Symbology Encoding ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The GeoTools rendering process is controlled styling information that you provide. The data structures we use to describe styling are based on the Style Layer Descriptor (SLD) and Symbology Encoding (SE) specifications provided by the OGC. These specifications define an XML document you can use to save and load your styles on disk, we use the same data structure internally to control the rendering process. References: * :doc:`style ` (tutorial) * :doc:`gt-api sld <../api/sld>` * :doc:`gt-render style <../render/index>` * (style layer descriptor) * (symbology encoding) FeatureTypeStyle ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Symbology Encoding specification provides us the FeatureTypeStyle which is focused on how to draw features in a manner similar to CSS. .. image:: /images/se.PNG The key concepts for symbology encoding are: * FeatureTypeStyle: captures the recipe for drawing a specific kind of feature * Rule: used to select features for drawing, using a list of symbolizers to control the actual drawing process. * Symbolizer Symbolizer '''''''''' A Symbolizer defines how a geometry is to be rendered in terms of pixels; selecting the geometry from the feature, and drawing using the information provided here. .. image:: /images/symbolizer.PNG .. note:: The Symbology Encoding standard does its best to render something in all cases; thus a PointSymbolizer applied to a Polygon will draw a point in the centre, more interestingly a LineSymbolizer applied to a point will draw a small line (of a fixed size) at the indicated location. The available symbolizers are: * TextSymbolizer Used to control the labelling system; labels are generated by TextSymbolizers and thrown into the rendering engine which detect overlaps, sorts things out according to priorities you have defined and decides on a final label placement. * LineSymbolizer Used to control how lines (or edges) are drawn. * PolygonSymbolizer Used to control how solid shapes are drawn. * PointSymbolizer Used to draw a point location, the actual graphic drawn is referred to as a Mark with the option to use some well known marks (circle, square etc..) or your own external graphics such as PNG icons. * RasterSymbolizer Used to control the rendering of raster data with full "color map" control. Here is a quick example showing the creation of a PointSymbolizer: .. literalinclude:: /../src/main/java/org/geotools/opengis/ :language: java :start-after: // styleFactoryExample start :end-before: // styleFactoryExample end Fill '''' Fill is used both to fill a polygon, and also when creating greater control over Mark appearance (where it can be used to define the interior of a Mark). .. image:: /images/fill.PNG Stroke '''''' In a similar fashion Stroke is used to render edges (either polygon edges, linestrings or the outside edge of a Mark). .. image:: /images/stroke.PNG Graphic ''''''' The idea of a Graphic is used in a number of contexts when drawing: * Graphic: As an "icon" when rendering a point location * GraphicFilter: As a pattern when filling an area * GraphicStroke: As a pattern when drawing along a line * GraphicLegend: As a an entry in a legend (GeoTools does not use this one yet) Although the symbology encoding specification defines the above destinct kinds of Graphic the GeoTools library does not distinguish between them at this time. .. image:: /images/graphic.PNG The interesting part is the list of **GraphicalSymbol**. This list is considered in order, with the rendering engine selecting the first format it is able to draw allowing you to order your highest quality **ExternalGraphic** formats first (such as SVG or a true type font) and moving on to lower quality choices such as PNG files and finally ending with a fallback **Mark**. * ExternalGraphic In addition to allowing you the use of svg and image formats there is the interesting use of *inline content* in the form of a Java Icon allowing you greater control. You also have a chance to apply colour replacements (which cab be used to render a black and white image into a set colour as needed. * Mark Check the javadocs for the list of well known names (such as "circle" or "square"). Of interest is the use of an **ExternalMark** in which the mark index can be used to refer to a specific character entry in a true type font. StyleVisitor ^^^^^^^^^^^^ A style visitor is defined allowing you to traverse the style data structure. For details on the use of a visitor please review :doc:`filter` on the subject. StyleFactory ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Objects for symbology encoding are created using a StyleFactory:: sf = CommonFactoryFinder.getStyleFactory(null); FilterFactory2 ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2(null); Fill fill = sf.fill(null, ff.literal(Color.BLUE), ff.literal(1.0));