Process Feature Plugin ---------------------- The gt-process-feature plugin gathers up a number of high quality processes for working with vector information. **Maven**:: org.geotools gt-process-feature ${geotools.version} Transform ^^^^^^^^^ Transform a feature collection using a series of expressions to define each attribute. The definition of the output feature type can be provided as a Definition data structure or using a simple string format: .. literalinclude:: /../src/main/java/org/geotools/process/ :language: java :start-after: // transform start :end-before: // transform end This is a very flexible process which can be used to: * Change the order of attributes - resulting in a new feature type:: INPUT Schema DEFINITION OUTPUT Schema the_geom: Polygon the_geom the_geom: Polygon name: String id id: Long id: Long name name: String description: String description description: String * Rename or remove attributes - resulting in a new feature type:: INPUT Schema DEFINITION OUTPUT Schema the_geom: Polygon the_geom the_geom: Polygon name: String id_code=id id_code: Long id: Long summary=description summary: String description: String * Process geometry - using functions like "the_geom=simplify( the_geom, 2.0 )" or "the_geom=centriod( the_geom )":: INPUT Schema DEFINITION OUTPUT Schema the_geom: Polygon the_geom=centriod(the_geom) the_geom: Point name: String name name: String id: Long id id: Long description: String description description: String * Generate additional attributes using the form: area=area( the_geom ):: INPUT Schema DEFINITION OUTPUT Schema the_geom: Polygon the_geom=centriod(the_geom) the_geom: Point name: String name name: String id: Long id id: Long description: String description description: String area=area( the_geom) area: Double text=concatenate(name,'-',id) text: String