observationSpecializations.xsd An implementation of the OandM model for SWE This document contains various specializations of the basic observation pattern, primarily by fixing the type of the result. Copyright (c) 2005 Open Geospatial Consortium - see http://www.opengeospatial.org/about/?page=ipr Measurement event. carries one "result" properties of type "ResultMeasureType". Measurement event Observation, in which the result is a textual value from a controlled vocabulary Observation, in which the result is a textual value from a controlled vocabulary Observation, in which the result is an integer representing the count of the observed property Observation, in which the result is an integer representing the count of the observed property Observation, in which the result is a boolean value representing the truth value (usually existence) of the observed property Observation, in which the result is a boolean value representing the truth value (usually existence) of the observed property Observation event. "result" property contains an sml:DataValue resultDefinition property contains value record schema, used to parse value, and an indication of the encoding Observation event Specialization of ObservationCollection, in which the members of the collection refer to a consistent target, time etc. Functionally equivalent to ComplexObservation Specialized Observation, in which the result is a compact representation of a time-instant coverage which samples a property of the feature of interest at different times compact representation of a time-instant coverage which samples a property of the feature of interest at different times Specialized Observation, in which the result is a compact representation of a time-instant coverage which samples a property of the feature of interest at different times