Metadata ======== Metadata is used by GeoTools to describe GeoSpatial information and services. The data structure is an implementation of ISO19115 (for metadata describing spatial data). .. image:: /images/gt-metadata.png The gt-metadata module also pulls double duty as the first implementation module it is responsible for providing the facilities we use to wire the library together at runtime. The gt-metadata module is responsible for: * implementation of the metadata interfaces from :doc:`gt-opengis <../opengis/index>` such as Citation and Identifier * Configuring the library at runtime with **GeoTools** and **FactoryRegistery** and **Logging** facilities * Utility classes with helpful implementations for Collections, Caching and Object pools **References** * ISO 19115 * ISO 19119 **Maven**:: org.geotools gt-metadata ${geotools.version} **Contents** .. sidebar:: Details .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 faq internal/index .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 metadata geotools range text