/** * * * * $Id$ */ package org.w3.xlink; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EMap; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.FeatureMap; /** * * A representation of the model object 'Document Root'. * * *

* The following features are supported: *


* * @see org.w3.xlink.XlinkPackage#getDocumentRoot() * @model extendedMetaData="name='' kind='mixed'" * @generated */ public interface DocumentRoot extends EObject { /** * Returns the value of the 'Mixed' attribute list. * The list contents are of type {@link org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.FeatureMap.Entry}. * *

* If the meaning of the 'Mixed' attribute list isn't clear, * there really should be more of a description here... *

* * @return the value of the 'Mixed' attribute list. * @see org.w3.xlink.XlinkPackage#getDocumentRoot_Mixed() * @model unique="false" dataType="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EFeatureMapEntry" many="true" * extendedMetaData="kind='elementWildcard' name=':mixed'" * @generated */ FeatureMap getMixed(); /** * Returns the value of the 'XMLNS Prefix Map' map. * The key is of type {@link java.lang.String}, * and the value is of type {@link java.lang.String}, * *

* If the meaning of the 'XMLNS Prefix Map' map isn't clear, * there really should be more of a description here... *

* * @return the value of the 'XMLNS Prefix Map' map. * @see org.w3.xlink.XlinkPackage#getDocumentRoot_XMLNSPrefixMap() * @model mapType="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStringToStringMapEntry" keyType="java.lang.String" valueType="java.lang.String" transient="true" * extendedMetaData="kind='attribute' name='xmlns:prefix'" * @generated */ EMap getXMLNSPrefixMap(); /** * Returns the value of the 'XSI Schema Location' map. * The key is of type {@link java.lang.String}, * and the value is of type {@link java.lang.String}, * *

* If the meaning of the 'XSI Schema Location' map isn't clear, * there really should be more of a description here... *

* * @return the value of the 'XSI Schema Location' map. * @see org.w3.xlink.XlinkPackage#getDocumentRoot_XSISchemaLocation() * @model mapType="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStringToStringMapEntry" keyType="java.lang.String" valueType="java.lang.String" transient="true" * extendedMetaData="kind='attribute' name='xsi:schemaLocation'" * @generated */ EMap getXSISchemaLocation(); /** * Returns the value of the 'Actuate' attribute. * The default value is "onLoad". * The literals are from the enumeration {@link org.w3.xlink.ActuateType}. * * * * * The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing * of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; * it's value should be treated as follows: * onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading * the starting resource * onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending * resource only on a post-loading event triggered for * this purpose * other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link * for hints * none - behavior is unconstrained * * @return the value of the 'Actuate' attribute. * @see org.w3.xlink.ActuateType * @see #isSetActuate() * @see #unsetActuate() * @see #setActuate(ActuateType) * @see org.w3.xlink.XlinkPackage#getDocumentRoot_Actuate() * @model default="onLoad" unsettable="true" * extendedMetaData="kind='attribute' name='actuate' namespace='##targetNamespace'" * @generated */ ActuateType getActuate(); /** * Sets the value of the '{@link org.w3.xlink.DocumentRoot#getActuate Actuate}' attribute. * * * @param value the new value of the 'Actuate' attribute. * @see org.w3.xlink.ActuateType * @see #isSetActuate() * @see #unsetActuate() * @see #getActuate() * @generated */ void setActuate(ActuateType value); /** * Unsets the value of the '{@link org.w3.xlink.DocumentRoot#getActuate Actuate}' attribute. * * * @see #isSetActuate() * @see #getActuate() * @see #setActuate(ActuateType) * @generated */ void unsetActuate(); /** * Returns whether the value of the '{@link org.w3.xlink.DocumentRoot#getActuate Actuate}' attribute is set. * * * @return whether the value of the 'Actuate' attribute is set. * @see #unsetActuate() * @see #getActuate() * @see #setActuate(ActuateType) * @generated */ boolean isSetActuate(); /** * Returns the value of the 'Arcrole' attribute. * *

* If the meaning of the 'Arcrole' attribute isn't clear, * there really should be more of a description here... *

* * @return the value of the 'Arcrole' attribute. * @see #setArcrole(String) * @see org.w3.xlink.XlinkPackage#getDocumentRoot_Arcrole() * @model dataType="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xml.type.AnyURI" * extendedMetaData="kind='attribute' name='arcrole' namespace='##targetNamespace'" * @generated */ String getArcrole(); /** * Sets the value of the '{@link org.w3.xlink.DocumentRoot#getArcrole Arcrole}' attribute. * * * @param value the new value of the 'Arcrole' attribute. * @see #getArcrole() * @generated */ void setArcrole(String value); /** * Returns the value of the 'From' attribute. * *

* If the meaning of the 'From' attribute isn't clear, * there really should be more of a description here... *

* * @return the value of the 'From' attribute. * @see #setFrom(String) * @see org.w3.xlink.XlinkPackage#getDocumentRoot_From() * @model dataType="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xml.type.String" * extendedMetaData="kind='attribute' name='from' namespace='##targetNamespace'" * @generated */ String getFrom(); /** * Sets the value of the '{@link org.w3.xlink.DocumentRoot#getFrom From}' attribute. * * * @param value the new value of the 'From' attribute. * @see #getFrom() * @generated */ void setFrom(String value); /** * Returns the value of the 'Href' attribute. * *

* If the meaning of the 'Href' attribute isn't clear, * there really should be more of a description here... *

* * @return the value of the 'Href' attribute. * @see #setHref(String) * @see org.w3.xlink.XlinkPackage#getDocumentRoot_Href() * @model dataType="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xml.type.AnyURI" * extendedMetaData="kind='attribute' name='href' namespace='##targetNamespace'" * @generated */ String getHref(); /** * Sets the value of the '{@link org.w3.xlink.DocumentRoot#getHref Href}' attribute. * * * @param value the new value of the 'Href' attribute. * @see #getHref() * @generated */ void setHref(String value); /** * Returns the value of the 'Label' attribute. * *

* If the meaning of the 'Label' attribute isn't clear, * there really should be more of a description here... *

* * @return the value of the 'Label' attribute. * @see #setLabel(String) * @see org.w3.xlink.XlinkPackage#getDocumentRoot_Label() * @model dataType="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xml.type.String" * extendedMetaData="kind='attribute' name='label' namespace='##targetNamespace'" * @generated */ String getLabel(); /** * Sets the value of the '{@link org.w3.xlink.DocumentRoot#getLabel Label}' attribute. * * * @param value the new value of the 'Label' attribute. * @see #getLabel() * @generated */ void setLabel(String value); /** * Returns the value of the 'Role' attribute. * *

* If the meaning of the 'Role' attribute isn't clear, * there really should be more of a description here... *

* * @return the value of the 'Role' attribute. * @see #setRole(String) * @see org.w3.xlink.XlinkPackage#getDocumentRoot_Role() * @model dataType="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xml.type.AnyURI" * extendedMetaData="kind='attribute' name='role' namespace='##targetNamespace'" * @generated */ String getRole(); /** * Sets the value of the '{@link org.w3.xlink.DocumentRoot#getRole Role}' attribute. * * * @param value the new value of the 'Role' attribute. * @see #getRole() * @generated */ void setRole(String value); /** * Returns the value of the 'Show' attribute. * The default value is "new". * The literals are from the enumeration {@link org.w3.xlink.ShowType}. * * * * * The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation * of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's * value should be treated as follows: * new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other * presentation context * replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or * other presentation context * embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the * starting resource * other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the * link for hints * none - behavior is unconstrained * * @return the value of the 'Show' attribute. * @see org.w3.xlink.ShowType * @see #isSetShow() * @see #unsetShow() * @see #setShow(ShowType) * @see org.w3.xlink.XlinkPackage#getDocumentRoot_Show() * @model default="new" unsettable="true" * extendedMetaData="kind='attribute' name='show' namespace='##targetNamespace'" * @generated */ ShowType getShow(); /** * Sets the value of the '{@link org.w3.xlink.DocumentRoot#getShow Show}' attribute. * * * @param value the new value of the 'Show' attribute. * @see org.w3.xlink.ShowType * @see #isSetShow() * @see #unsetShow() * @see #getShow() * @generated */ void setShow(ShowType value); /** * Unsets the value of the '{@link org.w3.xlink.DocumentRoot#getShow Show}' attribute. * * * @see #isSetShow() * @see #getShow() * @see #setShow(ShowType) * @generated */ void unsetShow(); /** * Returns whether the value of the '{@link org.w3.xlink.DocumentRoot#getShow Show}' attribute is set. * * * @return whether the value of the 'Show' attribute is set. * @see #unsetShow() * @see #getShow() * @see #setShow(ShowType) * @generated */ boolean isSetShow(); /** * Returns the value of the 'Title' attribute. * *

* If the meaning of the 'Title' attribute isn't clear, * there really should be more of a description here... *

* * @return the value of the 'Title' attribute. * @see #setTitle(String) * @see org.w3.xlink.XlinkPackage#getDocumentRoot_Title() * @model dataType="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xml.type.String" * extendedMetaData="kind='attribute' name='title' namespace='##targetNamespace'" * @generated */ String getTitle(); /** * Sets the value of the '{@link org.w3.xlink.DocumentRoot#getTitle Title}' attribute. * * * @param value the new value of the 'Title' attribute. * @see #getTitle() * @generated */ void setTitle(String value); /** * Returns the value of the 'To' attribute. * *

* If the meaning of the 'To' attribute isn't clear, * there really should be more of a description here... *

* * @return the value of the 'To' attribute. * @see #setTo(String) * @see org.w3.xlink.XlinkPackage#getDocumentRoot_To() * @model dataType="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xml.type.String" * extendedMetaData="kind='attribute' name='to' namespace='##targetNamespace'" * @generated */ String getTo(); /** * Sets the value of the '{@link org.w3.xlink.DocumentRoot#getTo To}' attribute. * * * @param value the new value of the 'To' attribute. * @see #getTo() * @generated */ void setTo(String value); } // DocumentRoot