GeoTools2 Module dependencies.

Module Dependencies Test Dependencies Platform
core none   all
defaultcore core   all
java2drendereing core defaultcore j2se
awtRendering core defaultcore java1.1
algorithms core   all
gmldatasource core defaultcore all
shapefile core defaultcore all
proj4j none   all
swinggui core defaultcore,shapefile j2se

Note on depenencies

At the moment no distinction is made in the build process between dependencies for a given module and dependencies to run the tests for a given module. For example most unit tests require defaultcore to be present. The above table makes the seperation clear and it would be good if the build process reflected this.

Note on platforms

j2se - may use any java api upto and including the most recent stable release (1.4 at time of writing)

java1.1 - must compile on java 1.1.

j2me - must compile on j2me.

All - should compile on j2se, java 1.1 and j2me either directly or via automated conversion scripts.

Note on releases

The build process does not yet create custom releases, but any final system would typicaly select the appropriate modules for given user needs and target platform.

Some example releases might be:

Release Modules
J2SE Application core, defaultcore, swinggui, java2drendering, algorithms, gmldatasource
Java1.1 applet core, defaultcore, awtgui, awtRendering, shapefile

TODO: This file was generated by hand, in future it would be important for the dependency list to be generated automaticaly.

$Header: /home/root/geotools/geotools2/geotools-src/gtbuild/www/Attic/dependencies.html,v 1.1 2002/05/09 13:00:41 jmacgill Exp $