/** * * * * $Id$ */ package net.opengis.wfs20.util; import net.opengis.fes20.AbstractAdhocQueryExpressionType; import net.opengis.fes20.AbstractQueryExpressionType; import net.opengis.ows11.CapabilitiesBaseType; import net.opengis.wfs20.*; import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Adapter; import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier; import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.AdapterFactoryImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; /** * * The Adapter Factory for the model. * It provides an adapter createXXX method for each class of the model. * * @see net.opengis.wfs20.Wfs20Package * @generated */ public class Wfs20AdapterFactory extends AdapterFactoryImpl { /** * The cached model package. * * * @generated */ protected static Wfs20Package modelPackage; /** * Creates an instance of the adapter factory. * * * @generated */ public Wfs20AdapterFactory() { if (modelPackage == null) { modelPackage = Wfs20Package.eINSTANCE; } } /** * Returns whether this factory is applicable for the type of the object. * * This implementation returns true if the object is either the model's package or is an instance object of the model. * * @return whether this factory is applicable for the type of the object. * @generated */ @Override public boolean isFactoryForType(Object object) { if (object == modelPackage) { return true; } if (object instanceof EObject) { return ((EObject)object).eClass().getEPackage() == modelPackage; } return false; } /** * The switch that delegates to the createXXX methods. * * * @generated */ protected Wfs20Switch modelSwitch = new Wfs20Switch() { @Override public Adapter caseAbstractTransactionActionType(AbstractTransactionActionType object) { return createAbstractTransactionActionTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseAbstractType(AbstractType object) { return createAbstractTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseActionResultsType(ActionResultsType object) { return createActionResultsTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseAdditionalObjectsType(AdditionalObjectsType object) { return createAdditionalObjectsTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseAdditionalValuesType(AdditionalValuesType object) { return createAdditionalValuesTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseBaseRequestType(BaseRequestType object) { return createBaseRequestTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseCreatedOrModifiedFeatureType(CreatedOrModifiedFeatureType object) { return createCreatedOrModifiedFeatureTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseCreateStoredQueryResponseType(CreateStoredQueryResponseType object) { return createCreateStoredQueryResponseTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseCreateStoredQueryType(CreateStoredQueryType object) { return createCreateStoredQueryTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseDeleteType(DeleteType object) { return createDeleteTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseDescribeFeatureTypeType(DescribeFeatureTypeType object) { return createDescribeFeatureTypeTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseDescribeStoredQueriesResponseType(DescribeStoredQueriesResponseType object) { return createDescribeStoredQueriesResponseTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseDescribeStoredQueriesType(DescribeStoredQueriesType object) { return createDescribeStoredQueriesTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseDocumentRoot(DocumentRoot object) { return createDocumentRootAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseDropStoredQueryType(DropStoredQueryType object) { return createDropStoredQueryTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseElementType(ElementType object) { return createElementTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseEmptyType(EmptyType object) { return createEmptyTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseEnvelopePropertyType(EnvelopePropertyType object) { return createEnvelopePropertyTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseExecutionStatusType(ExecutionStatusType object) { return createExecutionStatusTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseExtendedDescriptionType(ExtendedDescriptionType object) { return createExtendedDescriptionTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseFeatureCollectionType(FeatureCollectionType object) { return createFeatureCollectionTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseFeaturesLockedType(FeaturesLockedType object) { return createFeaturesLockedTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseFeaturesNotLockedType(FeaturesNotLockedType object) { return createFeaturesNotLockedTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseFeatureTypeListType(FeatureTypeListType object) { return createFeatureTypeListTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseFeatureTypeType(FeatureTypeType object) { return createFeatureTypeTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseGetCapabilitiesType(GetCapabilitiesType object) { return createGetCapabilitiesTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseGetFeatureType(GetFeatureType object) { return createGetFeatureTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseGetFeatureWithLockType(GetFeatureWithLockType object) { return createGetFeatureWithLockTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseGetPropertyValueType(GetPropertyValueType object) { return createGetPropertyValueTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseInsertType(InsertType object) { return createInsertTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseListStoredQueriesResponseType(ListStoredQueriesResponseType object) { return createListStoredQueriesResponseTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseListStoredQueriesType(ListStoredQueriesType object) { return createListStoredQueriesTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseLockFeatureResponseType(LockFeatureResponseType object) { return createLockFeatureResponseTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseLockFeatureType(LockFeatureType object) { return createLockFeatureTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseMemberPropertyType(MemberPropertyType object) { return createMemberPropertyTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseMetadataURLType(MetadataURLType object) { return createMetadataURLTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseNativeType(NativeType object) { return createNativeTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseNoCRSType(NoCRSType object) { return createNoCRSTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseOutputFormatListType(OutputFormatListType object) { return createOutputFormatListTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseParameterExpressionType(ParameterExpressionType object) { return createParameterExpressionTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseParameterType(ParameterType object) { return createParameterTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter casePropertyNameType(PropertyNameType object) { return createPropertyNameTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter casePropertyType(PropertyType object) { return createPropertyTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseQueryExpressionTextType(QueryExpressionTextType object) { return createQueryExpressionTextTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseQueryType(QueryType object) { return createQueryTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseReplaceType(ReplaceType object) { return createReplaceTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseSimpleFeatureCollectionType(SimpleFeatureCollectionType object) { return createSimpleFeatureCollectionTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseStoredQueryDescriptionType(StoredQueryDescriptionType object) { return createStoredQueryDescriptionTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseStoredQueryListItemType(StoredQueryListItemType object) { return createStoredQueryListItemTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseStoredQueryType(StoredQueryType object) { return createStoredQueryTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseTitleType(TitleType object) { return createTitleTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseTransactionResponseType(TransactionResponseType object) { return createTransactionResponseTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseTransactionSummaryType(TransactionSummaryType object) { return createTransactionSummaryTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseTransactionType(TransactionType object) { return createTransactionTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseTruncatedResponseType(TruncatedResponseType object) { return createTruncatedResponseTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseTupleType(TupleType object) { return createTupleTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseUpdateType(UpdateType object) { return createUpdateTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseValueCollectionType(ValueCollectionType object) { return createValueCollectionTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseValueListType(ValueListType object) { return createValueListTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseValueReferenceType(ValueReferenceType object) { return createValueReferenceTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseWFSCapabilitiesType(WFSCapabilitiesType object) { return createWFSCapabilitiesTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseWSDLType(WSDLType object) { return createWSDLTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseOws11_GetCapabilitiesType(net.opengis.ows11.GetCapabilitiesType object) { return createOws11_GetCapabilitiesTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseAbstractQueryExpressionType(AbstractQueryExpressionType object) { return createAbstractQueryExpressionTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseAbstractAdhocQueryExpressionType(AbstractAdhocQueryExpressionType object) { return createAbstractAdhocQueryExpressionTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter caseCapabilitiesBaseType(CapabilitiesBaseType object) { return createCapabilitiesBaseTypeAdapter(); } @Override public Adapter defaultCase(EObject object) { return createEObjectAdapter(); } }; /** * Creates an adapter for the target. * * * @param target the object to adapt. * @return the adapter for the target. * @generated */ @Override public Adapter createAdapter(Notifier target) { return modelSwitch.doSwitch((EObject)target); } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.AbstractTransactionActionType Abstract Transaction Action Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.AbstractTransactionActionType * @generated */ public Adapter createAbstractTransactionActionTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.AbstractType Abstract Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.AbstractType * @generated */ public Adapter createAbstractTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.ActionResultsType Action Results Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.ActionResultsType * @generated */ public Adapter createActionResultsTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.AdditionalObjectsType Additional Objects Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.AdditionalObjectsType * @generated */ public Adapter createAdditionalObjectsTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.AdditionalValuesType Additional Values Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.AdditionalValuesType * @generated */ public Adapter createAdditionalValuesTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.BaseRequestType Base Request Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.BaseRequestType * @generated */ public Adapter createBaseRequestTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.CreatedOrModifiedFeatureType Created Or Modified Feature Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.CreatedOrModifiedFeatureType * @generated */ public Adapter createCreatedOrModifiedFeatureTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.CreateStoredQueryResponseType Create Stored Query Response Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.CreateStoredQueryResponseType * @generated */ public Adapter createCreateStoredQueryResponseTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.CreateStoredQueryType Create Stored Query Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.CreateStoredQueryType * @generated */ public Adapter createCreateStoredQueryTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.DeleteType Delete Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.DeleteType * @generated */ public Adapter createDeleteTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.DescribeFeatureTypeType Describe Feature Type Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.DescribeFeatureTypeType * @generated */ public Adapter createDescribeFeatureTypeTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.DescribeStoredQueriesResponseType Describe Stored Queries Response Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.DescribeStoredQueriesResponseType * @generated */ public Adapter createDescribeStoredQueriesResponseTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.DescribeStoredQueriesType Describe Stored Queries Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.DescribeStoredQueriesType * @generated */ public Adapter createDescribeStoredQueriesTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.DocumentRoot Document Root}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.DocumentRoot * @generated */ public Adapter createDocumentRootAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.DropStoredQueryType Drop Stored Query Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.DropStoredQueryType * @generated */ public Adapter createDropStoredQueryTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.ElementType Element Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.ElementType * @generated */ public Adapter createElementTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.EmptyType Empty Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.EmptyType * @generated */ public Adapter createEmptyTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.EnvelopePropertyType Envelope Property Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.EnvelopePropertyType * @generated */ public Adapter createEnvelopePropertyTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.ExecutionStatusType Execution Status Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.ExecutionStatusType * @generated */ public Adapter createExecutionStatusTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.ExtendedDescriptionType Extended Description Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.ExtendedDescriptionType * @generated */ public Adapter createExtendedDescriptionTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.FeatureCollectionType Feature Collection Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.FeatureCollectionType * @generated */ public Adapter createFeatureCollectionTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.FeaturesLockedType Features Locked Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.FeaturesLockedType * @generated */ public Adapter createFeaturesLockedTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.FeaturesNotLockedType Features Not Locked Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.FeaturesNotLockedType * @generated */ public Adapter createFeaturesNotLockedTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.FeatureTypeListType Feature Type List Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.FeatureTypeListType * @generated */ public Adapter createFeatureTypeListTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.FeatureTypeType Feature Type Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.FeatureTypeType * @generated */ public Adapter createFeatureTypeTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.GetCapabilitiesType Get Capabilities Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.GetCapabilitiesType * @generated */ public Adapter createGetCapabilitiesTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.GetFeatureType Get Feature Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.GetFeatureType * @generated */ public Adapter createGetFeatureTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.GetFeatureWithLockType Get Feature With Lock Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.GetFeatureWithLockType * @generated */ public Adapter createGetFeatureWithLockTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.GetPropertyValueType Get Property Value Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.GetPropertyValueType * @generated */ public Adapter createGetPropertyValueTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.InsertType Insert Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.InsertType * @generated */ public Adapter createInsertTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.ListStoredQueriesResponseType List Stored Queries Response Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.ListStoredQueriesResponseType * @generated */ public Adapter createListStoredQueriesResponseTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.ListStoredQueriesType List Stored Queries Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.ListStoredQueriesType * @generated */ public Adapter createListStoredQueriesTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.LockFeatureResponseType Lock Feature Response Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.LockFeatureResponseType * @generated */ public Adapter createLockFeatureResponseTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.LockFeatureType Lock Feature Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.LockFeatureType * @generated */ public Adapter createLockFeatureTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.MemberPropertyType Member Property Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.MemberPropertyType * @generated */ public Adapter createMemberPropertyTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.MetadataURLType Metadata URL Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.MetadataURLType * @generated */ public Adapter createMetadataURLTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.NativeType Native Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.NativeType * @generated */ public Adapter createNativeTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.NoCRSType No CRS Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.NoCRSType * @generated */ public Adapter createNoCRSTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.OutputFormatListType Output Format List Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.OutputFormatListType * @generated */ public Adapter createOutputFormatListTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.ParameterExpressionType Parameter Expression Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.ParameterExpressionType * @generated */ public Adapter createParameterExpressionTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.ParameterType Parameter Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.ParameterType * @generated */ public Adapter createParameterTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.PropertyNameType Property Name Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.PropertyNameType * @generated */ public Adapter createPropertyNameTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.PropertyType Property Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.PropertyType * @generated */ public Adapter createPropertyTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.QueryExpressionTextType Query Expression Text Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.QueryExpressionTextType * @generated */ public Adapter createQueryExpressionTextTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.QueryType Query Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.QueryType * @generated */ public Adapter createQueryTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.ReplaceType Replace Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.ReplaceType * @generated */ public Adapter createReplaceTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.SimpleFeatureCollectionType Simple Feature Collection Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.SimpleFeatureCollectionType * @generated */ public Adapter createSimpleFeatureCollectionTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.StoredQueryDescriptionType Stored Query Description Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.StoredQueryDescriptionType * @generated */ public Adapter createStoredQueryDescriptionTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.StoredQueryListItemType Stored Query List Item Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.StoredQueryListItemType * @generated */ public Adapter createStoredQueryListItemTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.StoredQueryType Stored Query Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.StoredQueryType * @generated */ public Adapter createStoredQueryTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.TitleType Title Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.TitleType * @generated */ public Adapter createTitleTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.TransactionResponseType Transaction Response Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.TransactionResponseType * @generated */ public Adapter createTransactionResponseTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.TransactionSummaryType Transaction Summary Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.TransactionSummaryType * @generated */ public Adapter createTransactionSummaryTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.TransactionType Transaction Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.TransactionType * @generated */ public Adapter createTransactionTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.TruncatedResponseType Truncated Response Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.TruncatedResponseType * @generated */ public Adapter createTruncatedResponseTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.TupleType Tuple Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.TupleType * @generated */ public Adapter createTupleTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.UpdateType Update Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.UpdateType * @generated */ public Adapter createUpdateTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.ValueCollectionType Value Collection Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.ValueCollectionType * @generated */ public Adapter createValueCollectionTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.ValueListType Value List Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.ValueListType * @generated */ public Adapter createValueListTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.ValueReferenceType Value Reference Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.ValueReferenceType * @generated */ public Adapter createValueReferenceTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.WFSCapabilitiesType WFS Capabilities Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.WFSCapabilitiesType * @generated */ public Adapter createWFSCapabilitiesTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.wfs20.WSDLType WSDL Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.wfs20.WSDLType * @generated */ public Adapter createWSDLTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.ows11.GetCapabilitiesType Get Capabilities Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.ows11.GetCapabilitiesType * @generated */ public Adapter createOws11_GetCapabilitiesTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.fes20.AbstractQueryExpressionType Abstract Query Expression Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.fes20.AbstractQueryExpressionType * @generated */ public Adapter createAbstractQueryExpressionTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.fes20.AbstractAdhocQueryExpressionType Abstract Adhoc Query Expression Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.fes20.AbstractAdhocQueryExpressionType * @generated */ public Adapter createAbstractAdhocQueryExpressionTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link net.opengis.ows11.CapabilitiesBaseType Capabilities Base Type}'. * * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. * * @return the new adapter. * @see net.opengis.ows11.CapabilitiesBaseType * @generated */ public Adapter createCapabilitiesBaseTypeAdapter() { return null; } /** * Creates a new adapter for the default case. * * This default implementation returns null. * * @return the new adapter. * @generated */ public Adapter createEObjectAdapter() { return null; } } //Wfs20AdapterFactory