Coverage ======== The gt-coverage module provides a way to build and use highly structured grids of numeric values such as imagery data, for instance GeoTIFF format files, or multi-dimensional matrix data, like that found in NetCDF format files. .. image:: /images/gt-coverage.png The gt-coverage module is responsible for: * implementation of the coverage interfaces from :doc:`gt-opengis <../opengis/index>` such as GridCoverage2D and Format * Bridging between Java Advanced Imaging, JAI Image IO and Java Image facilities and the geospatial idea of a GridCoverage * Recognising additional formats available on the CLASSPATH using **GridFormatFinder** The module supports the use of coverage information (ie raster) from a range of sources. **Tutorial** * :doc:`/tutorial/raster/image` **Maven**:: org.geotools gt-coverage ${geotools.version} **Contents** .. sidebar:: Details .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 faq internal/index Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 grid Format plugins: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 arcgrid arcsde geotiff grassraster gtopo30 image imageio jdbc/index oracle pgraster mosaic pyramid Unsupported plugins: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 coverageio experiment geotiff_new image-collection jp2k netCDF matlab tools