site.xsd Sampling features are feature types that are used primarily for making observations: SamplingFeature, Station (0-D, and collections are described in this schema document Profile, Interval, Traverse, Flightline, Borehole (1-D) SurfaceOfInterest, Swath (2-D) SolidOfInterest (3-D) are described in extensiveSite.xsd Copyright (c) 2005 CSIRO - see A "SamplingFeature" is a feature used primarily for taking observations. A site is often associated with a set of member sites: e.g. stations on a traverse, intervals in a borehole or section, boreholes within an area of interest. Description of, or link to, the procedure used in determining the position of the site. For complex procedures, such as when elevation and position are determined separately, may be disaggregated. The bounds of a SiteCollection must be provided A SiteCollection must have at least one member site A "Station" is an identified position (0-D geospatial feature). It may be revisited for various purposes, in particular to retrieve multiple specimens or make repeated or complementary observations. The position property of the station provides the value of the position property of observations an specimens associated with the station. By using the Station feature, this position information and any metadata associated with it may be encoded in one place, i.e. normalised, and then re-used _by reference_ on other feature instances associated with it. Use the srsName attribute to record the elevation datum