package it.geosolutions.imageio.plugins.jhdf.aps; import it.geosolutions.hdf.object.h4.H4Attribute; import it.geosolutions.hdf.object.h4.H4SDS; import it.geosolutions.imageio.plugins.jhdf.AbstractHDFImageReader; import it.geosolutions.imageio.plugins.jhdf.SubDatasetInfo; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Set; import javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata; import javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi; /** * Specific Implementation of the AbstractHDFImageReader needed to * work on HDF produced by the Navy's APS (Automated Processing System) * * @author Romagnoli Daniele */ public class APSImageReader extends AbstractHDFImageReader { public APSImageReader(ImageReaderSpi originatingProvider) { super(originatingProvider); } /** The Products Dataset List contained within the APS File */ private String[] productList; private APSImageMetadata imageMetadata; private APSStreamMetadata streamMetadata; private void checkImageIndex(int imageIndex) { // TODO: Implements the imageIndex coherency check // if (imageIndex < 0 // || (!hasSubDatasets && imageIndex > 0) // || (hasSubDatasets && ((nSubdatasets == 0 && imageIndex > 0) || // (nSubdatasets != 0 && (imageIndex > nSubdatasets))))) { // // // The specified imageIndex is not valid. // // Retrieving the valid image index range. // final int validImageIndex = hasSubDatasets ? nSubdatasets // : 0; // StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( // "Illegal imageIndex specified = ").append(imageIndex) // .append(", while the valid imageIndex"); // if (validImageIndex > 0) // // There are N Subdatasets. // sb.append(" range should be (0,").append(validImageIndex - 1) // .append(")!!"); // else // // Only the imageIndex 0 is valid. // sb.append(" should be only 0!"); // throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(sb.toString()); // } } /** * Retrieve APS main information. * * @param root * * @throws Exception */ protected void initializeProfile() throws Exception { final int nSDS = h4SDSCollection.getNumSDS(); int subdatasetsNum = 0; final H4Attribute attrib = h4SDSCollection.getAttribute("prodList"); if (attrib!=null){ Object attribValue = attrib.getValues(); byte[] bb = (byte[]) attribValue; final int size = bb.length; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(size); for (int i = 0; i < size && bb[i] != 0; i++) { sb.append(new String(bb, i, 1)); } final String values = sb.toString(); String products[] = values.split(","); productList = refineProductList(products); subdatasetsNum = productList.length; } subDatasetsMap = new LinkedHashMap(subdatasetsNum); sourceStructure = new SourceStructure(subdatasetsNum); // Scanning all the datasets for (int i = 0; i < nSDS; i++) { final H4SDS sds = h4SDSCollection.getH4SDS(i); final String name = sds.getName(); boolean added = false; for (int j = 0; j < subdatasetsNum; j++) { // Checking if the actual dataset is a product. if (name.equals(productList[j])) { // Updating the subDatasetsMap map subDatasetsMap.put(name, sds); // retrieving subDataset main properties // (Rank, dims, chunkSize) final int rank = sds.getRank(); final int[] dims = sds.getDimSizes(); final int[] chunkSize = sds.getChunkSizes(); final int[] subDatasetDims = new int[rank]; final int[] subDatasetChunkSize; int datasetSize = 1; // copying values to avoid altering dataset // fields. for (int k = 0; k < rank; k++) { subDatasetDims[k] = dims[k]; // when rank > 2, X and Y are the last // 2 coordinates. As an instance, for a // 3D subdatasets, 3rd dimension has // index 0. if (k < rank - 2) datasetSize *= dims[k]; } if (chunkSize != null) { subDatasetChunkSize = new int[rank]; for (int k = 0; k < rank; k++) subDatasetChunkSize[k] = chunkSize[k]; } else subDatasetChunkSize = null; final int dt = sds.getDatatype(); // instantiating a SubDatasetInfo SubDatasetInfo dsInfo = new SubDatasetInfo(name, rank, subDatasetDims, subDatasetChunkSize, dt); sourceStructure.setSubDatasetSize(j, datasetSize); sourceStructure.setSubDatasetInfo(j, dsInfo); added=true; break; } } if(!added) sds.close(); } } /** * Reduces the product's list by removing not interesting ones. As an * instance the dataset containing l2_flags will be not presented. * * @param products * The originating String array containing the * list of products to be checked. * @return A String array containing a refined list of * products */ private String[] refineProductList(String[] products) { final int inputProducts = products.length; int j = 0; final boolean[] accepted = new boolean[inputProducts]; for (int i = 0; i < inputProducts; i++) if (isAcceptedItem(products[i])) { accepted[i] = true; j++; } else accepted[i] = false; if (j == inputProducts) return products; final String[] returnedProductsList = new String[j]; j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < inputProducts; i++) { if (accepted[i]) returnedProductsList[j++] = products[i]; } return returnedProductsList; } protected boolean isAcceptedItem(String productName) { // if (attribName.endsWith("_flags")) // return false; if (APSProperties.apsProducts.getHDFProduct(productName) != null) return true; return false; } public IIOMetadata getImageMetadata(int imageIndex) throws IOException { checkImageIndex(imageIndex); SubDatasetInfo sdInfo = sourceStructure .getSubDatasetInfo(retrieveSubDatasetIndex(imageIndex)); if (imageMetadata == null) imageMetadata = new APSImageMetadata(sdInfo); return imageMetadata; } public int getNumImages(boolean allowSearch) throws IOException { return sourceStructure.getNSubdatasets(); } public IIOMetadata getStreamMetadata() throws IOException { if (streamMetadata == null) streamMetadata = new APSStreamMetadata(h4SDSCollection); return streamMetadata; } public void dispose() { super.dispose(); synchronized (mutex) { final Set set = subDatasetsMap.keySet(); final Iterator setIt = set.iterator(); // Cleaning HashMap while (setIt.hasNext()) { // Dataset ds = (Dataset) subDatasetsMap.get(; // TODO:Restore original properties? // TODO: Close datasets } subDatasetsMap.clear(); } } public void reset() { super.reset(); streamMetadata = null; imageMetadata = null; productList = null; } protected int getBandNumberFromProduct(String productName) { return APSProperties.apsProducts.getHDFProduct(productName).getNBands(); } }