MODULE RENDER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Module Maintainer: Jesse Eichar IP Review: * Jody Garnett, August 6th, 2006 * Adrian Custer, June 6th 2008 STATUS: DIRTY Code is CLEAN -- we presume copyright transfer from (C) 2002, Centre for Computational Geography Data are UNKNOWN: Geosolutions needs to fix (see the last entry). - afabiani: apart usa.png the other test-data is safe. usa.png comes from GIDB client it shouldn't be reliable to be distributed under LGPL license. * org.geotools.renderer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contains a "unified" rendering interface for which several implementations have been made available. * org.geotools.renderer.lite ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Andrea's experimental simplified rendering pipeline, on the grounds that simple code can be debugged, and go fast. * ListenerList appears to hava JFace javadocs ... this needs to be fixed (or reimplemented) * org.geotools.renderer.lite.gridcoverage2d ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Think this was recently added from the coverage branch, (C) says 2002 ... going to guess 2005. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some code here dates back to 2003, appears to be some cross over with the geovista project (supporting dynamic style obejcts and the like). * org.geotools.renderer.[lite|style] (test) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fun with JUnit. * some test case headers are cleary (C) 2002, so will need to use svn history to sort this module out. * Resources ~~~~~~~~~ ** render/src/test/resources/org/geotools/referencing/piecewise/test-data/usa.png Some unclassified image with vector overlay from Alessio Fabiani ** render/src/test/resources/org/geotools/renderer/lite/test-data/ A slew of files ** render/src/test/resources/org/geotools/renderer/lite/gridcoverage2d/test-data/ A slew of files ** render/src/test/resources/org/geotools/renderer/style/test-data/star.sld Taken from the user list, so ok.