Oracle Spatial Data Source Implementation for Geotools ** Build Issues ** The Oracle spatial data source requires jars that are non-distributable by the Geotools team. These jars are the sodapi.jar and the Oracle thin JDBC driver (classes12.jar). We do provide a dummy jar that contains stub classes to allow the Oracle data source to build, however the real jars will be required to run anything that uses the data source. You can either just include these jars in your runtime or copy the jars to you Maven repository under the oracle/jars directory. If you choose the second option, you can make maven use the real jars over the stub jar by commenting out this: dummy_spatial oracle 8.1.7 in the project.xml file and uncommenting this: This is also required for running the tests. ** Running Tests ** Firstly, you must setup an Oracle database with spatial support and load the tables and data found in tests/unit/testData/testData.sql. Then edit the file to point to your database. Then you need to edit the project.xml file. Find the section that has the comment saying "This section excludes the tests" and comment it out, then uncomment the section that says "Uncomment to run tests". Then you can type maven test in the oraclespatial directory. ** Further Help ** If you are still having problems getting the Oracle Data Source to work, contact Sean Geoghegan at