How to cut a release ==================== The instructions are meant for those making a formal milestone, a release candidate, a final release, or a point release of the GeoTools project itself. However, the instructions can also be used by any project or anyone that needs to make their own release, for example to use a new release with or * Do not use the Maven "release" plugin The instructions in this page invoke "svn copy", "mvn install" and "mvn deploy" manually. Those operations were supposed to be done automatically by "mvn release", but the later appears to be a difficult experience. It is time consuming (in case of failure, every new attempt implies a new checkout from svn), clobbers every pom.xml files by stripping comments and enumerating all possible versions of each maven plug-in (a lot), advances version number in a way that is not what we would like, make it difficult to use a javadoc tool more recent than javac, etc. Invoking "svn copy", "mvn install" and "mvn deploy" explicitly is both faster and safer than "mvn release", since it allows human checks before to continue to the next step and avoid to redo some successful steps after a problem occured and has been fixed. * Many steps of building the release involve doing a full build of GeoTools. Often maven can fail in the middle of a build due to a failed test case, failing to upload an artifact, etc... The ``-rf`` (resume from) parameter of the mvn command is extremely useful in these cases. It is used to resume a multi module build from a specific location and prevents you from having to rebuild those modules that have already been successfully built. For instance, consider trying to build and test the entire code base:: mvn clean install But let's say in the library/data module a failed test occurs. After fixing the test you can restart the build from library/data with the command:: mvn clean install -rf library/data Before You Start ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Know the version numbers You will need to know the version number of the release you wish to make as well as the version number of the next release that will be made. The former is needed to correctly name the files being released; the latter is needed to add a new task in the JIRA issue tracker so all tasks which are still open move up to be addressed in the next version. * Time and Space Requirements The release process will take a few hours of time, will require a Gigabyte of free disk space, and requires continuous network access. * Software and Environment Requirements Check quickly that you are using the java and maven versions required: * Java GeoTools currently uses the JDK 1.5 version of Java(tm). The build will also need all the dependencies, presented earlier in this manual, which are required to build GeoTools.:: java -version Should return, for example: 1.5.0_11 ========= ==================================================== Java 6 Not supported for release at this time Java 5 GeoTools 2.5 and later Java 1.4 GeoTools 2.4 and earlier ========= ==================================================== GeoTools 2.4 releases and earlier must be made with a 1.4 JDK and not with a 1.5 JDK in compatibility mode. There are enough subtle glitches in the latter case that we run into many user problems.:: java -version should give, for example: 1.4.2_13 * Maven 2 The build process uses Maven 2 - the following table indicates what version of maven is safe to use for the release process. ========== ==================================================== Maven Status ========== ==================================================== 3.0 does not build 2.2.1 builds; have not tried release 2.2.0 untested 2.1.0 GeoTools 2.5 - 2.6 series 2.0.10 GeoTools 2.5 - 2.6 series 2.0.9 GeoTools 2.4 2.0.8 GeoTools 2.4 2.0.7 known problems 2.0.6 known problems 2.0.5 GeoTools 2.3 2.0.5 GeoTools 2.2 ========== ==================================================== Latest tested release: * Maven 2.2.1 To check:: mvn --version Should give, for example: 2.0.10 * Be sure to provide enough memory to Maven, if not already done: linux:: export MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512M win32:: set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx1024m * Permissions You will need access to several accounts and to the osgeo webdav repository to properly create and announce the release. * Subversion Access - Contact PMC member on geotools-devel You will need our osgeo id in order to properly create a release. Your account name/password is used to create tags and so on. * WebDav Access - Your osgeo id is also used here, contact the PMC to ensure you are a member of the project. The jars get uploaded to the maven repository during the deploy phase. Those jars will then be pulled in by those running maven. The account name and password for webdav are stored in the settings.xml file (located in your user folder ``~/.m2/settings.xml``). The file can remain indefinitely and,if it is still in the same place, the file will be used during a future release.:: refractions username ... osgeo username ... opengeo username ... * Administration rights on the GeoTools sourceforge site. This will be required to upload the finished files and to create the download page for the release. First make sure you have a sourceforge account. You can create an account if you need to. Then you need to join the geotools project and ask one of the other administrators to give you administration rights on the project. * Administration rights to Geotools Confluence, JIRA and codehaus xircles. The JIRA authority is required to create a new release number for the future, to bump all unfinished tasks to that future release, and thereby to collect a list of changes in the current release. The Confluence edit permission is required to make a release page. The codehaus xircles login is now required for the previous two. See the bottom of the GeoTools wiki for instructions on how to obtain these permissions. Sanity Check ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Check that the build is currently working. You can check the build status on hudson here: * 2. Email the List Email the geotools-devel list that a release is underway; there may be a developer in the middle of something who will ask you to hold off for a couple of hours. 3. Sanity Check of Codebase The code tree used for the build should be up to date and clean of any local modifications. This can be done by doing an update and making sure there are no significant local changes. First, change the default directory according the release to be performed: ================= ================================================= GeoTools 8.x GeoTools 2.7.x GeoTools 2.6.x GeoTools 2.5.x GeoTools 2.2.x ================= ================================================= The default directory should contains the main pom.xml file. Then update the local repository and note the revision number returned by svn update (you will need it later).:: C:\java\geotools> cd 2.7.x C:\java\geotools\2.7.x> svn up We can then check the svn status which should immediately return with a blank line.:: C:\java\geotools\2.7.x>svn status If there are local modifications or files that svn does not track, you may get something resembling the following:: $ svn status ? modules/plugin/arcsde/.classpath ? modules/plugin/arcsde/.project ? modules/plugin/arcsde/.settings These modifications should not hurt, but you may want to wipe them out for safety. If there is pending modifications in files tracked by svn, you should commit them (after making sure that they do not break the build) before to continue. Take note again of the new revision number given by svn. 4. Test extensively the code base This is to make sure there are no previously built classes still hanging around.:: mvn clean This is the build that will stress the library as much as possible to see if we can break things. The interactive.tests profile will open and close a series of windows as part of its work.:: mvn -Pextensive.tests,interactive.tests install These tests go beyond the normal nightly build tests; so there is every chance that they will turn up a failure. If so go to the email list and arrange for a fix. * Hint - check your network settings If you're connected to the internet through DHCP and the DHCP server is providing your hostname, ensure your hostname matches the one in /etc/hostname and you have an entry in for it in /etc/hosts, or the coverage module tests will fail. If there is any build or test failure, report the errors on the geotools developers mailing list (attach the appropriate file from the target/surefire-reports directory to the email) and wait until those errors are fixed. Then perform a new svn update, note the revision number and try again the above-cited mvn install command. Preparing the Release ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The release preparation will create a tag, change the version numbers, build the library and perform the full testing of the library to set everything up for release. 1. Create the branch (if needed) and the tag The tag name must be the same than the GeoTools version to be released. The following instructions assume that we are releasing GeoTools 2.6-M2. For other releases, update the version number accordingly. You will need the revision number from latest svn update. The following examples use revision number 24652, but this number needs to be replaced by the one provided by svn. We use the revision number in order to create a branch or a tag from the revision tested above. If some changes were commited after the latest successful mvn install, they will not be part of this release. 2. Depending on the release you are performing choose the appropriate svn commands below. * Releasing a milestone from trunk: Creates the tag directly from the trunk:: svn copy -m "Created 8.0-M2 tag from revision 33797." -r 33797 The reason we are using -r 33797 is so we don't get tripped up by anyone who committed while between when we tested trunk and now. * Releasing first release candidate First creates the branch:: svn copy -m "Created 8.x branch from revision trunk 34232." -r 34232 Then the tag:: svn copy -m "Created 8.0-RC0 release candidate" * Releasing additional releases from a branch (release candidate, release or patch): Creates an additional release candidate from the branch:: svn copy -m "Created 8.0-RC1 release candidate" -r 37232 Creates a release:: svn copy -m "Created 8.0.0 release" -r 37232 Creates a patch release for bug fixes:: svn copy -m "Created 8.0.1 patch release" -r 37232 Creates a dot release for api or feature addition:: svn copy -m "Created 8.1.0 patch release" -r 37232 * The odd scenario out is creating a patch release from a previous tag after the branch has already moved on. This only occurs via customer request and is an unusual circumstance. svn copy -m "Created 8.0.2 patch release" -r 37232 We would then expect the developer to apply the required fixes to this tag and issue a release. svn commit -m "Released 8.0.2 patch release" -r 37232 3. Verify that the tag has been correctly created by visiting the repository web page: * Change version number ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. After you have created the tag in the previous section please change over to it for release. * You can just grab a fresh checkout:: cd ../tags svn checkout cd 8.0-M3 * Our just "switch" your existing directory to the new tag:: svn switch 2. From this point, all remaining operations in this page should be performed from this tag directory. You should not need to change directories to a different checkout anymore. 3. The next step is to replace every occurrences of 2.6-SNAPSHOT by 2.6-M2 in all pom.xml files. An ant file can be found in build/rename.xml to update the pom.xml files and the file to the new version number. 4. Type the following from the command line.:: C:\java\geotools\2.6-M2>copy build\rename.xml . 5. Edit the rename.xml file - changing 2.6-SNAPSHOT and 2.6-M2 version numbers to match the release you are making. This script mostly updates pom.xml files, and the class (which is used by applications to check the version of GeoTools they are working with at runtime).: .. literalinclude:: /../../build/rename.xml :language: xml 6. Run the file (the default build target will update the pom.xml files):: C:\java\geotools\2.6-M2>ant -f rename.xml 6. Run the file with the "doc" build target to update the tutorials:: C:\java\geotools\2.6-M2>ant -f rename.xml doc 7. Check that the version numbers were updated as expected:: svn status svn diff 8. Do not commit yet. We will commit only after a successful build from the tag directory. * Fixing number change error If the numbers are not changed like expected (for example because of a mistake while using sed), revert the changes:: svn revert . --recursive Then run again sed or ant, and check with svn diff. 9. If you're releasing from a stable branch, the branch version numbers must be updated as well. If, for example, the branch version number was 2.7.x, you'll have to alter all pom file to state 2.7-SNAPSHOT instead. 1. enter the branch checkout directory; 2. rename the pom.xml files as required (adapting rename.xml as required) 3. check the rename was done properly; 4. commit back to the branch 5. go back to the tag checkout Get those SNAPSHOT dependencies out of our build ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. BEFORE (under root pom.xml dependency management tag):: jfree eastwood 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT 2. AFTER:: jfree eastwood 1.1.2 Build and Test Extensively ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. We already tested the library before to create the tag, so testing again here is more a safety measure; it should give the same result.:: mvn -Pextensive.tests,interactive.tests install 2. In case of build failure, report to the Geotools developers mailing list as we did for the build on trunk. 3. If the build is successful, commit the pending version number changes. We commit only now because the tests after the version number change may reveal some bad configurations in pom.xml files, which should be fixed before the commit.:: svn status svn commit -m "Changed version number from 2.6-SNAPHOT to 2.6-M2." Update the README ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. The skeleton README contains tags which must be updated to reflect the release. These tags include: ============== ==================================================================== @VERSION@ geotools version @DATE@ release date ============== ==================================================================== 2. Substitute the appropriate values for in the file and then commit it. Remember, you are committing to the tag and not the development branch.:: svn status svn commit -m "Updated README for 2.6-M2." Performing the Release ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Please deploy the release to maven; including unsupported modules:: mvn deploy -DskipTests -Dall 2. You can verify during the process if the files are uploaded as expected by watching the repository web page (the Geotools metadata module should be among the first ones to be uploaded).
 * 3. Not Authorized If you run into problems deploying the jars to [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] BUILD ERROR WARNING: No credentials available for the 'GEOTOOLS' authentication realm at Ensure that you have provided the correct credentials in your **settings.xml** file. 4. If this step fails for some other reason after getting started, it may be caused by some network problem. Try running "mvn deploy" again. Assemble the Distribution Archives ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Now we need to create the binary, source and javadoc archives that users can download. 1. Since we do not want to include the unsupported jars produced by -Dall we need to:: mvn clean -Dall mvn install -DskipTests 2. Assemble the bin and source Archives We use the maven assembly plug-in to do this for us.:: mvn -DskipTests assembly:assembly 3. If you look in target/ directory, you will see source and binary zip files. 4. Remove unnecessary jars from the bin archive. This includes velocity and junit jars, as well as any jdbc driver stubs.:: cd target unzip cd geotools-2.6-M4 rm junit*.jar rm *dummy-* cd .. rm zip -r geotools-2.6-M4 rm -rf geotools-2.6-M4 5. Assemble the javadocs This will use the standard Maven javadoc plugin to create the javadocs. The javadoc build uses Java 5 constructs, thus it is recommanded to build it with a more recent JDK than 1.4. The build creates a slew of warnings (13000+) and errors (100) and may exits with an error code. Nonetheless, the build produces the document tree. If you experience building problems, check out the GeoTools javadoc page too.:: cd modules mvn javadoc:aggregate 5. Bundle the files by hand:: cd target/site/ zip -9 -r ../../../target/ apidocs/ cd ../../.. 7. Generate sphinx documentation:: cd docs mvn install cd target/user zip -9 -r ../../../target/ html/ Test the src release ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you like you can ask on the developer list for a volunteer to perform these steps. 1. Unzip the archive to a clean directory. I just unzip in our target directory: cd target unzip cd geotools-8.0-RC1 2. Rather then move you maven repository we will change our settings:: ~\releaseRepository\ * We do this in case a required module was accidentally excluded from the list of modules to be included in the release. You would see no error during the release process but the generated src archive would not be buildable. 3. Run maven from the root of the directory you unzipped to:: mvn install 4. Remember clean up your releaseReository and change settings.xml back Update JIRA and create a changelog ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Any unresolved issues that did not make the release version need to be bumped back to the next release. Fortunately, JIRA allows you to do this en masse: 1. Login to Jira and head to the administration screen for the GeoTools project 2. Click on manage versions 3. Create the next release number (after 2.6-M4 we would have 2.6-M5) 4. Release 2.6-M4 * it will ask you where you want to move unresolved issues select the next release number you created above. In this example 8.0-RC1 5. This will update the changelog file to show what has been fixed since the last release. 6. For example, see: 7. From that page you can click on the "release notes" link; you will be using these release notes when you make an announcement. Upload Distribution to SourceForge ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SourceForge now allows various methods for uploading files: * web form (uploads should be less than 20 megs) * webdav (uploads should be less than 20 megs) * sftp * rsynch + ssh Details on how to use them can be found here: * 1. Command-line client on Linux using sftp:: sftp cd /home/frs/project/g/ge/geotools cd "GeoTools 2.6 Releases" mkdir 2.6-M4 cd 2.6-M4 put geotools*.zip 2. As the last sanity check email the geotools list and ask people to try it out. Anounce on GeoTools Blog ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Navigate to the GeoTools blog; and sign in: 2. Create a new blog post anouncing your release; you can cut and paste the following as a starting point:: The GeoTools community is pleased to announce the availability of GeoTools 8.0-M3 for download from source forge: If you are using Maven this release is deployed to our OSGeo Maven Repository: For more information on setting up your project with Maven see the Quickstart (included in the userguide documentation pack above).

This is a milestone release made in conjunction with the (OPTIONAL LINK TO PRODUCT, CONFERENCE).

Finally thanks to YOU and ORGANISATION for putting this release out.
The GeoTools Community 6. You will need to correct the following information: * Update the Source forge links above to reflect the release by following this link * Update the Release Notes by choosing the the correct version from `JIRA `_ * Fill in the BLURB ABOUT RELEASE CONTENTS * Thank those involved with the relese (listing any completed proposals, docs or jira items) Tell the World ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After the list has had a chance to try things out - make an announcement. Cut and paste from the blog post to the following: 1. * To: * Subject: 8.0-RC1 Released 2. Let the user list know: * To: * Subject: GeoTools 8.0-RC1 Released 3. Open Source Geospatial Foundation Only to be used for "significant" releases (Major release only, not for milestone or point releases) 4. Post a message to the osgeo news email list (you are subscribed right?) * To: * Subject: GeoTools 8.0-RC1 Released Tell More of the World! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Well that was not very much of the world was it? Lets do freshmeat,, and freegis. 1. Do it in the Morning Please don't announce releases on a Friday or weekend. And try to make it in the mornings as well. If it's late then just finish it up the next day. This will ensure that a lot more people will see the announcements. 2. Add release: * Branch: GT2 * Version: 2.6-M4 * Changes: Grab the notes from the above release anouncement * You can also update the screen snapshot to reflect a current GeoTOols application. GeoServer and UDIG have been highlighted in the past. If you are making the release to support a project this is your big chance! 3. * Add a news article: * Subject: GeoTools 2.6-M4 Released * Details: allows http links * The format of the subject is important it gets the message included on the Home Page. This is a one shot deal, if you go back and fix any mistakes it is kicked off the Home Page. 4. Email Jan-Oliver Wagner * To: * Subject: GeoTools update for FreeGIS site 5. Submit a news article * Use form at: * Source: * URL: * Link to article: * Note Membership required 5. Submit a news article * Use form at: (gotta login!) * Use your profile page (example: for Home page * Section: Technology Topic: Open Source Community * Warning: You may wish to change to HTML Formatted, and insert a few links in!