Text ---- The **Text** utility class helps your code access GeoTools text facilities.: .. literalinclude:: /../src/main/java/org/geotools/metadata/MetadataExamples.java :language: java :start-after: // exampleText start :end-before: // exampleText end The idea of an InternationalString comes from the gt-opengis module. The above class is backed by a couple of implementations provided by gt-metadata: * ResourceInternationalString Used to set up an InternationalString based on a resource bundle. .. literalinclude:: /../src/main/java/org/geotools/metadata/MetadataExamples.java :language: java :start-after: // exampleResourceInternationalString start :end-before: // exampleResourceInternationalString end As noted above Java ResourceBundle is responsible for loading the correct property file for the requested String. * SimpleInternationalString This is used when you need to quickly get back to work. You can replace the default english text with a real translator when a volunteer shows interest. .. literalinclude:: /../src/main/java/org/geotools/metadata/MetadataExamples.java :language: java :start-after: // exampleSimpleInternationalStirng start :end-before: // exampleSimpleInternationalStirng end * GrowableInternaionalString The easiest one to use as a programmer; allows you to set up multiple translations in code. .. literalinclude:: /../src/main/java/org/geotools/metadata/MetadataExamples.java :language: java :start-after: // exampleGrowableInternationalString start :end-before: // exampleGrowableInternationalString end