/* * Simple demonstration program for Geotools 2's CTS module. * http://www.geotools.org */ // Geotools dependencies import org.geotools.pt.*; import org.geotools.cs.*; import org.geotools.ct.*; // Other packages import java.io.*; import org.geotools.units.*; import javax.media.jai.ParameterList; /** * An example of application reading points from the standard input, transforming * them and writting the result to the standard output. This class can be run from * the command-line using the following syntax: * *
 * java TransformationConsole [classification]
* * Where [classification] is the the classification name of the projection to perform. * The default value is "Mercator_1SP". The list of supported classification name is * available here: * * http://modules.geotools.org/cts-coordtrans/apidocs/org/geotools/ct/package-summary.html * * To exit from the application, enter "exit". * * @version $Id: TransformationConsole.java,v 1.3 2003/07/25 18:06:42 desruisseaux Exp $ * @author Martin Desruisseaux */ public class TransformationConsole { /** * The program main entry point. * * @param args Array of command-line arguments. This small demo accept only * one argument: the classification name of the projection to * perform. * * @throws IOException if an error occured while reading the input stream. * @throws FactoryException if a coordinate system can't be constructed. * @throws TransformException if a transform failed. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, FactoryException, TransformException { /* * Check command-line arguments. */ String classification; switch (args.length) { case 0: classification = "Mercator_1SP"; break; case 1: classification = args[0]; break; default: System.err.println("Expected 0 or 1 argument"); return; } /* * The factory to use for constructing coordinate systems. */ CoordinateSystemFactory csFactory = CoordinateSystemFactory.getDefault(); /* * Construct the source CoordinateSystem. We will use a geographic coordinate * system, i.e. one that use (latitude,longitude) coordinates. Latitude values * are increasing north and longitude values area increasing east. Angular units * are degrees and prime meridian is Greenwich. Ellipsoid is WGS 84 (a commonly * used one for remote sensing data and GPS). Note that the Geotools library * provides simpler ways to construct geographic coordinate systems using default * values for some arguments. But we show here the complete way in order to show * the range of possibilities and to stay closer to the OpenGIS's specification. */ Unit angularUnit = Unit.DEGREE; HorizontalDatum datum = HorizontalDatum.WGS84; PrimeMeridian meridian = PrimeMeridian.GREENWICH; GeographicCoordinateSystem sourceCS = csFactory.createGeographicCoordinateSystem( "My source CS", angularUnit, datum, meridian, AxisInfo.LATITUDE, AxisInfo.LONGITUDE); /* * Construct the target CoordinateSystem. We will use a projected coordinate * system, i.e. one that use linear (in metres) coordinates. We will use the * same ellipsoid than the source geographic coordinate system (i.e. WGS84). * * Note: The 'sourceCS' argument below is the geographic coordinate system * to base projection on. It is also the source coordinate system in * this particular case, but it may not alway be the case. */ Unit linearUnit = Unit.METRE; Ellipsoid ellipsoid = datum.getEllipsoid(); ParameterList params = csFactory.createProjectionParameterList(classification); if (false) { // Set optional parameters here. This example set the false // easting and northing just for demonstration purpose. params.setParameter("false_easting", 1000.0); params.setParameter("false_northing", 1000.0); } Projection projection = csFactory.createProjection("My projection", classification, params); ProjectedCoordinateSystem targetCS = csFactory.createProjectedCoordinateSystem( "My target CS", sourceCS, projection, linearUnit, AxisInfo.X, AxisInfo.Y); /* * Now, we have built source and destination coordinate systems ('sourceCS' * and 'targetCS'). There is some observations about their relationships: * * * We use the same ellipsoid (WGS 84) for both, but it could as well be * different. However, datum shift seems broken in current 'cts-coordtrans' * implementation. It is safer to use the same datum for now. * * * The axis order is inverted between the source (latitude,longitude) * and the target (x,y). This is up to the user to choose the axis * order he want; Geotools should correctly swap them as needed. User * could as well reverse axis orientation (e.g. make longitude values * increasing West); Geotools should handle that correctly. * * Now, get the transformation. */ CoordinateTransformationFactory trFactory = CoordinateTransformationFactory.getDefault(); CoordinateTransformation transformation = trFactory.createFromCoordinateSystems(sourceCS, targetCS); /* * The CoordinateTransformation object contains information about * the transformation. It does not actually perform the transform * operations on points. In order to transform points, we must get * the math transform. * * Because source and target coordinate systems are both two-dimensional, * this transform object will actually be an instance of MathTransform2D. * The MathTransform2D interface is a Geotools's extension that is not part * of the OpenGIS's specification. This class provides additional methods * for interoperability with Java2D. If the user want to use it, he have to * cast the transform to MathTransform2D. */ MathTransform transform = transformation.getMathTransform(); /* * Now, read lines from the standard input, transform them, * and write the result to the standard output. Note: Java * is not very good for console application. See many bug * reports (e.g. http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/bugParade/bugs/4071281.html). */ System.out.print("Projection classification is "); System.out.println(classification); System.out.println("Enter (latitude longitude) coordinates separated by a space."); System.out.println("Enter \"exit\" to finish."); final BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); String line; while ((line=in.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); if (line.equalsIgnoreCase("exit")) { break; } int split = line.indexOf(' '); if (split >= 0) { double latitude = Double.parseDouble(line.substring(0, split)); double longitude = Double.parseDouble(line.substring( split)); CoordinatePoint point = new CoordinatePoint(latitude, longitude); point = transform.transform(point, point); System.out.println(point); } } } }