specimen.xsd feature types that are used primarily for making observations: Copyright (c) 2005 CSIRO - see https://www.seegrid.csiro.au/twiki/bin/view/Xmml/LegalNotices#Software_Notice A located object on which measurements may be made. A "Station" from where the specimen was obtained may be recorded using the samplingStation property. A basic material classification is provided using the "material" property. Its value may be relatively generic (rock, pulp) or may reflect a detailed classification (calcrete, adamellite, biotite-schist). In the latter case it is wise to use the codeSpace attribute to provide a link to the classification scheme/vocabulary used. Note that if this specimen is a "processed" version of another (e.g. by grinding, seiving, etc) then the predecessor (if known) may be recorded as a relatedFeature If this specimen has been processed from an "original" specimen, as collected in the field or as supplied to the lab, but results should be reported regarding the original, then the original may be indicated using the reportingSpecimen property. Related observations may also be recorded using the relatedFeature property. Pointer to the station, section, etc from which the specimen was obtained Material type, usually taken from a controlled vocabulary Specialised domains may choose to fix the vocabulary to be used The mass of the specimen One or more procedures may have been applied to a specimen. May contain collection, sampling and preparation procedures A related specimen for which results may be available. An observation on the specimen Time and date when the specimen was initially retrieved