extensiveSite.xsd SamplingFeatures are feature types that are used primarily for making observations: SamplingFeature, Station (0-D), and collections are described in site.xsd Profile, Interval, Traverse, Flightline, Borehole (1-D) SurfaceOfInterest, Swath (2-D) SolidOfInterest (3-D) are described in this schema document In many cases the properties of interest vary within the site, so may be represented as a coverage associated with the site. Copyright (c) 2005 CSIRO - see https://www.seegrid.csiro.au/twiki/bin/view/Xmml/LegalNotices#Software_Notice A "Profile" is an identified 1-D spatial feature. It may be revisited for various purposes, in particular to retrieve multiple specimens or make repeated or complementary observations. A "SurfaceOfInterest" is an identified 2-D spatial feature. It may be used for various purposes, in particular for observations of cross sections through features. A "SolidOfInterest" is an identified 3-D spatial feature used in sampling.