EXT MAPPANE ~~~~~~~~~~~ MODULE MAINTAINER: Adrian Custer, Ian Turton IP REVIEW: * Jody Garnett August 1st, 2006 * Adrian Custer, June 2008 STATUS: CLEAN Code is CLEAN A previously identified issue with the swing icons has been resolved on trunk: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GEOT-1904 This package is a "rescue" for the origional JStyledMapPane demo code used by GeoTools 2.0, this code was not updated to the new CRS system and had been neglected. Ian brought together a quick cut of the important part for GeoTools 2.2, and it will be used by several geotools demos. * org.geotools.gui.swing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * org.geotools.gui.swing.resources ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Michael Bedward created new icons for JMapPane * org.geotools.gui.swing.tools ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Looks to be the origional GeoTools 2.0 "tools" framework started by cameron, brought back from the dead for mappane use. * data ~~~~ We have included some sample data so people can see something happen. IP: * Test data from uDig project (LGPL)