The GetVersionedFeature element is used to request that a Versioning Web Feature Service return versioned feature type instances of one or more feature types. The GetVersionedFeature extends GetFeature by returning a collection of AbstractVersionedFeature, which do contain more information about the last change occurred on each feature. Same as wfs:DescribeFeatureType, but with the option to output a versioned feature type instead of a plain one Same as wfs:DescribeFeatureType, but with the option to output a versioned feature type instead of a plain one If false, the output is the same as wfs:DescribeFeatureType, if true on the contrary the generated feature type will descend form wfsv:AbstractVersionedFeatureType A collection of versioned features The GetLog element is used to request that a Versioning Web Feature Service return the change history for features of one or more feature types. A GetLog element contains one or more DifferenceQuery elements that describe a diffence query operation on one feature type. In response to a GetLog request, a Web Feature Service must be able to generate a list of logs entries for features matched by the DifferenceQuery parameters. Each log entry is an instance of the ChangeSet feature type. In response to a GetFeature request, a Versioning Web Feature Service must be able to generate a GML3 response that validates using a schema generated by the DescribeFeatureType request against the ChangeSets feature type. A Web Feature Service may support other possibly non-XML (and even binary) output formats as long as those formats are advertised in the capabilities document. The resultType attribute is used to indicate what response a wfsv should return to user once a GetFeature request is processed. Possible values are: results - meaning that the full response set (i.e. all the feature instances) should be returned. hits - meaning that an empty response set should be returned (i.e. no feature instances should be returned) but the "numberOfFeatures" attribute should be set to the number of feature instances that would be returned. The outputFormat attribute is used to specify the output format that the Versioning Web Feature Service should generate in response to a GetLog element. The default value of 'text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1' indicates that the output is an XML document that conforms to the Geography Markup Language (GML) Implementation Specification V3.1.1. For the purposes of experimentation, vendor extension, or even extensions that serve a specific community of interest, other acceptable output format values may be used to specify other formats as long as those values are advertised in the capabilities document. The maxFeatures attribute is used to specify the maximum number of features that a GetFeature operation should generate (regardless of the actual number of query hits). The DifferenceFilter element is used to gather differences in features matched by a standard OGC filter at starting and ending featureVersion, and a filter used to match The Filter element is used to define spatial and/or non-spatial constraints on query. Spatial constrains use GML3 to specify the constraining geometry. A full description of the Filter element can be found in the Filter Encoding Implementation Specification. The typeName attribute is a single feature type name that indicates which type of feature instances should be included in the reponse set. The names must be a valid type that belong to this query's feature content as defined by the GML Application Schema. Same as featureVersion in QueryType, but this indicates a starting feature version for a difference and log operations. Same as featureVersion in QueryType, indicates the second version to be used for performing a difference of log operation. This attribute is used to specify a specific WFS-supported SRS that should be used for returned feature geometries. The value may be the WFS StorageSRS value, DefaultRetrievalSRS value, or one of AdditionalSRS values. If no srsName value is supplied, then the features will be returned using either the DefaultRetrievalSRS, if specified, and StorageSRS otherwise. For feature types with no spatial properties, this attribute must not be specified or ignored if it is specified. The GetDiff element is used to request that a Versioning Web Feature Service returns a transaction command that can be used to alter features at version m to turn them into version n A GetDiff element contains one or more DifferenceQuery elements that describe a difference query operation on one feature type. In response to a GetDiff request, a Versioning Web Feature Service must be able to generate a Transaction command that can be used to alter features at fromFeatureVersion and alter them into features at toFeatureVersion The outputFormat attribute is used to specify the output format that the Versioning Web Feature Service should generate in response to a GetDiff element. The default value of 'application/xml; subtype=wfsv-transaction/1.1.0' indicates that the output is an XML document that conforms to the WFS 1.1.0 Transaction definition. For the purposes of experimentation, vendor extension, or even extensions that serve a specific community of interest, other acceptable output format values may be used to specify other formats as long as those values are advertised in the capabilities document. The syntax and semantics is the same as featureVersion in Query. If specified, update will check that every updated feature is still at the specified version before executing, and will fail if a change occurred on the server in the meantime. See VersionedUpdateElementType featureVersion attribute. Rolls back the changes occurred on all matched features between fromFeatureVersion and featureVersion The Filter element is used to define spatial and/or non-spatial constraints on query. Spatial constrains use GML3 to specify the constraining geometry. A full description of the Filter element can be found in the Filter Encoding Implementation Specification. The typeName attribute is a single feature type name that indicates which type of feature instances should be included in the reponse set. The names must be a valid type that belong to this query's feature content as defined by the GML Application Schema. Same as featureVersion in QueryType. Rollback will restore the "toFeatureVersion" feature state, removing all changes occurred between "toFeatureVersion" and current User id to be used in addition to the filter in order to isolate the features to be rolled back. Only the features modified by the specified user between fromFeatureVersion and the current version will be subjected to roll back. The handle attribute allows a client application to assign a client-generated request identifier to an Insert action. The handle is included to facilitate error reporting. If a Rollback action in a Transaction request fails, then a Versioning WFS may include the handle in an exception report to localize the error. If no handle is included of the offending Rollback element then a WFS may employee other means of localizing the error (e.g. line number).