PLUGIN IMAGE ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Module Maintainer: Simone Giannecchini, Alessio Fabiani (developers) IP Review: * Jody Garnett, July 15th, 2006 * Adrian Custer, June 2008 STATUS: DIRTY Code is CLEAN Data origins unknown - afabiani: * etopo.tif don't remeber where it come from. It should be safe * Pk50095.tif comes from Slovenia and it shouldn't be safe (ask to Blaz Repnik) * usa.tif comes from GIDB client. It is not safe This module contains code based on the origional image rendering code in GeoTools 2.0, this code was refactored in the face of a new CoordinateReferenceSystem interface to work with GeoAPI GridCoverageExchange and GridCoverage interfaces for GeoTools 2.1. * org.geotools.gce.image ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Module started by Richard Gould to restore some ability to handle images for GeoTools 2.1, the GeoServer WCS project has be head of a grid coverage QA run which updated this module for GeoTools 2.3. * org.geotools.gce.image (test) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Many test cases date from Richard Gould's CRS changeover.