ DeleteType createDeleteType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Describe Feature Type Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Describe Feature Type Type'. * @generated */ DescribeFeatureTypeType createDescribeFeatureTypeType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Describe Stored Queries Response Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Describe Stored Queries Response Type'. * @generated */ DescribeStoredQueriesResponseType createDescribeStoredQueriesResponseType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Describe Stored Queries Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Describe Stored Queries Type'. * @generated */ DescribeStoredQueriesType createDescribeStoredQueriesType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Document Root'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Document Root'. * @generated */ DocumentRoot createDocumentRoot(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Drop Stored Query Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Drop Stored Query Type'. * @generated */ DropStoredQueryType createDropStoredQueryType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Element Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Element Type'. * @generated */ ElementType createElementType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Empty Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Empty Type'. * @generated */ EmptyType createEmptyType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Envelope Property Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Envelope Property Type'. * @generated */ EnvelopePropertyType createEnvelopePropertyType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Execution Status Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Execution Status Type'. * @generated */ ExecutionStatusType createExecutionStatusType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Extended Description Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Extended Description Type'. * @generated */ ExtendedDescriptionType createExtendedDescriptionType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Feature Collection Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Feature Collection Type'. * @generated */ FeatureCollectionType createFeatureCollectionType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Features Locked Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Features Locked Type'. * @generated */ FeaturesLockedType createFeaturesLockedType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Features Not Locked Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Features Not Locked Type'. * @generated */ FeaturesNotLockedType createFeaturesNotLockedType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Feature Type List Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Feature Type List Type'. * @generated */ FeatureTypeListType createFeatureTypeListType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Feature Type Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Feature Type Type'. * @generated */ FeatureTypeType createFeatureTypeType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Get Capabilities Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Get Capabilities Type'. * @generated */ GetCapabilitiesType createGetCapabilitiesType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Get Feature Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Get Feature Type'. * @generated */ GetFeatureType createGetFeatureType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Get Feature With Lock Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Get Feature With Lock Type'. * @generated */ GetFeatureWithLockType createGetFeatureWithLockType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Get Property Value Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Get Property Value Type'. * @generated */ GetPropertyValueType createGetPropertyValueType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Insert Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Insert Type'. * @generated */ InsertType createInsertType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'List Stored Queries Response Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'List Stored Queries Response Type'. * @generated */ ListStoredQueriesResponseType createListStoredQueriesResponseType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'List Stored Queries Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'List Stored Queries Type'. * @generated */ ListStoredQueriesType createListStoredQueriesType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Lock Feature Response Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Lock Feature Response Type'. * @generated */ LockFeatureResponseType createLockFeatureResponseType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Lock Feature Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Lock Feature Type'. * @generated */ LockFeatureType createLockFeatureType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Member Property Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Member Property Type'. * @generated */ MemberPropertyType createMemberPropertyType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Metadata URL Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Metadata URL Type'. * @generated */ MetadataURLType createMetadataURLType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Native Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Native Type'. * @generated */ NativeType createNativeType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'No CRS Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'No CRS Type'. * @generated */ NoCRSType createNoCRSType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Output Format List Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Output Format List Type'. * @generated */ OutputFormatListType createOutputFormatListType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Parameter Expression Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Parameter Expression Type'. * @generated */ ParameterExpressionType createParameterExpressionType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Parameter Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Parameter Type'. * @generated */ ParameterType createParameterType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Property Name Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Property Name Type'. * @generated */ PropertyNameType createPropertyNameType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Property Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Property Type'. * @generated */ PropertyType createPropertyType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Query Expression Text Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Query Expression Text Type'. * @generated */ QueryExpressionTextType createQueryExpressionTextType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Query Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Query Type'. * @generated */ QueryType createQueryType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Replace Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Replace Type'. * @generated */ ReplaceType createReplaceType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Simple Feature Collection Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Simple Feature Collection Type'. * @generated */ SimpleFeatureCollectionType createSimpleFeatureCollectionType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Stored Query Description Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Stored Query Description Type'. * @generated */ StoredQueryDescriptionType createStoredQueryDescriptionType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Stored Query List Item Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Stored Query List Item Type'. * @generated */ StoredQueryListItemType createStoredQueryListItemType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Stored Query Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Stored Query Type'. * @generated */ StoredQueryType createStoredQueryType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Title Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Title Type'. * @generated */ TitleType createTitleType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Transaction Response Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Transaction Response Type'. * @generated */ TransactionResponseType createTransactionResponseType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Transaction Summary Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Transaction Summary Type'. * @generated */ TransactionSummaryType createTransactionSummaryType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Transaction Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Transaction Type'. * @generated */ TransactionType createTransactionType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Truncated Response Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Truncated Response Type'. * @generated */ TruncatedResponseType createTruncatedResponseType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Tuple Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Tuple Type'. * @generated */ TupleType createTupleType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Update Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Update Type'. * @generated */ UpdateType createUpdateType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Value Collection Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Value Collection Type'. * @generated */ ValueCollectionType createValueCollectionType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Value List Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Value List Type'. * @generated */ ValueListType createValueListType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Value Reference Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Value Reference Type'. * @generated */ ValueReferenceType createValueReferenceType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'WFS Capabilities Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'WFS Capabilities Type'. * @generated */ WFSCapabilitiesType createWFSCapabilitiesType(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'WSDL Type'. * * * @return a new object of class 'WSDL Type'. * @generated */ WSDLType createWSDLType(); /** * Returns the package supported by this factory. * * * @return the package supported by this factory. * @generated */ Wfs20Package getWfs20Package(); } //Wfs20Factory