Geotools2 ========= Thank you for downloading the GeoTools 2.0 Beta 1. There is now sufficient code in a stable condition to warrant more general availability. For an overview of the development process and how to build GT2, see the Developers Guide, the most recent copy of which can be viewed by using the link at the end of this document. There are a number of apsects of this code which are undergoing active change, some at a quite fundamental level, so expect classes to be renamed or to disappear completely in future betas. If you would like to become more involved in the development of GeoTools2, or if you would like to keep up-to-date without waiting for new releases, then you should look into setting up CVS on your computer. Using CVS will allow you to see the source code in the same way as developers do and it will allow you to receive updates as often as you like. Setting up CVS is different for every platform and this is not the right place to go into details on how to set it up for each one. A little searching on the web will dig up a client that will work for you. Also note that many recent IDEs (e.g. Forte/Netbeans) now include built-in CVS tools. Once you have CVS set up on your machine, the following should work from the command line. If you are using a GUI-based CVS client, please refer to the documentation that came with it. cvs login cvs -z3 co geotools2 The key details that should let you use any CVS client are: server: user: anonymous password: i.e. just press return or leave blank cvsroot: /cvsroot/geotools module: geotools2 You can find out more information about each of the major modules by going to Each module has its own homepage with full javadoc and lists of tasks which need completing. The design document is being fleshed out is can give you a general overview (despite being incomplete). If you are interested in the future development of geotools2 then feel free to join the geotools-devel mailing list and join in the on the frequent IRC sessions (details of which are posted to the devel mailing list). Note that the devel list is for developers and not users. If you have more general queries then please send them to the geotools-discussion mailing list instead. You can find out more about the mailing lists and about recent news by going to the geotools homepage at: Good luck and many thanks for your interest in GeoTools2 The GeoTools2 development team. ---- The following link points to a recent build of the geotools 2 dev guide and design documents: