========== Validation ========== The gt-validation module provides a framework for defining data quality constraints in the form of a validation framework. This allows an application to define constraints based on business rules, along with code to help check these constraints prior to commit being called. Similar in practice to traditional database integrity checks, the module works across datastore boundaries and specific to the geospatial domain. Were possible the naming and feature set has been brought in line with commercial offerings to ease migration. References: * http://vwfs.refractions.net/ * http://vwfs.refractions.net/docs/Plugin_API.pdf * http://vwfs.refractions.net/docs/Validation_Language.pdf **Maven**:: org.geotools gt-validation ${geotools.version} ValidationProcessor ------------------- **ValidationProcessor** is software component offered by gt-validation extension. .. image:: /images/validationProcessor.PNG One thing you will notice is that this is a full extension built on top of the GeoTools library. As a result **ValidationProcessor** is is a ready to use software component with its own file formats and so forth. It is not trying to implement any standards in order to integrate with your your existing infrastructure; it is up to you to host a :doc:`Repository ` allowing the **ValidationProcessor** to access your organisations data. The key concepts offered by the Validation Processor are: * ValidationProcessor - this is the validation engine responsible for running tests against your data. * ValidationResults - this is a class you provide that will be called as each error or warning is found. * Validation - definition of a test to be performed. * FeatureValidation - test is performed on a feature by feature basis * IntegrityValidation - test is performed between two FeatureSources The design of the ValidationProcessor is similar in spirit to JUnit tests; a "test results" object is passed in and used to collect information about the running tests. As this class is provided by your application you can hook these results up to the screen for display; or write out a log file or take other appropriate action. Configuration ------------- THe ValidationProcessor is configured using: * plugin configuration: plugins are defined using a combination of xml and an implementing Java class. This configuration can be reused between applications; and are aligned with your organisation data quality policies. Here is an example:: Is Valid Geometry Is this a valid GML geometry for geoserver. org.geotools.validation.spatial.IsValidGeometryValidation This xml file defines the test **Is Valid Geometry**, this definition is backed by the implementation **IsValidGeometryValidation**. * test configuration: tests defined specific to your data. Here is an example of a test suite defined for the data set *lakes*:: Lake Integrity Checks Checks to ensure the lakes are valid Lake Valid Checks that Lakes are represented by valid geometries Is Valid Geometry typeRef LAKES:lakes Stream Stream must not crosss itself (expect on a node) Line Not Self Intersection typeRef STREAMS:streams This file defines a suite of two tests that will be performed against LAKES. * One of these is a reference the the **Is Valid Geometry** plugin defined above. Note that this test is restricted to the typeRef "LAKES:lakes" * The second test is an integrity test that needs to make reference to another layer (ie typeRef "STREAMS.streams"). The test is defined to prevent lakes and streams being used to describe the same water work. Feature Validation Example -------------------------- The following example is minimal: .. literalinclude:: /../src/main/java/org/geotools/api/validation/ValidationExamples.java :language: java :start-after: // validationExample start :end-before: // validationExample end Integrity Validation Example ---------------------------- The following example is minimal and refers to the configuration above: .. literalinclude:: /../src/main/java/org/geotools/api/validation/ValidationExamples.java :language: java :start-after: // validationExample2 start :end-before: // validationExample2 end