temporal.xsd time geometric complex and time grids 2005-06-27 Copyright (c) 2005 CSIRO - see https://www.seegrid.csiro.au/twiki/bin/view/Xmml/LegalNotices#Software_Notice TimePositionList instances hold a sequence of time positions within the same frame. "count" allows to specify the number of direct positions in the list. a set of TimeInstants and TimePeriods Simple-content time position Reference to an identified time primitive A set of uniformly spaced time instants described using an implicit notation Regular "grid" of time-points. Follow pattern of (ISO 19123) spatial grids: these have (dimension,axisName,extent(,origin,offsetVector)) For temporal case, dimension is fixed (1), axisName is fixed ("time") Simple-content time position Reference to an identified time instant XML Schema built-in simple type for duration: e.g. P1Y (1 year) P1M (1 month) P1DT12H (1 day 12 hours) PT5M (5 minutes) PT0.007S (7 milliseconds) representation of the ISO 11404 model of a time interval length: e.g. value=1, unit="year" value=1, unit="other:month" (or see next) value=1, unit="year" radix="12" factor="1" (1/12 year) value=1.5, unit="day" value=36, unit="hour" value=5, unit="minute" value=7, unit="second" radix="10" factor="3" (7 milliseconds) Grid extent specified in grid coordinates - i.e. 2 integers A set of uniformly spaced time intervals described using an implicit notation Extend time instant grid with window size property XML Schema built-in simple type for duration representation of the ISO 11404 model of a time interval length