An explicit representation of the CV_DiscreteCoverage, interleaved model, from ISO 19123 Compact format All items are XML encoded Copyright (c) 2007 Open Geospatial Consortium - see Compact equivalent to ISO 19123 CV_DomainObject, in which the spatial and temporal elements are encoded directly. Compact equivalent to ISO 19123 CV_DomainObject, in which the spatial and temporal elements are encoded directly. Compact equivalent to ISO 19123 CV_GeometryValuePair, in which the spatial and temporal elements of the geometry are encoded directly. Implicitly xs:anyType. Use xsi:type attribute to indicate the datatype at run-time. Compact equivalent to ISO 19123 CV_GeometryValuePair, in which the spatial and temporal elements of the geometry are encoded directly. Compact equivalent to ISO 19123 CV_PointValuePair, in which the geometry is encoded directly. Implicitly xs:anyType. Use xsi:type attribute to indicate the datatype at run-time. Compact equivalent to ISO 19123 CV_PointValuePair, in which the geometry is encoded directly. Compact equivalent to CV_TimeInstantValuePair, in which the geometry is encoded directly. Implicitly xs:anyType. Use xsi:type attribute to indicate the datatype at run-time. Compact equivalent to CV_TimeInstantValuePair, in which the geometry is encoded directly. Head of substitution group for compact discrete coverage encodings Head of substitution group for compact discrete coverage encodings Compact equivalent to ISO 19123 CV_DiscretePointCoverage, in which the domain geometry is encoded directly. Compact equivalent to ISO 19123 CV_DiscretePointCoverage, in which the domain geometry is encoded directly. Compact equivalent to CV_DiscreteTimeInstantCoverage, in which the domain geometry is encoded directly. Compact equivalent to CV_DiscreteTimeInstantCoverage, in which the domain geometry is encoded directly.