An explicit representation of the CV_DiscreteCoverage, interleaved model, from ISO 19123 All items are XML encoded Copyright (c) 2007 Open Geospatial Consortium - see Explicit implementation of ISO 19123 CV_DomainObject Explicit implementation of ISO 19123 CV_DomainObject Head of substitution group of ISO 19123 CV_GeometryValuePair and specializations - concrete types derived from this must add geometry and value properties of a suitable type Head of substitution group of ISO 19123 CV_GeometryValuePair and specializations - concrete types derived from this must add geometry and value properties of a suitable type Explicit implementation of ISO 19123 CV_GeometryValuePair - this is the most general case, and is a literal encoding of the model. It is implemented as a sibling of specialized versions because of XML Schema derivation by restriction gotchas. Implicitly xs:anyType. Use xsi:type attribute to indicate the datatype at run-time. Explicit implementation of ISO 19123 CV_GeometryValuePair - this is the most general case, and is a literal encoding of the model. It is implemented as a sibling of specialized versions because of XML Schema derivation by restriction gotchas. Specialization of ISO 19123 CV_GeometryValuePair. Explicit implementation of ISO 19123 CV_PointValuePair - this is a literal encoding of the model. Implicitly xs:anyType. Use xsi:type attribute to indicate the datatype at run-time. Specialization of ISO 19123 CV_GeometryValuePair. Explicit implementation of ISO 19123 CV_PointValuePair - this is a literal encoding of the model. Specialization of ISO 19123 CV_GeometryValuePair. Explicit implementation of CV_TimeInstantValuePair - this is the temporal equivalent to CV_PointValuePair. Implicitly xs:anyType. Use xsi:type attribute to indicate the datatype at run-time. Specialization of ISO 19123 CV_GeometryValuePair. Explicit implementation of CV_TimeInstantValuePair - this is the temporal equivalent to CV_PointValuePair. Specialization of ISO 19123 CV_GeometryValuePair. Explicit implementation of CV_ElementValuePair - the "geometry" property carries a pointer to an object which acts as the geometry-provider. In a CV_ElementValuePair the "geometry" property carries a pointer to an object which acts as the geometry-provider. Implicitly xs:anyType. Use xsi:type attribute to indicate the datatype at run-time. Specialization of ISO 19123 CV_GeometryValuePair. Explicit implementation of CV_ElementValuePair - the "geometry" property carries a pointer to an object which acts as the geometry-provider. Head of substitution group implementing ISO 19123 CV_DiscreteCoverage and specializations. Includes the standard elements defined for CV_Coverage. Concrete descendants must add an "element" property of a suitable type. Replace with EX_Extent_PropertyType when GML 3.2 is adopted Pointer to a recordType or tuple description Head of substitution group implementing ISO 19123 CV_DiscreteCoverage and specializations. Concrete descendants must add an "element" property of a suitable type. Explicit implementation of ISO 19123 CV_DiscreteCoverage. Explicit implementation of ISO 19123 CV_DiscreteCoverage. Explicit implementation of ISO 19123 CV_DiscretePointCoverage. Explicit implementation of ISO 19123 CV_DiscretePointCoverage. Explicit implementation of specialized CV_DiscreteCoverage in which the coverage domain is composed of time-instants. Explicit implementation of specialized CV_DiscreteCoverage in which the coverage domain is composed of time-instants. Explicit implementation of specialized CV_DiscreteCoverage in which the coverage domain is composed of pointers to objects that act as geometry-providers. Explicit implementation of specialized CV_DiscreteCoverage in which the coverage domain is composed of pointers to objects that act as geometry-providers. Property type not provided by GML