SWE_basicTypes.xsd Some basic types (simpleContent) required in various places in OWS Sensor Web application schemas Copyright © 2005 Open Geospatial Consortium - see http://www.opengeospatial.org/about/?page=ipr When appearing in a list context, internal whitespace is interpreted as an item separator. Strings may be represented in a list by escaping spaces as a (non-breaking space) entity. A set of numeric values, representing a list of Records or a table. A single record is a list with just one member. Generalises the approach used for gml:DirectPositionType, replacing "srsName" with "RS" (record schema). This allows a table of values to be recorded in compact form, as a whitespace-separated list of doubles. In general, Record components increment fastest, followed by Record instances, so if you think of this as a table in which the rows are Records, then the representation is left-to-right followed by down the table. To assist direct inspection of the data, good practice is to use * linefeed between Records, and * tab between components in a Record. However any whitespace character sequence is a valid separator between items. Pointer to record definition or schema. The RS description should indicate the semantics/label and units of measure for each component, and the order in which the components appear in the Record. RS may be omitted, in which case it is the same as the previous value in the current context or document. The number of components in the Record. Should this be mandatory? The number of Records in the list. A set of values, representing a Record. Generalises the approach used for swe:NumericRecordType. This allows a Record to be recorded in compact form, as a list of tokens. Note that XML "token" may contain embedded single spaces, so item separators should be tabs, linefeeds, or two or more consecutive spaces. Pointer to definition of the reference system for the Record. The RS description should indicate the semantics/label and units of measure or value-space (if appropriate) for each component, and the order in which the components appear in the Record. RS may be omitted, in which case it is the same as the previous value in the current context or document. The number of components in the Record. Should this be mandatory? The number of Records in the list. Extension of string which also carries a codeSpace attribute. Extension of stringList which also carries a codeSpace attribute. This enumerated data type specifies values for relative measures. fall-through qualifier expressed as "other:aaaaaaa" Link to an external resource providing explanation A text value, taken from a value space identified by the value of the codeSpace attribute, and representing a description of the phenomenon identified by the property attribute. This attribute holds a reference to or label for the property being described. This will usually refer to a classification or phenomenon described on a nominal scale, such as lithology type, material colour. A list of text values, taken from a value space identified by the value of the codeSpace attribute, and representing a set of descriptions of the phenomenon identified by the property attribute. This attribute holds a reference to or label for the property being described. A pair of text values, representing an interval of the phenomenon identified by the property attribute. A numeric value, expressed using the scale indicated by the value of the (mandatory) uom attribute, attribute, and representing a description of the phenomenon identified by the property attribute. This attribute holds a reference to or label for the property being described. This will usually refer to a measure described on a ratio or interval scale, such as temperature, wavelength, concentration. A list of numeric values, expressed using the scale indicated by the value of the (mandatory) uom attribute, attribute, and representing a set of descriptions of the phenomenon identified by the property attribute. This attribute holds a reference to or label for the property being described. A pair of numeric values, expressed using the scale indicated by the value of the (mandatory) uom attribute, attribute, and representing an interval of the phenomenon identified by the property attribute. A numeric value, representing a count of the phenomenon identified by the property attribute. This attribute holds a reference to or label for the property being described. A pair of numeric values, representing a set of counts of the phenomenon identified by the property attribute. This attribute holds a reference to or label for the property being described. A pair of numeric values, representing an interval of the phenomenon identified by the property attribute.